I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 572: Ginseng soup

Chapter 572 Ginseng Soup

“Just because you don’t want to go to the morning court and approve the memorial?”

 Delong's face was solemn, and he always felt that Lin Yi was lying to him.

Who would believe this reason?

Lin Yi smiled and said, "Father, you have to understand that when your son is at this stage, does it make any difference whether he ascends the throne or not?"

Whether he is the emperor or not, he is the leader of the Liang Kingdom. He is still drunk on the knees of beauties and awake with a murderous sword.

Emperor Delong said, "While talking and laughing about grand plans and hegemony, one cannot overcome the drunkenness of life. Since ancient times, who has not loved power?

 When I die, you still have to take the throne. Is there any difference between taking the throne early and taking the throne late? "

Lin Yi said, "Just kidding, my father's aura is long, and he will naturally live a hundred years."

Emperor Delong sighed and said, "You know your body. You will live for a few years. You will eventually have to sit on this dragon chair."

If the throne of the emperor is vacant, all the heroes in the world will be able to oust him, and then the civil strife will continue. Isn't this what you want to see? "

“If there really are so-called heroes, my son really wants them to come out and catch them all,”

Lin Yi didn’t take it seriously, “There are countries without a king in the world, but I don’t know of a country without people.

  If the civil rights exist, the country will survive; if the civil rights disappear, the country will perish.

If everyone has power, his country will prosper; if everyone has no power, his country will fall. "

Emperor Delong looked at Lin Yi in surprise. He didn't expect that his son would also have trouble with his essays. He couldn't help but snorted, "Who taught you this nonsense?"

Lin Yidao, "My son realized this all by himself, he doesn't need anyone to teach him at all."

 Which online novel did you see it in?

 He couldn’t remember either.

 After all, he has such a bad memory.

With the support of Liu Chaoyuan, Emperor Delong stood up slowly and walked to Lin Yi. He squinted his eyes and looked Lin Yi up and down again, "Are you really unwilling to ascend the throne?"

 “At least I won’t ascend the throne now,”

Lin Yi cupped his hands and said, "When my son wants to ascend the throne in the future, he will naturally ascend the throne."

Emperor Delong waved his hands feebly and said, "It's up to you."

Lin Yi looked at Liu Chaoyuan, "Liu Chongfeng, are the people from Jizhao'an still in Ankang City?"

Liu Chaoyuan smiled and said, "The imperial guards are well-informed, so why would the prince deliberately ask the younger one?"

Lin Yidao, "You really don't know?"

Liu Chaoyuan hesitated and said, "It is said that Jingyi and Jingkuan did not come out after entering Tianning Temple."

 “Entered Tianning Temple?”

Lin Yi frowned.

Emperor Delong said, "Tianning Temple is the outer gate of Jizhao Temple."

ˆ “.”

Lin Yi couldn’t close his mouth in surprise, “Same as Tang Clan?

 Why has no one told me? "

Liu Chaoyuan said, "This is a hidden matter. Very few people know about it. Even the eldest princess may not know anything about it."

“Three Cunning Rabbits, I’m probably talking about them. After thousands of years, the family has not been exterminated, and they do still have some skills.”

Lin Yi then thought of the rumored Vajra Platform, "Does the Vajra Platform have an outer door?"

Emperor Delong snorted coldly, "Isn't it enough that all the generals in the world are half out of the Vajra Stage?"

 “What the father said is,”

Lin Yi was convinced, "My maternal grandfather, as well as several of my uncles, Mei Jingzhi, all came from Jingangtai."

Even the royal family members such as King Pingchuan and King Yong came from King Kong Platform.

 This is fame and connections that money can’t buy!

As long as you don’t seek death, you can survive.

Emperor Delong said, "Those bald thieves should be more careful."

Lin Yi smiled and said, "Isn't the relationship between my father and Elder Wuxiang very good?"

Emperor Delong glared at him and said, "You are still my son."

ˆ “.”

Lin Yi smiled and said, "Did the father ever guard against his son before?"

Emperor Delong said, "You also have sons, and you will have many sons. Even if I am above the Nine Heavens, I will watch with my eyes wide open."

Lin Yi really wanted to provoke him.

With your virtues, do you still want to go to heaven after death?

 It would be good if you don’t go to hell.

But for fear of irritating him, I didn’t dare to say anything. I just asked out of curiosity, “What’s the plot of this Vajra Platform?”

 Seeing Emperor Delong sitting on the couch again, with his eyes slightly closed and silent, he looked at Liu Chaoyuan.

“This Vajra Platform is the same as Jizhao Temple, with the mission of helping the world.”

Liu Chaoyuan said slowly and leisurely.

 “They all regard themselves as onions.”

When Liu Chaoyuan said this, Lin Yi understood instantly.

Emperor Delong seemed to be in trance. Lin Yi didn't feel uncomfortable, turned around and left the Qilin Palace. Then he remembered what he was here for.

 The son and daughter stayed in Ci'an Palace.

 Let's go back to Ci'an Palace again.

“Did you hear what I just said?”

Lin Yi asked Xiao Xizi behind him without looking back.

Xiao Xizi said, "Let me tell you, Prince, the people from the Imperial Guard have surrounded Tianning Temple, and the people from Jizhao'an may not be able to fly."

Lin Yi rolled his eyes at him and said, "Do you believe this?"

Xiao Xizi sneered, "What the prince taught you is,"

 Jingyi and Jingkuan are the great masters of the world. It would be difficult to keep them with the three-legged cats of the imperial guards.

"If you say such deceptive nonsense in front of me again, I will definitely let you go to the imperial guard to enjoy Pando's hospitality."

Lin Yi said angrily,

 “Small conviction of sin.”

Xiao Xizi was so frightened that she lost her mind.

 It’s not scary to joke with the prince!

The scary thing is that his master took this as an order!

 At that time, he will have to shed his skin even if he doesn’t die!

Lin Yi ignored him and took a shortcut up the stairs to Ci'an Palace.

Just passing by a pavilion, a little **** poked his head furtively there. When he saw them, he turned around and ran away.

Without Lin Yi’s instructions, Xiao Xizi jumped into the air and blocked the young **** directly.

The little **** was so frightened that he knelt down and kept kowtowing, "Greetings to my father-in-law!"

Xiao Xizi frowned and said, "What are you doing here?"

The little **** was thirteen or fourteen years old. He was so nervous that he was sweating and hesitant to say a word.

Xiao Xizi raised her hand and snorted coldly, "If you don't tell the truth, we will slap you to death!"

 “Happy father-in-law, please be merciful.”

  A clear and melodious figure came out from behind a cypress tree.

Lin Yi raised his head and looked up, and what came face to face was Concubine Kang, the biological mother of the fifth prince Xin Wang. Her hair was **** in a high bun, she was dressed in plain brocade, and she had a slim figure, walking slowly towards him.

 “See regent.”

 “Your Majesty, you’re welcome.”

Lin Yi remembered that Concubine Kang seemed to be two years younger than his mother. Just because she got pregnant earlier, King Xin became his brother.

Concubine Kang glanced at the low-pitched young eunuch, covered her mouth and said with a smile, "This is from my palace. I heard that the prince went to Qilin Palace, so I sent him out specifically to inquire. I didn't expect that the prince would misunderstand."

 “I wonder why the empress is looking for me?”

Lin Yi looked at her face and couldn't help but admire him. This aesthetics is absolutely outstanding!

This Concubine Kang is definitely a disaster. Just the sound of her voice can make people uncontrollable!

Seeing this, Xiao Xizi winked at the little **** who was kneeling on the ground, and retreated together.

Concubine Kang took a step forward again and said with a smile, "I heard that the prince saved his brothers from fighting and resolved Pingcheng's predicament without losing any blood. It's really gratifying to congratulate him."

 “Thank you, ma’am.”

Lin Yi looked at her expression and immediately understood the meaning. This woman was asking for directions for her son, King Xin.

However, if the other party didn’t explain clearly, I just pretended to be confused.

Just there, she listened quietly to Concubine Kang's tugging. She didn't care, but in the end, Concubine Kang couldn't help it. "The prince's love for his brothers is really admirable."

"I haven't seen Brother Wuhuang for a while. I wonder how he is doing outside?"

Lin Yi said casually, "If he has a bad life outside, let him come back. I have reserved a room for him in Dali Temple, including food and accommodation."

Concubine Kang was stunned for a long time, then knelt down and said, "Prince Regent, spare your life."

 She said that tears fell from her eyes.

"I don't dare to bear such a big gift."

Lin Yi was startled and instinctively reached out to help her. As a result, Kang Fei couldn't stand still and fell into his arms. Their eyes met and he could clearly smell her refreshing fragrance.

 He finally understood why Lao Wuxin Wang became Lao Sefei!

Like mother like son.

 She felt a little at a loss for what to do next to this soft body, so Concubine Kang could only say in a sweet voice, "I heard that the prince likes to drink ginseng soup, so I specially made a bowl of it and asked the prince to enjoy it."

  “Ginseng soup.”

Lin Yi hesitated, should he drink or not?

 After drinking it, you are worse than an animal.

  If you don’t drink, you are worse than an animal.

Concubine Kang said with pear blossoms in her eyes, "Does the regent also dislike my concubine?"

Lin Yi raised his head and looked at the snowflakes falling from the sky, and said with a smile, "The snow is getting heavier. I'll go to your place to hide from the snow."

 “Thank you to the regent.”

Concubine Kang was overjoyed.

Xiao Xizi had been waiting at Concubine Kang's door. When Lin Yi came out with support on her waist, she hurriedly stepped forward to help her, "Your Majesty, I have prepared a sedan for you."

 “Then get in the sedan chair.”

Lin Yi felt like his whole body was being hollowed out.

In Ci'an Palace, Concubine Yuan Guifei looked at him with a livid face and said, "It's not good for you to provoke someone, why do you provoke her?"

Lin Yi was stunned.

How is this old lady so awesome?

 Nothing you do can escape her eyes and ears?

 Looked at Xiao Xizi unconsciously.

 “Don’t look at him,”

Concubine Yuan Guifei snorted coldly, "If you did it yourself, don't be afraid of others knowing."

 “The son just couldn’t resist her kindness.”

Lin Yi sighed, not knowing what to say. Could it be that he didn't do anything?

Concubine Yuan Guifei gritted her teeth and said, "Is she also doing it for her son?"

Lin Yi said with a smile, "My mother is wise."

  "Then I can't keep this bitch,"

Concubine Yuan Guifei stood up and walked to Lin Yi, "It is a death penalty for the harem to interfere with the government affairs."

“Mother, it’s not as serious as you said. Please calm down first.”

Lin Yi couldn't help but smile bitterly, thinking back to the beginning, he wished he could send Tang Guifei directly to his bed!

 How come you are interfering in the affairs of the state when you come to Concubine Kang?

 This is clearly a double standard!

Concubine Yuan Guifei snorted coldly, "Did you promise her?"

Lin Yi said with a smile, "I even spared Prince Yong and Prince Yong, not to mention Lao Wu. I have nothing against him in the first place.

 Besides, my son’s current personality is that of a kind and generous person, but he suddenly made Lao Wu click. Isn’t this just gossip? "

Concubine Yuan Guifei didn't understand what "personality" was, but she still understood what Lin Yi meant and sighed, "I'm afraid that you will be soft-hearted and become passive in the end."

Lin Yi patted her shoulder and comforted her, "Do you think it's luck that your son has reached this point?"


Concubine Yuan Guifei was stunned when she heard this.


 Is it really luck that her son is able to become the world leader today?

 “Just relax,”

Lin Yi smiled and said, "My son is not a fool, and even a fool can't be in my position."

Concubine Yuan Guifei pushed his hand away and said angrily, "I am just worried about your health. You are working hard now, how can you let go of women's sex?"

 “Thank you for your concern, mother and concubine. My son is fine.”

Lin Yi left the hall after saying that, then went to the Nuan Pavilion next door to greet Mingyue and the two children to get on the sedan, and then walked out of the palace by himself.

 “Your Majesty.”

Xiao Xizi followed Lin Yi step by step, feeling very uneasy.

Lin Yi said in confusion, "The old lady is so powerful. All the eunuchs and maids in this palace are used by her?"

Xiao Xizi said with a mournful face, "Your Majesty is the master of the harem, and no one dares to disobey her."

  "Do you think that all the things I said to you before are nonsense?"

Lin Yi said bitterly, "What do I need from you?"

 “Please punish me, Your Majesty.”

This time Xiao Xizi was really scared.

 Because Mr. He is really angry!

Lin Yi sighed and said, "I'll say it one last time. From now on, if my affairs can still be heard in her ears, you can find a wall to commit hara-kiri."


 Xiao Xizi said hurriedly.

 Ten days later, the news that King Chu and King Xin returned to Ankang City shocked the government and the public once again.

Lin Yi was also surprised.

He didn’t invite King Chu back?

How dare you come back?

 The Crown Prince, King Jin, King Nanling, King Yongan, and King Dai all went out of the city to greet the prince.

The brothers finished their greetings and went straight to the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

 Lin Yi held a big banquet.

 Emperor Delong is in the middle, with the eldest princess and Concubine Yuan sitting on the left and right.

 “Okay, great.”

Emperor Delong followed the old rules and left with Liu Chaoyuan after saying two sentences.

Everyone looked at the empty seat of honor, and then at the drunken-eyed Lin Yi, all feeling a vague sense of expectation.

“It’s a joy to congratulate Brother Five and Eight Emperors for coming back today,”

Lin Yi held up his wine glass and said with a smile, "Brother Four Emperors, you are the most talented poet here. How about a poem?"

 Jin Dynasty looked at Lin Ning who was standing aside and said with a smile, "How can I dare to do anything with the emperor's sister here?"

Lin Ning said with a smile, "Brother Four Emperors, I am so humble that I am worthy of being an elegant person."

Lin Yi urged, "Brother Emperor, it's you who should do it."


The King of Jin heard the impatience in Lin Yi's words and did not dare to chatter any more. After drinking the wine in the cup, he said loudly, "The evening welcomes the auspicious return of the emperor, and the palace flowers are piled up with brocade on the road.

The king is happy to rejoice with his people, and he shouts from all directions and shakes the earth!"


Lin Yi didn’t understand any of the previous words, but he understood the last sentence!

 This is flattering him!

Lin Yi shouted hello, and everyone also shouted hello, and they all toasted to King Jin, and the atmosphere became more and more lively.

Lin Yi held the wine glass and strolled up to Xie Zan, "Mr. Xie, are you going to leave?"

 “Thank you, Your Majesty.”

 Xie Zan stood up and drank every drop of the wine in the glass.

 “Sit down and talk,”

Lin Yi squeezed beside him and He Jixiang and said with a smile, "My lords, no one has frozen to death in Ankang City in the past two days, right?"

 (End of this chapter)

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