Chapter 115

“Developing new products”

Translated by Dawn

“Developing new products”

“Let’s get started.”

The day after my encounter with Nagartinya, I made a declaration at home alone. Today, I decided to develop a new product to be sold at Greg Trading Company. I would call it developing, but it would be more accurate to call it creating, so I decided to get to work right away. The product to be developed was…….

“Stuffed animals.”

Yes, that “stuffed animal”. You might be wondering why such things were necessary, but in this world, there was a dearth of entertainment. At best, there were arenas and theaters frequented by royalty and nobles, but there was no entertainment of the variety that existed like in my previous life on earth.

The same could be said for the general public, whose entertainment was limited to watching fights and gossiping about marriages and other disputes.

In addition, the inhabitants of this world did not have the sense of value to spend money on entertainment, and their income itself was low, so most of the income earned from work went into savings.

Therefore, if I provided a new kind of entertainment in this world, it would lead to the spending of new money, which could lead to remarkable development in the economy and other areas.

As the first step in this direction, I had my eye on “stuffed animals” as a potential source of entertainment. In other fantasy novels about other worlds, board game products such as reversi and shogi were used, but I decided to start by making plush toys and spreading them throughout the world.

“Here, like this…this is like this…here, here, here!”

The stuffed animals were made of cotton, which was obtained from the dungeon. During the past few days, the dungeon attack had been progressing quite well, and the attack had now been completed up to the 70th level.

On the 47th level of the dungeon, there was a monster called the “Yarn Mite,” which looked like a silkworm about the size of a basketball. Despite the depth of the 47th level, the Yarn Mite was a rare monster that would not attack unless we did nothing.

Instead, belligerent bee- and mantis-shaped monsters roam around the forests where the Yarn Mites live, acting as if they were protecting the Yarn Mites. The yarn generated by those Yarn Mites was spun to make the stuffed animals used in this project.

Even for stuffed animals, the sewing skills were not to be underestimated, and it was quite a challenge to get them into the shape I wanted. Nevertheless, thanks to my newly evolved skills, I was able to complete the stuffed animal as I had hoped.

The resulting stuffed animals were cute deformed versions of the monsters of this world. Some were familiar monsters such as slimes and goblins, while others were animals such as dogs and cats.

I was okay with it, but many people in this world abhor monsters, so I included harmless animals in the collection as a milestone in case it didn’t sell well.

Cotton was also used on the surface to add fluffiness and texture. The company wants to develop a sales strategy targeting female customers, from small children’s toys to adult women who would use them as healing items.

“If it comes to stuffed animals, this is next.”

With this muttering, I pulled out a thick piece of firewood from storage. Using wind magic, I chipped away at the firewood, and it eventually took the form of a certain monster. It was a boar-shaped monster, a Dash Boar, which looked as if it were expressing the rush of a boar with its own body.

The next thing I made……was a figure. The figure was a wooden doll made from a single piece of firewood, as I didn’t deal with plastic or rubber products in this world, but it was so elaborate that it could compete with the technology of the earth.

As for these figures, they were more for adventurers and adults……than for children, and they dare to reproduce realistic structures and elaborate them in order to make them target men in particular. Even though it was made for……adults, it was not made only for men, okay?

In addition, the back of the bottom plate used to support the figure had a piece of light information about the monster modeled on it, making it a bit like a small specimen.

For example, a Dash Boar was “powerful in rushing, but its small size and ease of avoidance make it easy for even a novice adventurer to hunt it. The meat was light and tasty.” The description of the Dash Boar was as follows.

For now, I would like to make wooden dolls of Goblins, Orcs, Sand Ants, and Sappies, modeled after monsters I have encountered so far.

After completing the process, I checked all the pieces with my naked eye to make sure there were no mistakes in the details, and only those that I judged to be OK were collected into storage, while the rest were displayed in an appropriate place because it would be a waste to dispose of them.

Now, this time, I created a product for the purpose of entertainment, and this was usually where the artisan golem would come into play. But this time, I was thinking of a different method of mass production.

“I’ve got to make sure that the trading company can continue to operate even after I’m gone. Even if we can’t make wooden dolls, it might be better to have stuffed animals made by the trading company.”

Yes, this time I had decided to take the method of mass production not by artisan golems, but by handmade by employees hired by the Greg Trading Company. The reason for this was, as I mentioned earlier, that the Greg Trading Company’s current procurement was almost entirely dependent on the delivery of products that I made. Under these circumstances, it was obvious that if I were to suddenly disappear, Greg Trading Company would cease to function. Therefore, I thought it was necessary for Greg to secure its own production route to some extent.

I immediately went to Greg and explained the situation to Greg. Greg had a complicated expression on his face, then a wry smile, and then he began to talk.

“I’ve been thinking about that too. I was thinking that if I just leave the stocking up to you, boy, it will be ruined when you leave for some reason.”

“Then just as well. The products to be sold this time will be manufactured and sold by the employees of Greg Trading Company. I will purchase the materials as usual, but you will eventually be dealing with products that have a complete route from material purchase to sales, so please keep that in mind.”

“I understand. Can I explain this to my employees after we close for business today?”

“Yes, tell everyone that.”

After returning home to maintain and check up on my artisan golem, I waited until the evening when the Greg Trading Company was closed for business and went back to the company.

The trading company was thriving as usual, and now that my name was known as the hero of Orargrand, it was also known that I was the owner of the Greg Trading Company, so I had to hire even more slave employees.

The Greg Trading Company now had 13 employees, including Greg, all of whom were slaves except Greg and Natalie’s siblings.

Although we would have liked to increase the number of pure non-slave employees, the possibility of spies from other trading companies infiltrating the company could not be ruled out, so new employees were limited to slaves only.

Thanks to this, GREG Trading Company had no chance to take advantage of other trading companies, and thankfully, it had a monopoly on the market. Other trading associations had not only watched this situation with their fingers crossed, but also tried to produce and sell similar products, but the quality of their products was far superior to ours, and they had to charge a higher price than the Greg Trading Company’s selling price in order to negotiate with the purchase price. We had to charge a higher price than Greg Trading Company’s selling price because we had to deal with the purchase price.

In our case, the purchase price was free, and the more we charge, the more our sales directly translate into profit. If I were to use a video game analogy, it would be like buying a lot of expensive weapons and armor from the beginning of the game using a secret technique that gave you unlimited money and then defeating the enemy. It would be difficult to lose.

“The reason we gathered here today is to get you involved in the production of the next product we are going to sell.”

The employees start to make noise at my words. Molly, a veteran of the company, asks a question on behalf of the women.

“Does production mean producing something?”

“Yes. This is what I want you to make this time.”

Saying this, I pulled out a deformed monster stuffed animal from storage. Almost everyone who saw the stuffed animal commented on how cute it was. Apparently, there was less aversion to monsters than I had expected.

I also took out other stuffed animals, which were also accepted, naturally. With this reaction, it seemed that there would be no problem selling them to customers.

“I would like you to make this stuffed animal for me this time. How about we start with those of you who are good at sewing taking the lead and then teach those who are not so good at sewing as you get used to it?”

“I think that would be fine.”

“Then, I will teach those of you who are good at sewing how to do it first. So, remember the process well.”

From there, Rolando’s “cool sewing class” was held, where employees with sewing skills were taught how to make stuffed animals. As one would expect from someone who was good at sewing, after just one or two attempts, the plush toys were soon being mass-produced and were comparable to the ones I had made.

Then I asked those who were not so good at sewing to make some stuffed animals, and all of them managed to produce stuffed animals of a quality that could be sold. After I finished teaching them all, I checked the analysis and found that those who originally had sewing skills had increased their skill levels, and those who did not have new sewing skills.

Just to be safe, I asked them to continue making stuffed animals for a few more days for practice. As a side note, Uluru was the last one to be able to make a stuffed animal.

Finally, I would like to add that the other wooden doll was, as I should have expected, a big hit with the women, but was well received by the men.

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