"It seems that the inn is also like that after all."

Translated by Dawn

Edited by Dawn

“It seems that the inn is also like that after all.”

“Welcome to the Summer Sunlight Through the Trees. Boy, do you want to have a meal? Or do you want to stay the night?”

“Yep, I knew it.”

I arrived at an inn called [Summer Sunlight Through the Trees], located about a dozen minutes’ walk from the Adventurers’ Guild.

Upon entering the inn, the woman at the reception desk approached me, and upon seeing her, I couldn’t help but let a few words escape my lips.

The woman appeared to be in her mid-thirties and plump. However, whether it was the experience of aging or her own natural disposition, she still had a feminine sex appeal.

Her long, shiny hair and well-defined face, as well as her ample, voluptuous body and large, shapely breasts, are irresistible to the eye.

“What is it?”

“No, I’m talking about this.”

The woman reacted to my soliloquy, but I managed to cover it up and she too went about her customer service duties.

“We’ll charge you one small silver coin for a night’s lodging, and one small silver coin and five large bronze coins with meals, so what would you like?”

“Five days with meals, please.”

“Got it. Here’s the key to the boy’s room. The room’s on the second floor.”

In exchange for the key she gave me, I paid seven small silver coins and five large copper coins for lodging. The total cost was 7,500 Japanese yen.

“What’s your name, boy?”


“I’m Nusana, the owner of this place. Nice to meet you.”

“Please take care of me from now on. By the way, do the names Misana and Nesana ring any bells?”

Although I had already almost determined the name and appearance of the woman at the time, there was a possibility that she might be someone else’s imitation, so I mentioned the name of the beautiful landlady who had taken care of me up to now. And the answer I got was as I expected.

“They are cousins and twin sisters who work at the inns in the cities of Laresta and Rendark. Do you know them?”

“I was staying with them when I was based in that city. Both of them were beautiful, just like Nusana.”

“Oh, I’m glad to hear you say that. Besides, if those two took care of you, then I have to do my best, too.”

Saying so, She makes a manly gesture by making a strong bicep on her right arm and placing her left hand on the bicep. Her personality seems to have a manly quality that is hard to imagine from her beautiful appearance, and at worst, her behavior is brusque, but it is strange that such a gesture by someone as beautiful as she is makes her look good.

She is wearing a one-piece dress that is often worn by commoner women, and if other women wore such a dress, they would certainly look sloppy.

In spite of this, Nusana’s dress fits her body shape, as if it were the way she was supposed to wear it. And, above all, it is wonderful to see the two fruits that seem to be about to spill out from her ill-fitting bosom, swaying and swaying.

“Boy, you shouldn’t stare at women so much. Some people find it unpleasant.”

“It’s only beautiful women to whom I give these looks, so there’s nothing wrong with that. In fact, I should be proud of myself for having captured so many of their looks.”

“Hahahaha, you say that pretty well, boy! I like it!!!!”

“Then, please take care of me from now on.”

“Got it.”

After a brief chat with Nusana, I headed to my room.

Basically, the structure of inns seems to be the same everywhere, with a dining area and bar on the first floor and rooms for overnight stays on the second floor.

However, since Orargrand is one of the largest cities in the Kingdom of Shells, the inn is quite large, with three floors.

Because of this, I felt that the number of rooms managed and the fact that there are more than a certain number of rooms for two or three people that accommodate more than one person made it very well suited to the number of guests.

The key I was given had the number [205] engraved on it, suggesting that it was probably a room on the second floor as Nusana said.

I proceeded down the second-floor corridor and stopped in front of a room with the number [205] written on a plate on the door. This is probably my room.

I put the key through the keyhole and twisted it to the right, and the room unlocked with a clang. I opened the door, locked it behind my back, and looked around the room.

The room was furnished with a wardrobe, a closet, a round table, two chairs, and a bed large enough for an average adult male to sleep on.

The beds are somewhat aged, as if they have been used for many years, but they do not seem to have neglected their maintenance and are clean and tidy without a single speck of dust.

The sheets themselves are also neatly made up without a single stain or wrinkle and can be described as the work of a true professional.

“The quality of the inn is quite good, as one would expect from an introduction by the Adventurers’ Guild. Well, it was the highest price I’ve ever paid for a place to stay, and shouldn’t it be at least this good?”

I’m not very knowledgeable about the lodging situation in this world, so I can only make a reasonable guess without any evidence, but it seems that I will be able to spend a comfortable time in this town at any rate.

I sit down on the bed and think about the future. The problem at the moment is about that female demon who defeated me.

Since I don’t know the strength of that female demon, I don’t know how much of a difference there is between me and her, but assuming that all of her parameters are SS, the first thing I should do is to strengthen myself.

In this world, physical parameters are not considered very important and tend to be rather dependent on the skill level of Physical Enhancement.

Gyrmzak and his party were no different, but when I first met them, they were able to belong to the A-rank despite their low basic parameters. The reason for this was the physical enhancement.

Their level of physical enhancement was in the quite high category of 4 or 5. They were able to demonstrate their power by boosting their own abilities with these enhancements.

However, because of their low ability, no matter how high the level of physical enhancement they used, the rate of increase was not that great.

If the parameters of the female demon were higher than mine and the level of physical enhancement was the same, it was only logical that the opponent with higher abilities would win.

For this reason, my objective in the labyrinth city this time was to increase my own parameters and find a new means of countering an opponent with a difference in strength.

“Well, first…let’s have some food.”

As I was thinking about this, I realized that it was lunchtime and my stomach rumbled echoing through the room.

Hearing the sound and smiling bitterly, I headed downstairs to the dining room to eat my lunch.

I headed downstairs and was seated at a suitable table, and soon a serving girl arrived. Somehow, she looked like a girl I had seen somewhere before, so I asked her a question out of the blue.

“Are you Nusana-san’s daughter?”

“Eh? Ah, yes. My name is Nusa.”

“You too……”

“What is it?”

“No, it’s nothing. I’m too hungry to order, so I’ll leave it to you to order a dish that will make me somewhat hungry.”


Nusa cheerfully responded to my order, and I waited for the food to be brought to me as I watched her back as she walked briskly to the kitchen.

The dining room in the Summer Sunlight Through the Trees was quite spacious for a big city and had enough space to accommodate about fifty guests without any problems.

Nusa was not the only waitress serving the customers, but there was also a sexy female waitress with a charming bobbed head girl and big Murian-class breasts.

Several other women were also busily performing their serving duties, making the place quite busy.

“I’m sorry to keep you waiting. Please enjoy your meal.”

After a while, the finished dishes were brought to me. The dish consisted of a hearty soup with lots of vegetables, a thick steak, and black bread that can be found anywhere.

The dish itself was a typical menu item, but as one would expect from a meal that cost five large copper coins, it was quite a dish compared to anything else I have ever eaten.

It was well flavored with seasonings, and I couldn’t help but have a second helping.

Being a growing body, I managed to eat my fill, but I knew that if I ate any more, I might be stuck for a while, so I ate in moderation

“Alright, I’m full.”

After the meal, I returned to my room for a short rest. Since there was still some time left, I decided to go out of the inn for a walk around the town about 30 minutes later.

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