Lu Yuan on the side was amused by the two people's scheming.

However, the happy time is always short-lived. Immediately, the armors that were lagging behind caught up one after another, and fell around one after another, and soon surrounded the three of them.

Lu Yuan squinted around and then released two golden heat rays from the eyes of his helmet, killing all the mechas behind him instantly with just his eyes.

This is not a weapon that goes with the suit. As mentioned before, Lu Yuan just put the suit on and actually didn't even activate the system.

So this was his own heat ray, and it burned through the eye armor of the helmet, melting two holes in an instant.

Rhodes exclaimed when he saw this scene: "Cool."

At this time, Tony was not willing to be outdone and shouted: "Ronald, get down."

Immediately afterwards, Tony raised his hands, and fiercely released two red lasers on his arms. As he spun around quickly, all other mechas around him were instantly killed.

There is no chaotic fighting like before, but instant kills right from the start.

Rhodes got up from the ground, looked at Lu Yuan, then at Tony, and said, "I want this kind of weapon too."

But Tony rejected it: "This thing consumes too much. Generally speaking, I don't recommend equipping it. Even I can only consume one shot at full power."

In order to achieve the instant kill effect, Tony used full power consumption when releasing the laser, which still placed a huge burden on energy.

He is not as good as Lu Yuan, he is his own strength.

"Is this the end?" Rhodes asked the two of them. He is now more or less the person in charge of complaining about the Marvel Universe, and sometimes he will complain.

It was obviously the beginning of a big scene before, but Lu Yuan and Tony were instantly killed with one laser shot?

I always feel that it is a bit of a déjà vu that starts high and ends low.

However, the beginning and end are yet to come.

"Bang, bang."

There was a dull sound of footsteps, and another fully armed man wearing heavy armor appeared in front of the three of them.

Maybe Iron Man movies are all in this style?

Whether it was Obadiah's Iron Overlord before or Ivan Vanke, the whiplock who appeared at this time, they all wore uniforms similar to Tony's.

Yes, it was Ivan Vanke who appeared at this time. Perhaps he had realized that SHIELD was going to arrest him, or perhaps this was his final plan, so he left the Hammer Industries headquarters in advance and personally Came here.

One thing needs to be explained clearly. Whip locks and cables are not the same thing. Two people are not the same person.

Whip Lock is the Ivan Vanko in front of him, and he is also one of Tony's many enemies. When he first appeared, he used two powerful whip locks that can connect to the energy of the Ark reactor, which is also the source of his nickname.

Although Cable is called Cable, the weapons it uses have almost nothing to do with Cable.

In fact, Cable himself is a mutant, and his powerful mind and telepathy can even reach the level of Omega.

As for why he is called Cable, it's just a title.

Or maybe it's because of what his father once said to him in the comics: "You will become a chain connecting the past and the future."

So be sure to understand that whip lock and cable may seem to have similar names, but in fact they have nothing to do with each other. Even the origins and meanings of their names are different.

Ivan Vanke, he is the final BOSS at this stage of this chapter.

Lu Yuan sighed, is this the real beginning and ending?

I saw that Ivan Vanke was also wearing a steel armor at this time, and even the style was similar to Tony's suit.

It can be seen that he found inspiration in War Machine.

In addition, the knowledge Ivan Vanko learned from his father can also reproduce a small Ark reactor.

So there was also an energy source embedded in the breastplate of his suit.

The most important thing is, I don't know why he is so obsessed with whips, he has already put on this battle suit, and there are two huge whips inlaid on his left and right arms.

When energy is transferred to the whips through the suit, the two whips will become powerful weapons that can even cut steel easily.



Whiplock and Tony stood face to face on either side.

Whip Lock did not have a helmet, and looked at Tony with hatred in his eyes, and shouted: "Your father expelled my father. Today, I want to avenge my father. I will kill your father's son on my father's behalf."

To put it in such a convoluted way, it actually means that the hatred of the previous generation is inherited to this generation, and then it is up to him to kill Tony and complete his revenge.

But is that really the case?

Tony broke the whip lock: "Do you really know why your father was exiled in the first place? Your father betrayed the country. At the most critical moment when he was researching nuclear weapons, he took palladium elements in exchange for money. And The final decision to banish your father was not made by my father."


Deporting a scientist who could participate in a nuclear weapons research program?

Tony was actually right, Howard didn't have that ability yet, just like a certain country recruited Dr. Zola from Hydra to join S.H.I.E.L.D.

In fact, Howard took the blame for a certain country.

A certain country has always been like this. It wants to be something else, and it also wants a memorial arch.

So for Tony, he still felt aggrieved: "It was your father who wanted to steal the technology of my father and all the scientists who participated in the team at that time to sell it for money, so he was exiled. It is better to say that what you father and son can finally get, except What else is there in the Ark Reactor?”

As mentioned before, the prototype of the Ark reactor was a product that Howard created by the way when he was conducting nuclear weapons research, and this technology was stolen and sold by Ivan Vanke's father.

But that thing was not the core technology of nuclear weapons at all, so when Ivan Vanke's father lived abroad, he was not taken seriously at all.

I thought he could help develop nuclear weapons, but this is what he did?

With the technology at that time, it was not possible to develop the Ark reactor as an energy source, so he was naturally asked to step aside.

Ivan Vanko's father was depressed until recently.

But whose fault is this?

Lu Yuan crossed his arms and found a seat at the back to sit down. It had nothing to do with him anyway.

117. Destroyed Ivan Vanke with a wave of his hand

Does Ivan Vanke really not know what’s going on?

Maybe he really didn't know, because it was a shameful past, and his father would definitely not tell the truth.

But it doesn't seem to be important anymore.

Ivan Vanko had already done so much, and now there was no turning back.

So when faced with Tony's truth, he chose to sneer and directly attack.

In this regard, he is still very decisive.


Two sounds of breaking through the air sounded, and Ivan Vanke had already swung two whip locks, hitting Tony and Rhodes respectively.

The reason why he didn't attack Lu Yuan was not because he knew Lu Yuan couldn't be offended, but because he only had two whip locks.

In addition, Lu Yuan was sitting far away and seemed to have no intention of coming to get in the way, so he ignored him.

Facing Ivan Vanke's attack, Tony and Rhodes subconsciously raised their arms, and "Three Seven Three" blocked the two whip locks with their steel suits.

However, they were also entangled in whip chains.

As mentioned before, Ivan Vanke's whip lock is not an ordinary whip, but can connect to the energy of the Ark reactor.

The energy sources of the three suits are almost the same. Even Tony's Ark reactor is almost the same as the original except for using a new element different from palladium.

For a moment, Tony and Rhodes' energy was disturbed, and even the suit system was somewhat affected.

This makes it impossible for them to break free.

Don't underestimate Ivan Vanke, at least at this point, he designed it this way deliberately.

He wanted to use this method to make Tony and Rhodes unable to resist. On the contrary, because he was prepared in advance, he was able to take care of himself. He sneered and taunted: "Tony, I want you to see what my father left behind." The knowledge is definitely better than what your father passed down to you."

He also wants to prove his father's greatness in this regard.

To be honest, he is still very filial.

"Hey, are you just looking at me like this?" Suddenly, Rhodes turned to Lu Yuan for help.

Tony didn't want to speak because Ivan Vanko mentioned the previous generation of his father's generation.

But Rhodes didn't care, and it had nothing to do with his father.

So Rhode shouted to Lu Yuan without dignity: "Come and help, don't watch the fun."

Lu Yuan looked at Rhodes dumbfounded, "This has just begun. You don't think about how to solve the current predicament, you just want to ask others to help, right?"


"Then let me do it," Lu Yuan said, pressing his hands with his whole body and rushing out of the steel suit.

Tony kindly gave him a set of battle suits, but now that he looks at them, they have all been turned into ashes.

Tony's eyes widened.

Lu Yuan shook his neck and shoulders: "Sure enough, it's still so comfortable."

Then the clothes on his body began to change, and he used his own power to transform into a Superman suit, which he put on lightly.

Superman reappears.

Lu Yuan raised his head and looked at Ivan Vanke.

The latter also looked at Lu Yuan.

Suddenly, Lu Yuan appeared in front of Ivan Vanke in an absolute instant.

Three people have been staring at him, and Jarvis's lock.

But no one could see what he did, as if he had been standing in front of Ivan Vanke from the beginning.

Ivan Vanke was about to take action subconsciously.

However, Lu Yuan had already held down his arms and shook his head slowly: "You shouldn't have come. It's obviously so far away from a certain country and so safe. Why did you come?"

Ivan Vanke and Rhodes didn't understand what he meant. Perhaps only Tony understood what Lu Yuan was going to say.

Lu Yuan would never let Ivan Vanke go, he would never leave him alive, and he would never let a country have the opportunity to obtain more advanced technology.

Tony was about to speak.

Lu Yuan had already taken action, and his hands gradually turned red, and the power to control the flames broke out in Ivan Vanke's suit.

Ivan Vanke quickly noticed something was wrong, but it was too late. The scorching temperature made him cry out in pain: "Ah."

The next second, Ivan Vanke's suit turned into a puddle of molten iron. As for Ivan Vanke, he was only flesh and blood after all, and his whole body had been integrated with the molten iron, making it indistinguishable.

In order not to leave any hidden dangers, Lu Yuan simply melted the molten iron into a small iron ball with more powerful firepower.

After such 'forging', this iron ball far surpasses all the steel in the current world.

Lu Yuan turned around and saw Tony and Rhodes looking at him stupidly.

"You asked me to take action," Lu Yuan spread his hands.

"But you don't have to be so cruel, right?" Rhodes was the first to question: "We can arrest him."

Lu Yuan sneered: "Then let your country have the opportunity to hide him secretly to develop new weapons? Stop joking, don't be stupid, why did Ivan Vanke appear in Hammer Industries? Shouldn't he have been locked up before? Who changed the system of your suit?"

After all, Rhodes is an active soldier and a colonel, so he subconsciously wants to refute 0...

Tony quickly stopped him. Both of them were his friends. He didn't want them to argue over this trivial matter. He changed the subject and asked Lu Yuan: "What about the other suits? Are they going to be destroyed too?"

Unexpectedly, Lu Yuan said: "Why don't you recycle it? You have also seen that Ivan Vanke has developed a remote control system. Have you been too close to Little Pepper recently? Technology has not developed? "

Tony muttered in his mind, Pepper is his girlfriend, is there anything wrong with getting close to his girlfriend?

Of course, he also knew that Lu Yuan was complaining that he was losing his mind by playing with things. Look at Ivan Vanke, he even figured out remote control.

"Okay, thanks for reminding me," Tony said casually, and then asked Rhodes to go somewhere else.

From behind, they could be heard muttering: "I don't know what happened to this person today. Is he so angry?"

Rhodes complained mercilessly: "Maybe I ate gunpowder for dinner."

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