I, Doomsday, Stayed in the Core of the Sun for 100,000 Years

Chapter 470 Speaking of Big Events, How Can You Forget the Anti Monitor

Lu Yuan's self-righteous cleverness thought that making the story a little richer would satisfy Tai Xu.

Unexpectedly, what Tai Xu wanted to observe was his story, not someone else's.

So even if he thinks the story is more exciting, or more complete, with more plot rhythm or something.

But for Tai Xu, he was not satisfied.

According to Tai Xu's statement: "What I want to see is that you crushed the parallax demon to death just like you beat and killed Chu Deng Hurong before."

Who wants to read such a tedious story?

Lu Yuan felt speechless, he was dignified and supreme, and now he has become someone else's actor.

There is no other way, there is still a handle in the hands of others, before Alice is detached, she can only obey obediently.

Lu Yuan could only comfort him: "Don't worry, I have other stories here, don't worry."

After Tai Xu expressed his wait and see, he no longer complained.

Lu Yuan sighed, it was too difficult to serve, if he had known that, he wouldn't have to be so troublesome.

At this time, Howl finally escaped from the gravity of the sun after a lot of hard work.

He came to Lu Yuan and asked, "How is it? I defeated the Parallax Demon, is there any problem now?"

Lu Yuan rolled his eyes, what can he say? He had to nod his head: "Okay, let's go back."

In this way, Lu Yuan walked in front with his hands behind his back, and walked towards the earth in the direction of the universe.

Hal looked at Lu Yuan in confusion, wondering why he wasn't happy.

After returning to Earth, Lu Yuan said goodbye to Hal.

He still owes Taixu a story, or a lot of stories, and doesn't have time to celebrate with Hal.

Moreover, Hal's story has come to an end for the time being.

With Parallax's death, Hector died before he could do too much damage.

In the end, he still couldn't ask for help, and he couldn't overcome the power of fear, so he could only die with the parallax demon.

And Senesto.

Originally, Sinesto had the opportunity to form his own Yellow Lantern Corps, but it was all over.

He himself disappeared into the most primitive particles without a sound, and no one knows how he died.

Next, the Green Lantern line is waiting for another big event.

But after thinking about it.

Brainiac would have brought a big event, but Brainiac has been destroyed.

Darkseid even wiped out the entire New Protoss by Lu Yuan.

Ou Axing did not dare to provoke Lu Yuan.

So how many villains are there in the DC universe at this stage? The kind of super villain that is enough to cause a big event?

Endless family doesn't count.

The Hentai Family is from a comic book titled Sandman, which was created and published by Vertigo Comics, a subsidiary of DC Comics.

That is to say, this work has nothing to do with the superhero of the DC main universe.

Just like the original Watchmen and Doctor Manhattan don't have a relationship with the main universe.

In fact, existences and stories including Constantine and Lucifer have nothing to do with Superman, but they all belong to the DC universe.

And missionaries, etc.

If you look at it this way, the DC universe is still very large and complex. There are many stories that are not related to the story. At the beginning, even the black robe pickets belonged to the DC subsidiary, but they were separated later.

That's right, who would have thought that the black-robed pickets that specialize in black superhero, and most of them are based on DC superhero, were originally born in DC Comics' own subsidiary.

It's just because the black-robed picket team is too much, many things are not just spoofs, not just dark or realistic satire, but more cruel, bloody and even that.

DC had to stop the comic, and even sold it.

Then other companies took over and started new productions.

A bit too far.

In short, Lu Yuan suddenly noticed that at this stage, there are actually very few super villains who can trigger major events.

Although many villains are famous, such as Scarecrow, Joker, and even Penguin and Double Face, but they are only Batman's personal opponents.

Superman also has his own individual opponents, like Luthor.

Every superhero has been accompanied by its own opponent since its birth.

For example, Spider-man has been unable to avoid Green Goblin, S.H.I.E.L.D, Avengers and Captain have always been unable to avoid HYDRA and so on.

Not to mention DC here.

The Flash is always helpless with the rogues.

Including Reverse Lightning or a super fan of The Flash, from chasing stars to falling in love with and killing their idols, it is enough.

So after Brainiac and Darkseid, who else is the main villain of the big event?

"Wait, isn't there an anti-monitor?" Lu Yuan's eyes suddenly lit up.

When it comes to DC events, how can it be possible to bypass the anti-monitor.

Even in the entire history of comics in a certain country, the Infinite Earth Crisis caused by the anti-monitors can be said to be the first big comic event and a milestone.

The importance and special significance of anti-monitors can be seen.

"You should be satisfied now, right?" Lu Yuan didn't know what he was talking to.

In the next second, there was a voice that responded: "Then it depends on your performance and performance."

Lu Yuan shrugged and began to prepare.

Before this departure, Lu Yuan went to the Metropolis to perform the latest reality show.

After a period of time, Lu Yuan kidnapped Louise again.

Louise's stomach was already full, and she looked at Lu Yuan helplessly: "Are you sure this is still suitable?"

The last time Lu Yuan said that Louise was pregnant, but it was not obvious at the time, only less than a month old.

And now, Louise has a big belly, so she asked Lu Yuan, does he really think this is appropriate?

Lu Yuan thought for a while, then conjured up a sofa and a blanket to make her comfortable.

Is this still kidnapping? Are you sure this is kidnapping?

Louise people are all stupid, thinking you might as well let me stay in the company.

Lu Yuan coughed dryly, went up and grabbed the iconic building of Planet Daily, and issued a gauntlet in the sky: "Superman, let's have a showdown?"

The Metropolis is boiling again, celebrating the long-lost carnival.

Definitely, when Clark came and was taught a lesson by Lu Yuan again, the people of the Metropolis would hate Lu Yuan to death.

But Clark didn't care at all, instead he noticed one thing: "Ancestor, you, did you succeed?"

"Have you noticed?" Lu Yuan looked at Clark with a smile.

The latter had a strange expression, looked at his hands, and said, "One day, I suddenly noticed that my power became stronger, and even Awakening a lot of new powers."

In fact, it is because he has become a new god, because Lu Yuan, the Kryptonians have become gods.

It's a pity that the main world of the DC universe now has only Clark and his unborn child.

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