I, Doomsday Superman, join the chat group

Chapter 12 Impossible, absolutely impossible!

X vision, microscopic vision, dynamic vision...

The combination of the above is Superman's super vision.

This is also what people think of as a superpower.

But for Superman, it's just his own vision.

Just like ordinary people's eyes, they can be used instinctively.

If you want to block your super vision, it will be as awkward as trying to walk with your eyes closed.


When you are Superman…

The fair and delicate skin of the beautiful woman you usually see will turn into a gray-black wilderness hill with crisscrossed ravines.

The countless tiny flesh lines on the skin will look like intertwined abyss gaps.

The darkness is endless, the bottom is bottomless!

The skin pores are everywhere on the body surface, and they are as densely packed as a hornet's nest covering the entire black field.

When you watch the bloody organs beating, listen to the flow of human blood, and smell the odor caused by sweat stains and food residues in the mouth...

So, can we still treat them as the same kind of people calmly?

Of course, if you haven’t experienced it, you won’t have this understanding.

As a party involved, Li Ye has not yet been able to come up with an answer.

Although a question often pops up in his mind: Could it be that he is living with a bunch of bugs?

But because I thought that three years ago, I was also a relatively consistent "bug".

So Li Ye has always given a negative answer to this question.

This is a very unwelcome answer.

And for him…

Blue Star is like a crystal clear pond, extremely shallow and thin.

It's like a stand-alone game with mods turned on, which is really uninteresting.

As for the universe beyond Blue Star, it is too vast.

The kind that is out of reach!

After all, Li Ye, who has not yet been able to fly at the speed of light, cannot even enter or leave the solar system in a short period of time.

Just because the solar system alone has a diameter of about 1 light-year.

This distance is extremely far!

Even with the speed of light in a vacuum, it would take about a year to complete the journey.

And the solar system is still an extremely small point in front of the entire universe, or even just in front of the Milky Way galaxy.

This piece of cold data always alerts Li Ye.

You are also a tiny insect!


Just a god in the eyes of an insect!

And if you want to explore space at this time, you have to be prepared to endure a long and boring voyage.

Li Ye, who knew the vastness of the universe, had no rash ideas.

What's more, his template ability has only been awakened for three years so far.

Now that he has not fully grown up, he naturally chooses to stay in the comfort zone of Blue Star.

While relying on the yellow sun's rays to become stronger, he also looked forward to the appearance of "travelers".

I look forward to someone on Blue Star awakening a powerful character template.

No matter whether they will eventually become a like-minded partner, a partner in exploring space together, or an opponent who fights against each other.

Even, even if you want to kill your own existence!

Li Ye's attitude was the same, maintaining an extremely welcoming attitude.

But the possibility of realizing this hope is indeed too low.

But if he didn't want to leave Blue Star for the time being, he could only wait patiently.

And just then.

The dimensional chat group appears!

After confirming that it was true, the area where Li Ye searched for "travelers" suddenly expanded from Blue Star to all the worlds.

This time, it is naturally a matter of joy!

Although for now, several members of the group seem to be just "bugs".

But compared to Blue Star, which is likely to remain unchanged and has a relatively "narrow" area...

In this cross-dimensional chat group, the probability of "travelers" appearing in the future is much higher.

The future will also be interesting!

Therefore, Li Ye, who was in a good mood, did not forget Nefertari Weiwei in the group.

If it hadn't been for the princess's enthusiastic explanation, he might have been able to confirm the authenticity of the chat group much later.

This sounds like nothing.

It's really just a small favor.

But sometimes, a small favor can reap a reward that far exceeds the effort.

What's more, the person that Princess Weiwei helped was Li Ye, the most powerful awakener.

An undoubted big shot!

At least for the princess of the Kingdom of Alabasta, there is no doubt about this.

In addition, Li Ye happened to be in a very happy mood.


[Supreme Awakener: The previous introduction was very good. If you have any trouble in the future, you can come to me for help. @Princess of the desert kingdom. 】

[Princess of the Desert Kingdom: Hey, I feel so serious. I think I should say thank you first? 】

[The Awakened One: It’s just one chance, take it yourself. 】

[Princess of the Desert Kingdom: Yeah, okay, I remember. (serious face)]

in reality.

Princess Weiwei's beautiful eyes lit up, like two sparkling opals.

She whispered to herself: "Hmm... I seem to have gained the friendship of a possibly important person in the chat group?"

"A promise!"

Naturally, this playful conversation was noticed by the rest of the group.

Several people have different expressions.

Fei Yingli, whose group nickname is [The Undefeated Queen of Legal Affairs], didn't agree with this and simply chose to ignore it.

She was already suspicious of this chat group and didn't pay much attention to it.

However, Tony Stark, who was also dubious about this, felt regret in his heart.

Compared to Princess Weiwei, who still seemed immature, he was more certain that this [Supreme Awakener] was a big shot.

Just from his way of speaking that ignores others and is extremely self-centered...

Tony Stark can be sure that this person has a high status!

As for why you are so sure?

No way, Tony was too familiar with this way of speaking.

After all, in reality, when Tony Stark talks to others, he almost always talks in this extremely egoistic style.

It's just that there's a little more frivolity in the tone, and there's less of a natural arrogance.

But in this mysterious and unpredictable chat group, he subconsciously restrained his usual arrogant attitude.

But this [Supreme Awakener] is still unscrupulous!

Combined with this nickname...

The strongest?

Clearly, this is a big shot!

After thinking of this, Tony Stark regretted even more:

What kind of water did you dive in just now? !

Although the authenticity of the chat group has not yet been confirmed, it has also not been proven to be fake!

If you haven’t dived before, I would like to say a few more words.

Maybe I can get in touch with this person now.

Wait, there's something wrong with this idea...

"When will I, Stark, need to build relationships?"

"What the hell!"

When Tony Stark came to his senses, his expression turned dismissive.

"My dear Stark, do I still need to hug other people's thighs?"

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

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