I, Doomsday Superman, join the chat group

Chapter 2 Why don’t you come and rule us?

The abilities awakened by the awakened are not simple superpowers.

Rather, it is similar to obtaining the character template ability of a specific period in fantasy works.

Among them, the awakening character template is not limited to the protagonist and supporting characters.

On the contrary, the templates awakened by most ability users are not even named supporting actors in the works.

According to rough statistics, more than 90% of the character templates of awakened people are just background characters in the original works.

That is to say, the author of the original work just mentioned it briefly when he added to the world view.

The origins of these awakening templates are in the original work, and most of them are miscellaneous soldiers, or even ordinary people.

However, don’t underestimate it.

The template of an ordinary person does not mean that he has awakened the useless ability.

You know, one person’s physique cannot be generalized!

There is a huge difference between ordinary people in reality and fantasy works.

Just like ordinary people in the Pokémon world, although they don't have the same strange powers as the protagonist, the super newbie Ash Ketchum, they still have basic elemental resistances.

Also, some templates that aren't even considered secondary does not necessarily mean they are weak.

For example, the ordinary soldiers in the navy in the world of One Piece are the existences of Doli 5.

This is five times that of ordinary people!

Of course.

The reason why the awakened ones can dominate the era is naturally not just this.

Its real power lies in the fact that the awakened ones have the means to continuously enhance themselves.

Cultivation methods in various works such as national martial arts, internal power, telekinesis, three-color haqi, wave guide, etc.

Although he can only practice the abilities of the world corresponding to the awakening template, he is also subject to the talents of the character template he awakened.

But this is enough to make real ordinary people envious.

Even if the world of the awakening template is a daily one and there is no way to practice, there will still be one more skill related to the profession of the template character.

The above are the main reasons why the Awakened can stir up the times.

And if Superman in DC comics appeared in reality, would he be worshiped as a god?

Yes, without a doubt.

In this era where the strength of the awakened ones is at most "city-destroying level", Superman's strength clearly exceeds the specifications.

Even the movie version of Superman.

Not to mention super powers such as the Man of Steel, super speed, heat rays, etc...

Just by hitting the earth at a speed hundreds of times Mach, it would be enough to cause a catastrophe that would wipe out all mankind.

This kind of real threat is more intuitive than the dogma in the Bible.

So will the real Superman become a god in people's eyes?

There is no doubt about this.

Of course.

If the awakened person based on the Superman template had a personality like Clark Kent...

Maybe, will become the most perfect superhero? !

However, in fact, someone did awaken to Superman's template ability.

But unfortunately, in terms of personality and style, he is more like another version of Superman, the "Red Son".

No, that's not right!

Perhaps it should be said that he is a totalitarian like the "Red Son", but also has the bad character of a "patriot".

He once wanted to rule the world, but in the end he gave up the "supreme power" that was within his reach as a joke.

He was an extreme dictator and no one dared to trigger the rules he set.

No awakened person dared to cause trouble in his city.

Concerned about his power, people worshiped him as a god.

But only a few people understand what is truly worth fearing!

And it was just three years after this "god" who towered over everyone appeared.

Awakening calendar year 19.

Recently, a demonstration related to it took place on Blue Star.

Seems like he's dissatisfied with "Superman"?

The theme of this parade instantly attracted the attention of people around the world.

Has a warrior finally stepped forward and wanted to carry out the great deed of killing gods?

Is this scene a test?

Or something else?

Or is it simply the clarion call to attack? !

Will the world's power structure change in the future?

How would “God” view this?

Some people are anxious and think that this may be the beginning of the world situation returning to three years ago.

At that time, there was a situation of chaos and chaos everywhere where powerful awakened people acted recklessly.

It wasn't until the appearance of Superman that order became relatively peaceful.

Although after the battle three years ago, Superman did not choose to rule the entire Blue Star.

But it also indirectly brought order and peace to the world.

Just because of its existence, it is like the Sword of Damocles hanging above everyone's head.

A deterrent weapon like the nuclear weapons of the old era, staring at the careerists who are ready to make a move.

And once this sword is removed, the world will most likely return to the bad state it once was.

People who have just enjoyed two or three years of peace and prosperity naturally do not want to see this scene.

As for those thoughtful people and those in power who understand the "real fear", they are also ready to take action to eliminate this "sign."

Lest he offend that "god" and cause real trouble!

Of course.

Naturally, many people find this "god" who towers over everyone else to be an eyesore.

I think it would be great if I could have a chance to kill a god!

Most of these people are ambitious careerists.

Lippi Cote, a middle-aged man who is a journalist by profession, falls into the latter category.

But this Lippi is not a careerist, not even an awakener.

He is just an extreme racist and is simply unhappy that "god" has an oriental face!

There is also dissatisfaction with this era.

I wish I could go back to the old days. The country where I was originally could be described as the "one pole" in the world.

It's just a pity that he is not even an awakener, let alone wants to reverse time.

And now as a new era...

Not to mention that the world has become one, even the existence of all countries in the world has disappeared.

Today, the distribution of power on Blue Star only leaves twenty-six large cities named by English letters.

Although the city lord/mayor is said to be determined by the citizens of the city through separate votes.

But in the end, it is almost always the Awakened who hold this position.

And they are all the best among the awakened ones.

Just because signs of crimes committed by awakened people appear frequently, each city-state needs stronger leaders to deter these criminals.

And now, the "mayor" of this awakening era...

Regardless of his status or the power in his hands, it is extremely different from the president of the country in the old era.

In addition to the need to frequently fight against awakened criminals.

Of course, the "Superman" in City S does not need to do such a thing.

Because as mentioned before, no awakened person dares to cause trouble in the city of God.

That's too far.

Back to topic.

Lippi Cote, who grew up in the old era and established corresponding values, was happy to see the god who came to S City for trouble.

What makes Lippi even more happy is that he seems to be able to add fuel to the fire?

Hmm... He didn't want to join the parade, and he really didn't have the courage.

If the guy from City S comes over with a heat ray, wouldn't he die unjustly?

This possibility is really not impossible!

After all, the real Superman is not a hero who doesn't kill.

As an ordinary person, Lippi Cote was able to survive in the chaotic era of the past few years.

He is naturally the kind of person who takes things very seriously.

So "adding fire" naturally does not mean joining the parade.

He is preparing to participate as a journalist and broadcast the march to all parts of the world.

Let those in front of the TV who also hate the Superman of City S know: you have many like-minded partners.

And they dare to fight!

It’s time for everyone to blow the horn of attack!

With such a great mission, and the boss's urging voice accompanied by swear words coming from the headset...

Both of these forces him to speed up his pace.

And soon, he arrived at the scene smoothly.

Looking at the dense crowd of marchers in front of him, reporter Lippi's eyes suddenly lit up.

Just because he saw the leader walking in front of the protest flag, he suspected that he was the blond sweetheart who organized the march.

This blonde girl has a very tall figure, her fair thighs are long and slender, and her proud curves are even more alluring...

Before the wretched middle-aged reporter could take a few more greedy glances, the boss's roar came from the headset: "Kurt, what are you doing, you bastard? Why don't you go up for an interview?"

"If you weren't the only one close, I wouldn't have given a fool like you a chance!"

"The live broadcast signal has been linked. If you dare to mess up this big news, I will definitely fire you!"

The sudden noise made reporter Lippi tremble all over.

However, the body did as it was told reflexively.

He stepped forward subconsciously.

After not being very skillful in saying what she meant, the blonde interviewee also looked at the strange middle-aged reporter.

Bald head, beer belly, fat round face...

Uncontrollably, a look of disgust appeared in her eyes.

However, thinking about the goal of this march by myself and others, we really need the help of the media.

So I still chose to be interviewed.

"My name is Kelly, and I am indeed the organizer of this parade." The blonde introduced herself.

As she spoke, she rejected the fat hand that reached out to her.

"No need to shake hands, just start the interview."

"Okay, okay."

The middle-aged reporter nodded awkwardly, then stumbled while rereading the questions coming from the headset.

"How many people came to this parade?"

When the sound was transmitted, the picture on the TV turned to the dark crowd around them.

Subsequently, the answers spoken by the interviewee Kelly served as the narration.

"About thirty to forty thousand people."

As soon as the words fell, the beautiful face of the blonde girl was reflected in the camera again.

The middle-aged reporter’s stumbling questions also rang out again.

"I heard that your march was to protest against Superman. Is this true?"

"No, no, no!" Kelly shook her head repeatedly.

"What we are protesting is why do we, the people in D City, not get the same treatment as the tourists in City S?!"

"The same treatment as tourists from City S?"


"What specific treatment?"

"For example, if something is lost, as long as someone with a residence permit in City S reports it, it can be recovered in half a day."

"If we were from D City, it would depend on the value of the item and luck!"

"I even heard that people from City S were studying abroad in City B and were given school companions..."

"Oh my God, I can't believe this news."

"In comparison, we are like third-class citizens!"

Listening to the dissatisfied words of the "goddess", reporter Lippi suddenly plucked up the courage for no apparent reason.

He did not continue to read the words coming from the headset, but began to make use of the topic.

"In fact, people in S City also enjoy extremely high treatment in other cities."

"The fundamental reason lies with Superman, the ruler of City S. What do you think of this?"

Kelly looked at the bald middle-aged reporter in front of her strangely and said, "Why do you want to ask this question? What we ask for is to improve the treatment of citizens."

"This kind of improvement cannot be obtained by lowering others!"

"Alright alright."

Reporter Lippi originally planned to stop there and say no more.

But at this time, the boss's roar came over the headset: "I have emphasized long ago that you should not take the initiative to talk or lead others to say dissatisfaction with Superman. We are only responsible for reporting. So what are you doing? You idiot! Bastard! Idiot!"

Being so aroused, he asked again as if he had a rebellious mentality.

"Then what do you think of Superman, the god of City S?"

"Superman..." Kelly's eyes sparkled.

"I don't think he is a god, but a very successful ruler."

"S city is well governed..."

Yes, Superman is not a god!

He is a dictator!

As for the following sentence, "City S is well governed," it must be ironic, right?

As a "anti-fan", Lippi Cote automatically modified his words in his mind.

But this is just what I think about in my heart.

He didn't have the guts to say it directly.

Presumably, the "goddess" didn't say it clearly for this reason, right?

For a moment, Lippi Cote felt like-minded again.

However, the next second, Kelly's confused voice was heard.

"So I have a question."

"Why doesn't Superman come to rule us?"

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