I, Doomsday Superman, join the chat group

Chapter 23 Must be left to God for safekeeping!

After a few hours.

Wang Zhongsheng, who was riding a special plane, had almost arrived at his destination:

Qingshan County.

A relatively poor and backward county located in a remote mountainous area.

And this is the first time for this ordinary small county town built near the mountains to welcome a big shot of such status.

Or should I say…

Even Chen Changzhang, who visited before, may have such a concept.

It's just that his "record" was refreshed in a short while.

But this small county...

One after another, these two big shots came.

Even the person who came later was the city lord whom I had only seen on TV before!

After recognizing Wang Zhongsheng's identity, some staff members were almost scared to death.

Just because everyone in the county who could take charge of the matter had already gone to entertain the one who visited earlier.

The remaining people who only know how to "fish" really don't know what to do.

Fortunately, Wang Zhongsheng doesn't care about ostentation.

He just asked about the location of Qingshan County No. 3 Middle School and confirmed that Chen Changzhang was also there.

The old man rushed over directly.

The whole process didn't waste much time.

But what Wang Zhongsheng didn't expect was...

He was just a little late, so he was already "late".

Of course, it wasn't something unexpected.

But at this time, Chen Changzhang had already settled the matter.

"Have you got all the stones...?"

Wang Zhongsheng, who was sitting at the head of the principal's office in Qingshan County No. 3 Middle School, asked Wei Wei unexpectedly.

"Already got it." Chen Changzhang responded from the side.

As he spoke, he took out a box and handed it over.

"City Lord, look..."

Just hearing the "click" sound of the box, it was opened.

What was revealed inside was a stone that exactly matched the appearance in the picture.

Wang Zhongsheng picked it up with his left hand.

After looking at it for a few times.

The index finger of his right hand seemed to turn into a small sword, and he stabbed it with sharp sword energy.


When the sword finger collided with the stone, a sound of metal-to-metal collision resounded.

This violent sound wave spread out instantly, shattering the surrounding glass in vain.

After the glass made an overwhelming sound, it broke into countless pieces and scattered on the ground.

A few good windows were simply gone.

Of course, no one present cared about this loss.

The principal who was also there naturally had no intention of asking this old man to compensate...

And in situ.

Looking at the intact stone with not even a scratch?

"It's really...indestructible!" Wang Zhongsheng said with some surprise.

Although he didn't use much force on this finger.

But from the touch he just got, Wang Zhongsheng had a clear feeling...

He felt that even if he used all his strength against the stone, his fingers would only be damaged.

So hard!

Even the Awakening Stone, which can give people extraordinary power, has not reached this level.

Looking at the stone in his hand, Wang Zhongsheng couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

Could it be...

"The origin of this stone is more special than the Awakening Stone?"

"Will it have any magical effects?"

"The guy from City S is looking for him with such a big fanfare..."

"What's the deeper meaning?"

The old man had several doubts in his mind.

At this time.

Below, Chen Changzhang, who was about to speak, suddenly stopped.

He turned around and looked at the few Qingshan County personnel behind who were so nervous that they didn't even dare to express their anger.

Chen Changzhang reminded: "Well...there's nothing going on here. You guys can go down."


When a few idlers retreated.

Wang Zhongsheng, who was at the head, just waited silently.

Chen Changzhang, who was just trying to push away the people around him, obviously had something to say.

And it’s still the kind of secret that’s not suitable for too many people to know!

Then, as expected.

After confirming that his words would not be heard by others, Chen Changzhang said a shocking thing.

"City Lord, I have explored this stone before!"

"I found that just by focusing all my attention on this stone, I will receive a feedback..."

"It directly explains the ability of this stone!"

"Oh?" Wang Zhongsheng said suspiciously.


After a pause, Chen Changzhang's tone became a little excited.

"City Lord! The function of this stone is to transform real objects into relevant props in fantasy works!"


After hearing exactly what this stone does...

Even a big shot like Wang Zhongsheng was so shocked that his pupils suddenly shrank.


He gasped.

In this awakening era that is closely related to fantasy works, naturally no one will not understand this.

Even an old man like Wang Zhongsheng is like this.

It is precisely for this reason that he can clearly understand how powerful the props in fantasy works are.

Those fantasy props that are unconstrained and contrary to common sense...

Therefore, this old man can truly understand the extraordinary nature of this stone.

Subconsciously, Wang Zhongsheng couldn't help but hold the stone in his left hand tightly.

Shock, greed, excitement, and other extreme emotions were constantly flowing through his heart.

At the same time, there are still deep entanglements.

Chen Changzhang on the side didn't know what the old man was struggling with.

I saw him continue to introduce excitedly: "City Lord, there should be some restrictions on this stone. Only the awakened can use it."

"And it seems that it is still unable to manifest too powerful props for the time being. There must be some conditions. I have not studied this clearly."

"But as long as we find an ordinary stone, we can directly transform it into..."

Having said this, Chen Changzhang paused.

He did not say everything, but chose to write down the following words with pen and paper:


As for why?

This is naturally to prevent the god from S City!

Don't you see...

In the past, when referring to this person, everyone used "the one from City S" and "god" to refer to him.

Is this because we don’t know the true name of that god?

Of course not.

That person is not an alien who has descended on Blue Star. There are no secrets in the Internet age.

The actual reason is that they are worried about being heard directly.

After all, Superman's super hearing is definitely not for show.

Although in the original work, this ability has never played any role.

It's even as if he doesn't have this ability.

But people in the Age of Awakening will not just treat it as non-existence.

However, in their understanding of "common sense"...

As long as you don't say the keywords related to it, you won't be noticed by that person.

As for kryptonite, it is undoubtedly such a "keyword".

That's why Chen Changzhang didn't say it directly this time.

Instead, write it directly.

In his opinion, the city lord in front of him...

If he had kryptonite, he would undoubtedly be able to kill the man from City S.

But this must be done when the other party is not clear about it.

And when you take action, it must be unexpected.

Moreover, we must not let them know in advance...

Otherwise, with that person's super speed and heat vision, he would definitely make people feel despair!

Of course.

If you can have kryptonite, that's enough.

At least, he has something that can threaten that person.

Therefore, Chen Changzhang's mood and expression were very excited.

He held the piece of paper with the word [Kryptonite] written on it and waved it in front of the old man in front of him.

I'm afraid that the city lord didn't think of this.

But before that…

His words that "there are no powerful tools for the time being" were like a bucket of cold water poured into Wang Zhongsheng's eager heart.

In an instant, he woke up directly.

The old man looked at the stone in his hand again, and his eyes no longer had a fiery look.

Some only have peace.

As he put the stone back into the box, he said with emotion: "This stone is so powerful and dangerous!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw that Wang Zhongsheng had already closed the box.

Then I heard him say: "Dangerous things like this..."

"It must be handed over to that god for safekeeping!"


Chen Changzhang's face was full of astonishment.

As the number of text words increases, the number of votes received every day also increases.

I would like to sincerely thank you all for your generous recommendation votes and monthly votes.

Thanks to [Book Friend 140427224943618] for the 1000 points, thank you to [Ignorant Angel] for the 100 points, thank you to [Longtian Jueshi] for the 100 points, thank you to [Heart of the End of the World] for the 500 points, thank you to [Shuo] for the 100 points. Ye Xunguang] rewarded 500 points, and thanked [廻宝] for the reward of 100 points.


Today, the beauty editor suddenly reminded me that I can work on this, and I would like to thank my book friends for their support.

I always feel like she's hinting at something, so I'm here to hint at you too...

Haha, just kidding, I would be very satisfied if you can read this book.

What more recommendation votes, monthly passes, and rewards do you want?

What kind of bike do you want? !

【Dog head】

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