I, Doomsday Superman, join the chat group

Chapter 29 You can’t just find the stone, right?

Just because in subsequent movies...

The large amount of information exposed in it is too contrary to common sense...

The Iron Man series at the beginning was actually pretty good!

But later on...

It completely subverts Tony Stark's three views!

"The gods of Asgard, Thor and Loki, sons of God King Odin..."

"The magician of Karma Taj, the supreme magician who protects the earth..."

"The six infinity stones that control the rules of the universe, and the Titan who is determined to kill half of all life in the universe?!"

"To save the universe?"

"What the hell!"


After witnessing the plots in these movies, he couldn't believe that the future would be so "exciting"!

It almost seems to say that the world you live in now is false.

And because he knew so many outrageous futures at once, Tony's smart brain couldn't help but get "stuck."

My mind was lost in thought, but my thoughts were blank.

At this time, even he didn't know what he was thinking.

Until several calls came...

"Tony", "Tony"!

Secretary Virginia Potts' figure appeared at some point, standing in front of her and shaking her hands rapidly.

"In the future... I will have a lovely daughter with Potts?!"

After these words flashed through his mind, Tony Stark immediately hugged the woman in front of him.


Sensing something strange about him, Potts couldn't help but comfort him: "Tony, Obadiah Stane's death was only his own fault."

"You don't have to."

She thought Tony was affected by the previous incident.

"No!" The latter naturally denied that it was because of this matter.


At this moment, Tony had the idea of ​​directly proposing to Potts.

But in his heart, he couldn't help but have several questions that made him panic:

"Now, am I really ready to be the father of that lovely daughter?"

"When that moment comes, will I really have the courage to snap my fingers?"

"Even the person in these movies, is that really me?"

Tony Stark doesn't know the answers to these questions.

Or should I say, I can’t find the answer in my heart.

So he backed off.

"I...I'm planning to have a party tonight."


"Need me to help you get in touch?"

"Which entertainment company's celebrity model are you looking for?"

Potts asked expressionlessly after pulling away from the embrace.



The camera returns to Li Ye.

In almost no time, he read through the messages in the chat group.

Most of these are words related to the transactions between witches and other group members.

Regarding earning points, this woman is quite active.

"It's a waste of time." Li Ye said casually.

This evaluation does not have any positive or negative meaning.

He just simply didn't care.

After all, points are what...

Judging from the example of recycling Devil Fruits in the chat group, Awakening Stones should also be considered recyclable resources.

In that case, Li Ye would have a lot.

But to him, what is the use of this point?

Strengthen yourself?

Can you barely spare yourself a few days of practice...that is, a few days of sunbathing?

Now, he doesn't need such a little enhancement.

If he was really eager to become stronger quickly, Li Ye wouldn't still be at Blue Star.

Instead, he stayed directly on the sun.

Even at this time...

Looking at the red sun that had completely disappeared from the skyline, he had no idea of ​​chasing it.

Well, it means that you are too lazy to run directly to the other hemisphere and continue to bask in the sun to become stronger.

Of course.

It's not that Li Ye has no desire to become stronger quickly.

But this idea is not very urgent.

Perhaps after encountering an existence that can threaten him, or even be of equal strength...

Only this kind of mentality will change.

But if one day you suddenly lose interest in everything about Blue Star and can tolerate the silence of the sun...

Who knows, he will also run directly to the sun to "practice".

As for the points in the chat group, they are of little use.

Li Ye naturally looked down upon him.

Unless the future chat group will introduce new features that he finds interesting and requires points.

The next day.

S City Headquarters Building.

On the second floor, there is an extremely spacious living room.

"The city lord of X city came to visit in person?!"

"It's really rare!" Bai Qianning said with emotion.

"I wonder what it could be for?"

Although she had already learned the news yesterday evening.

But the reason the other party told me was that I have a business to cooperate with you.

As for the specific cooperation, it is not clear.

And until now when the meeting is about to take place, Bai Qianning has not received accurate and reliable information.

However, combined with what was announced yesterday...

Thinking of the reward for this stone, Bai Qianning made a corresponding guess.

Over in City X, could it be that they found the stone that their boss wanted?

But it’s simply impossible!

Because it’s less than a day before this bounty is released!

So soon, this idea was rejected by herself.

But other than that, Bai Qianning had no other reasonable ideas.

Maybe there are other things that I don’t even know about?

Or is this old man from City X mainly looking for his boss?

But why?

While she was thinking, Liu Beibei walked in and reminded: "Sister Bai, the Lord of the City is here."

Hearing this, Bai Qian stared at the past.

At first glance, he saw the majestic old man in his prime.

The city lord of X City, Wang Zhongsheng.

It can also be called the "Heavenly Sword"!

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