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Chapter 32 How to use the sacred stone

Steel penetrates paper?

Although it feels like the boss is driving seriously, but...

Bai Qianning couldn't be happy.

She was still complacent about Yaoyue's template before, but she didn't expect...

In fact, it turns out that I am no different? !

There seems to be a species difference between him and him.

This fact is indeed cruel.

And this thing seems to never change.

After all, the ability template awakened at the beginning has already determined everything...

Bai Qianning has a very clear understanding of this.

As a result, she couldn't help but feel a sense of discomfort and despair.

At this moment, the man's calm and magnetic voice came.

"Do you know the function of this stone..."

Without waiting for the intellectual and elegant woman in front of him to respond, Li Ye continued: "Maybe it should be called the sacred stone."

"It has the magical effect of manifesting fantasy items."

Can you manifest fantasy items? !

Hearing this, Bai Qianning's clear eyes couldn't help but tighten.

Even though she had already gotten this stone...the divine stone before.

But because in the past, Bai Qianning always chose to do things that were ordered by the man in front of her...

There has been little intention to explore.

Therefore, when she handled it before, she only verified the authenticity of this sacred stone.

I didn't study this sacred stone in detail.

So it was only now after hearing these words that Bai Qianning realized its role in manifesting fantasy props.

As for this role, what exactly does it represent?

For a while, she couldn't accurately judge.

But without thinking too much, Bai Qianning could clearly see that this effect was very powerful.

It's the "unnatural" kind.

At least if you have this divine stone, your strength will not be limited by the upper limit of the ability template.

At this moment, the boss suddenly mentioned this...

Could it be? !

As if she thought of something, her autumn-like eyes became sparkling.

The previous feeling of despair in my heart was gone.


Realizing that the woman next to him suddenly became affectionate and focused, Li Ye began to attack: "But this stone..."

"It will collect all the emotions generated by you and from other awakened people."

"And if you want to embody a certain fantasy prop, you have to satisfy this specific amount of emotional value."

"The more powerful the prop, the more it requires..."

At this point, he paused.

Compared to Chen Changzhang who doesn't know the truth, and Siya who has only watched the last three episodes...

Li Ye, who has completely read the entire work, naturally knows that there is no upper limit to the manifestation ability of this sacred stone.

It's because if you want to manifest a powerful item, the "quantity" required is too harsh.

As for the process of manifesting fantasy items…

Only after deciding what kind of props do you want, this sacred stone will start to collect "emotional values".

And these emotional values ​​also need to come from awakened people.

When a certain emotional value is collected, this sacred stone will also give a feedback.

For example, when 10% of the "quantity" is met.

Therefore, if you want to realize a fantasy item that is too powerful, you are bound to get no feedback for a while.

That's why.

Previously, Chen Changzhang and the "protagonist" in the early stage of the plot misunderstood that the sacred stone had an upper limit because they did not understand the conditions for the sacred stone to manifest fantasy items.

Also, these fantasy props that appear from the divine stone...

There is also a limit!

"Except for the prerequisites of having a mood value..." he continued.

"Those fantasy items that directly enhance strength cannot have an effect on other people."

For example, the manifested Devil Fruit, Super Soldier Serum...

These are completely useless to "non-embodied people".

Of course.

In fact, it is not just an item that can be used to enhance strength, it has no effect on others.

The same is true for some poisons.

In short, except for some "dead objects" that are used indirectly, such as weapons and kryptonite.

The rest have no effect on others.

While Li Ye was speaking just now, many messy thoughts flashed through his mind at the same time.

However, due to the "time difference", Bai Qianning failed to notice that he had just paused.

After listening to her boss's introduction smoothly, the woman couldn't help but feel depressed.

She originally thought that she could rely on the fantasy items embodied by her boss to become stronger, so that she could...

As a result, this idea was directly shattered.

But soon, Bai Qianning regained her composure.

Because she believed that when her boss said this at this time, he would not be just trying to make fun of her.

Although the outside world has many misunderstandings about this man, Bai Qianning knows that her boss definitely has no such bad taste.

Then it turned out to be true.

After this thought fell, Bai Qianning saw the perfect man in front of her and said, "I still have some use for this stone."

"In the future, I can give you some time to take advantage of it."

"Boss, you are so kind..."

Although she had expected this, Bai Qianning couldn't help but marvel in her heart.

As expected of my husband...the boss is so awesome!

After all, such an incredible magical object with such functions...

Most people can't even say it, let alone borrow it.

Even if we are close relatives again, it is unlikely.

So at this time.

Bai Qianning was like an employee who was taken advantage of by her boss. She said sweetly in her heart: "Boss, then I'm going to work?"

"Go ahead."

After getting the response, she left happily.

In fact, Bai Qianning's excitement was not all because of this "big pie".

Although she knew that this pie would eventually be realized sooner or later.

But what makes Bai Qianning most happy is that through this incident, she saw something...

For the god-like man in front of him, he still had something special.

In fact, this is exactly the case.

Even in Li Ye's heart, Bai Qianning can directly rank first.

Of course.

This is not to say that it has multiple weights...

Mainly because the only person Li Ye cares about now is this intellectual woman who has been with him for three years and has been working hard without complaint.

It is true that there is only this one.

Compared to those emperors who had three thousand beauties in their harem, he was truly a loner.

But ultimately, this is because Li Ye doesn't care about others.

As for the outside world, who dares to ignore him?


I saw Bai Qianning's graceful back, moving through the yellow sand.

Soon it was getting further and further away...

At this time.

Li Ye also withdrew his gaze.

Then, he looked at the sacred stone in his hand.

Although Li Ye still cares about this stone.

But in fact, he didn't attach much importance or urgency to it.


Before that, Li Ye set off directly to get it himself.

After all, the location of the protagonist is clearly stated in the plot.

Of course he doesn't know where the sacred stone is.

What's more, even if you really don't know...

Then his super eyesight is not for showing off.

But as mentioned in the previous words, Li Ye is indeed using this sacred stone to manifest something.

The first thing that needs to be realized is naturally...


Thanks to [Hengwu Shangqing] for the 500 points, thank you to [Mao He Lao Xu] for the 500 points, and thank you to [Yeyu Linling] for the 100 points.

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