I, Doomsday Superman, join the chat group

Chapter 4 A “harmonious” chat group

[Ding dong! The Dimensional Chat Group invites you to join the group chat. Do you agree? 】

"Dimensional chat group?"

After whispering, a thoughtful look appeared on Li Ye's face.

Soon, he had an idea in his mind.

"Which Awakened One's stupid trick is this? But... there are really Awakened Ones on Blue Star that I haven't even discovered?"

"Or does this voice really come from that kind of interdimensional chat platform?"

Li Ye's mind flashed with speculation.

Because in the fantasy works of the old era, there was such a creative theme as chat groups.

And this "old era" sounds very ancient.

But in fact, it was more than ten years ago.

In addition, those fantasy works are specific to the current era...

Of course he has seen them all.

So after hearing the prompt, Li Ye subconsciously made these two guesses.

But no matter what, it doesn’t matter which one is the truth.

He was very interested.

After Li Ye awakened his abilities, his X-vision could see through most things except lead, his clairvoyant super hearing could eavesdrop on the world, and his super brain could calculate everything...

Therefore, there are very few things that can make him feel strange and interesting.

Although the real source of this prompt sound was not yet clear, Li Ye did not hesitate at all.

If it is really the kind of chat group in novels, then there will be no lack of fun in the future.


"join in."

【Ding! You have joined the dimensional chat group. 】

After hearing the notification tone of the chat group, Li Ye immediately looked at the list of group members.

[Group owner: None]

[Group administrator: None]

[Members of the group: the omniscient witch of fate, the playboy who works part-time as an arms dealer, the princess of the desert kingdom, the undefeated queen of the legal world...]

Apart from myself, are there only four members in the group?

Apparently, it's still a new group.

And among them, this "playboy who works part-time as an arms dealer"...

It seems to be the frequent visitor in chat group novels, Tony Stark from the Marvel world.

The "undefeated queen of the legal world" should be the character Fei Yingli in the unpopular TV series "Detective Conan".

Well, that’s right, it’s an unpopular episode!

Perhaps in the old days, this mystery work was quite popular.

But in the new era, this type of fantasy work as a "daily show" does not attract much attention.

If Li Ye hadn't read most of the works from the old era out of boredom...

When he was screening just now, he couldn't think of this anime.

However, based on these group nicknames, Li Ye could only guess the identities of these two group members.

The remaining "Princess of the Desert Kingdom" is too general a nickname.

After all, there are many kingdoms located in the desert in countless fantasy works!

As for this "omniscient witch of fate", her nickname is more like the "magic stick" protagonist in those chat group novels.

The Omniscient, plus Tony Stark who is a frequent guest in the chat group...

It tastes like that!

It's this "all-knowing person" who is a bit inferior, and he is not even an administrator.

For now, Li Ye is still unable to confirm the authenticity of this chat group.

However, it is not yet certain that this is “good news”.

After all, the methods of ordinary awakened people cannot hide from his perception.

So let’s just pretend that this is true.

Li Ye looked at the chat interface in the group with some interest.

I saw one message after another jumping on it, and there was a notice about myself joining the group at the front.


【Ding! "The Awakened One" joins the group chat. 】

[Playboy who works part-time as an arms dealer: What day is it today? The chat group actually invited a new person! 】

[Princess of the Desert Kingdom: Two newcomers have arrived within half an hour. This situation is indeed rare! No, I just saw new people added to the chat group today...so this sentiment seems wrong. 】

[The undefeated queen of the legal profession:...]

[Princess of the Desert Kingdom: Well, the newcomers should be confused now. I'd better introduce the chat group to the newcomers first. 】

[Princess of the Desert Kingdom: This group is a chat platform that spans the crystal wall of the world and links all realms; all members of the group, including you and me, are from different worlds; if you have any questions, you can directly chat in the group ask. 】

[Playboy who works part-time as an arms dealer: That’s it. I thought you, Princess of the Desert, would have any other insights, but ended up copying what the omniscient witch had said before. 】

[Princess of the Desert Kingdom: Ah, this... I'm just helping to explain it once; after all, the witch sister is still busy calculating the fate of the "undefeated queen of the legal world" right now! 】

[The Undefeated Queen of the Legal World: Hello, the Supreme Awakener, I just joined this strange chat group not long ago, and it’s ten minutes ahead of you; so I don’t know much about this place, so I can only Say please stay alert. /smiley face. 】

[Princess of the Desert Kingdom: Hey...so you don’t believe it yet? 】

[The undefeated queen of the legal world: What you said is too far-fetched, and don’t think that controlling advanced technology means you can pretend to be a ghost. Such behavior can already be considered a violation of the law. 】

[Princess of Desert Kingdom: Technology? I don’t quite understand; Mr. Arms Dealer, can you tell me? 】

[Playboy who works part-time as an arms dealer: No need to explain anything, it’s good that she doesn’t trust her now; when she waits for the omniscient witch to reveal her fate, she will be even more suspicious of life; hey, I hope I won’t pee my pants in fear. 】

[Princess of the Desert Kingdom: No...it shouldn't be appropriate to talk about a lady like this, right? 】

[Playboy who works part-time as an arms dealer: No! If you look at her random nickname, you can tell that she is an old lawyer who has been in the industry for decades; and the elderly will inevitably become incontinent when their moods fluctuate violently, so this is a friendly reminder. 】

[The undefeated queen of the legal profession: I’m... old! Year! people? very good! I hope you weren’t so scared that you peed your pants in the end! 】

[Playboy who works part-time as an arms dealer: Of course! There is no doubt who it is. 】

[Princess of the Desert Kingdom:...]

There are only three people talking, and there is "harmony" in the chat group!

So friendly.

Li Ye was not very interested in this.

But from these words, he discerned several messages.

First of all, this group member who is suspected to be Fei Yingli has just joined the group not long ago.

Less than half an hour ahead of me.

Secondly, the remaining two more senior group members are very convinced of the "omniscient Witch of Destiny".

Even the member who was suspected to be Tony Stark and had a poisonous tongue also had respect.

This can be seen from the reference to the "omniscient witch" in the above sentence.

Combine it with the other information in this passage.

Obviously, the so-called "destiny" of the two of them should have been revealed by the "omniscient Witch of Destiny".

The latter is currently still busy calculating his fate.

It is estimated that after a while, she will come to explain the future to this new group member who is suspected to be Fei Yingli.

This so-called omniscient witch will gain trust and desired benefits.

But unfortunately, this is if no accident occurs.

Li Ye, who also knew the so-called "destiny", undoubtedly had such an accident.

He also wanted to see the next performance.

It’s just that compared to being scared to the point of peeing in your pants if you reveal your fate, or the scene of someone’s death in society after someone is revealed...

The latter two are obviously more attractive!

Involuntarily, a friendly smile appeared on Li Ye's face.

Then, he started talking in the group.


[The Awakened One: @The playboy who works part-time as an arms dealer, Tony Stark? 】

[Playboy who works part-time as an arms dealer: It’s me... No! Newcomer, how do you know my name? 】

[Supreme Awakener: The answer is simple, I can also understand destiny. 】

[Playboy who works part-time as an arms dealer:? ? ? 】

Another universe.

Also on a blue planet.

According to the members of the group, this person should be the "omniscient witch" who is busy calculating fate...

In fact, I have been watching the screen silently.

Therefore, she can see the latest comments in the chat group immediately.

So now, after seeing the newcomer call out Tony Stark's real name.

My heart immediately skipped a beat.

However, it had been expected, so my mood did not fluctuate too much.

Although the characters invited in the previous chat group were all characters from film and television animation works.

But in the world view of some works, other works exist.

For example, there are DC comics in the Marvel world.

Because I know this.

So from the moment she lied, she knew that one day she would be exposed.

The woman adjusted her glasses and said helplessly: "But although I knew it would be exposed sooner or later, I didn't expect it to be so soon!"

"Also, who is this newcomer?"

As she spoke, she entered a few keywords into the search engine on her computer.

# The Awakened One #

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