I, Doomsday Superman, join the chat group

Chapter 47 Fear of the future

Wandering Earth.

Navigator space station.

Liu Peiqiang was lying in a dormant warehouse, and his body was also in a dormant state.

But at this time, his brain consciousness was very active.

It was precisely because of the notification sound in the chat group that woke him up.

And after receiving the points red envelope and using the points to strengthen myself...

Liu Peiqiang also gradually confirmed the authenticity of the chat box in his mind.

Soon, he realized that he had encountered the "adventure" in the novel.

A chat group across dimensions?

Can this be used to communicate with people from different worlds? It’s incredible!

Especially the administrator...

What kind of existence would it be like to be able to scatter points with such a powerful effect at will?

Of course, this thought was just a passing thought.

What shocked Liu Peiqiang the most were the works from other worlds...

Actually recording the fate of oneself or the whole world? !

Although it feels like my three views have been subverted, there is no reason for the administrator in the group to lie...

After all, people gave away points casually before, and then took the trouble to cheat them back?

Isn’t that a disease?

What's more, it is also said that you can choose a free method.

So even if it was unbelievable, Liu Peiqiang still chose to believe it.

After watching the transactions of the previous three people, when it was his turn...

He hesitated.

Or should I say, knowing in advance what the future will be like...

Even if it is just a small speculation, Liu Peiqiang has always been filled with deep fear.

Just because the future destiny of this world seems to be unchangeable:

Ever since scientists discovered centuries ago that the sun is rapidly aging...

It's that kind of rapidity that only takes a few hundred years to pass by like billions of years!

That is to say…

In a few hundred years, the sun will enter "old age"!

At that time, it will produce a violent explosion called a "helium flash" and expand into a huge and dim red giant star.

By that time, the diameter of the sun will be a hundred times larger than it is now.

However, this is just a "reflection".

Since the Sun is less massive…

After transforming into a red giant, it does not explode as a supernova and become a black hole.

It can only become a white dwarf star...

Then, after a long period of evolution, it became the final product of a star: a final celestial body named a "black dwarf".

Of course.

None of this has anything to do with humans.

Just because if you don't do anything, don't talk about red giants and white dwarfs!

At the moment when the "helium flash" broke out...

Everything in the solar system will turn into a plume of smoke.

The same is naturally true for humans.

It is precisely in order to save itself that human civilization formulated the "Wandering Earth" plan.

Exoskeleton armor, strong artificial intelligence, super planetary engine...

Even the fusion of heavy elements that burns stones into energy...

These black technologies are all serving this plan.

And for this plan, mankind itself has also paid a lot of price.

Not to mention the sacrifices of our ancestors and the hardships required to build more than 10,000 planetary engines higher than Mount Everest...

The recent "brake era" alone has forced people to burrow into the ground like mice to survive...

The "brake" here refers to the act of starting the planetary engine to stop the earth's rotation.

As for why it is said to be an era?

It is because of this "braking" behavior that has lasted for nearly half a century.

After the brakes were successfully applied, there was no more sunrise or sunset.

The Earth's southern hemisphere will permanently face the sun.

And due to the pull of the sun's gravity, the seawater also swallowed up the continent.

But if we say, this side is a blazing steam furnace.

The other side is the ice hell.

Currently, humans in this world live in the northern hemisphere!

Including the planetary engine, it is also built on this side.

And those planetary engines that are taller than Mount Everest...

When activated, the "light and heat" it emits is far more dazzling than the sun.

It will also be like the southern hemisphere, like a steam oven.

Whether it's the severe cold environment or the influence of planetary engines...

The surface of the southern hemisphere is obviously no longer suitable for habitation.

Therefore, humans have built a underground city under each planetary engine.

It’s just that resources are limited and places are limited…

Another choice, another sacrifice!

So the phrase "wandering with the earth" sounds extremely romantic!

However, it contains the history of blood and tears of several generations of wandering civilization.

The Wandering Earth Project is also a plan that once started, cannot be terminated!

When mankind devotes all the power of civilization to building twelve thousand planetary engines...

When the "braking era" begins...

They can't retreat!

In the early years, some scholars questioned the feasibility of this plan.

But now, no one dares to say it.

Because while it is useless, it will also be torn into pieces by the angry people.

In fact, Liu Peiqiang himself sometimes has a very pessimistic view on this:

Maybe the next moment, the sun will suddenly have a "helium flash"...

Thus, the efforts of centuries and generations of the entire human civilization were wiped out!

Maybe we shouldn't build these super engines and start the era of braking...

Would it be happier for all mankind to just start the final carnival and then go away with the explosion of the sun?

Or maybe, the sun won't explode at all?

But even Liu Peiqiang, who has had these thoughts, will still be angry at people who openly question the homeless plan.

Just because of such words, wouldn't it deny the efforts of our ancestors and the sacrifices of our own generation?

They don’t need to deny…

Even this negative answer is probably correct.

But it’s just possible…

Now, just move forward!

Let the future be left to the future, no one needs to judge.


When he had the opportunity to see the real future, Liu Peiqiang fell into deep fear.

He is afraid of seeing the failure of the Wandering Earth Project...

I also know that human beings are now unable to change direction.

So what’s the difference between knowing and not knowing the result?



Liu Peiqiang suddenly realized that the failure of the entire plan might just be because some details went wrong.

As a result, everything will be lost!

It’s not just that the overall direction is wrong.

So, if that's the case...

If you know it in advance, you can make up for it!

Thinking of this, he no longer hesitated.

As for free prostitution or transaction?

Because of the importance of points, and because I don’t think there’s anything shameful about it…

Liu Peiqiang chose the former directly.

Then, he returned to the chat group consciously...


After previously responding to Weiwei's question, Li Ye stopped paying attention to the chat group.

Not long after, I noticed that my mood value jumped suddenly.

The seventh feedback from the Divine Stone...

So he couldn't help but glance at the chat group.

Then, I discovered that they were talking about things related to me.

After learning the source of the emotional value, Li Ye didn't pay too much attention.

But then, I saw Liu Peiqiang's request.

[Liu Peiqiang: Mr. Li Ye, please send me some works related to me. 】

Because there are inexplicably many advertisements in the book review area, the system will not automatically delete them now...

I also saw a comment before that said the author thinks people who give free spoilers are idiots, although I wonder where he figured this out...

But it’s reasonable to delete such sarcastic comments, right?

It didn’t take long for me to see this guy show up and accuse me of deleting my comment!

Well, it’s definitely my fault for not banning you.

Then after thinking about it, I added a comment limit of 1 fan value.

I hope you won’t be surprised!


Thank you [Mid-level Night] for the 100 points, thank you [Skeleton Fish] for the 100 points, thank [North Star] for the 100 points, thank you [I Want the Lord] for the 100 points

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