I, Doomsday Superman, join the chat group

Chapter 49 The strengthening effect of points

The conditions for collecting emotional values ​​​​from sacred stones are not too harsh.

As long as you are involved and there is a relevant causal relationship, you can collect...

So after Li Ye uploaded "The Wandering Earth" to the public file in the group, he collected a large amount of emotional values.

Various shocks and complex emotions from the group members about wandering the earth...

Therefore, the eighth and ninth feedback from the Divine Stone also came one after another.

After a long time, I received another feedback.

At this point, it is enough to embody the mood value required to shrink the light.

Then, Li Ye casually brought a flashlight...

Under the influence of the Fantasy God Stone, its appearance has changed.

The functions have also become extremely extraordinary.

Shrink the lights and officially appear!

He tried taking a photo...

The coconut crab crawling under the tree in front of me instantly turned into a tiny creature smaller than an ant.

After this experiment, Li Ye also discovered that this prop can actually be controlled accurately.

It can control the shrinkage ratio based on the owner's brain waves.

Of course, you can only keep shrinking.

If you want to recover, you have to manifest a "magnifying light".

For Li Ye, the zoom function is enough for the time being.

However, although the shrinking light has now appeared...

But this does not mean that he can complete his idea of ​​putting the sun into the pendant.

Just because, we still have to find a sun? !

As for where to find it?

The sun here on Blue Star definitely cannot.

After all, the importance of the sun to the Blue Star environment is self-evident.

Unless you don't care...

But if Li Ye really had the idea of ​​​​destroying the world, he would not wait until now.

And this time.

Because Tony Stark in the group thought that Liu Peiqiang could turn to him as the administrator.

The remaining members also feel that the administrator should be able to help the wandering earth.

This is indeed true!

Although Li Ye's current strength is difficult to accurately estimate.

But using the so-called star-killing method to describe it is too shallow.

It can only be said that the mass is comparable to that of a planet, compressed in his nearly two-meter-tall body...

What this density brings is a steel body that makes everyone despair.

And, invincible destructive power!

As for the real universe, all known matter cannot stop Li Ye.

The act of penetrating the core of the sun and destroying the star is as easy as drinking water.

And as the yellow sun shines, his strength continues to increase.

The mass exceeds that of planets, and is comparable to stars, neutron stars, black holes...

Even comparable to the entire universe, it is not impossible.

After all, Li Ye's awakening template was Superman during the Doomsday Spore period.

Superman in this state has only appeared in DC comics.

It goes without saying how outrageous the comic version of Superman is.

As for the "final battle" in related works?

Well, that’s releasing the sea!

There is also a reason for restraint because the battlefield is on Blue Star.

And not just relying on strength...

Just by reducing the function of the lamp, he can directly pack up the sun that wanders around the earth.

But if you want to use this sun as a pendant...

That won’t work!

Don't forget, the sun on the wandering earth is aging rapidly.

They are about to produce a helium flash and then turn into an old red sun.

According to the relevant settings of Superman in DC comics, it is always the yellow sun that gives power...

And when Superman faces the light of the red sun, he will lose his powers.

Of course.

Li Ye's Doomsday state can easily overcome this weakness.

However, he shrunk the sun to quickly strengthen himself, and it’s not like he really lacked such a pendant!

Therefore, it is naturally impossible to use this sun, even if it transforms into a red giant, as a pendant.

And over there on the wandering earth, even if the threat of the sun is no longer there...

They still have to continue to implement the wandering plan and need to continue to a suitable galaxy.

Because the sun is so important to human survival!

But since it’s about myself…

Depending on the mood value and boredom, you can talk about it.

Thinking of this, Li Ye's consciousness returned to the chat group.

[{Administrator} Li Ye: If necessary, I can help the sun explode. 】

[Mai Sakurajima:? ? ? Blow up the sun! 】

[Liu Peiqiang:…/Wipe the sweat. 】

[Shizuka Hiratsuka: This bomb... is Li Ye-kun kidding? 】

[Nefertari Vivi: Hey, Teacher Jing, haven’t you watched the "Superman Collection" in the group? 】

[Shizuka Hiratsuka: I seemed to have missed something because I went to see my own related works before? 】

[Nefertari Weiwei: Uh-huh, this reveals Master Li Ye’s ability! 】

[Shizuka Hiratsuka: Weiwei is talking about the public file...the one Lieutenant Colonel Liu Peiqiang just downloaded? 】

[Nefertari Vivi: Yes, that’s right. 】

[Group message notification: Group member Hiratsuka Shizuka downloaded the resource file "Superman Collection"! 】

[Thea: Can blow up a star...]

[Xia: By the way, is Boss Li Ye already so strong now? 】

[Tony Stark:? Haven't you seen the related works of the administrator brother? This is still unclear? 】

[Xia: This is because in related works, the boss couldn’t find an opponent, so he didn’t take much action! 】

[Tony Stark:...]

[Fei Yingli: I think now is not the time to talk to you about this. Let @Liu Peiqiang talk to Mr. Administrator first. 】

[Thea: Yes. 】

[Liu Peiqiang: Thank you. 】

[Liu Peiqiang: Mr. Li Ye, if the sun is blown up, the earth will not be spared either...]

[{Administrator} Li Ye: I can take the sun away, or even replace it with a young sun, but what can you bring me? 】

[Liu Peiqiang: Can you change a star? ! 】

[Liu Peiqiang: The value of a star... I personally cannot repay it! 】

[Liu Peiqiang: Please wait a moment. 】

[Nefertari Vivi: Yeah, I got offline so suddenly...]

[Shizuka Hiratsuka: Um, Li Yejun can actually exchange it for a sun? ! But it doesn’t seem to be mentioned in the introduction, right? 】

[Mai Sakurajima: Mr. Li Ye may be talking about pushing a brand new star over...]

[Mai Sakurajima: But this, why not just push the earth over? 】

[Thea: Probably not, it should be literally "change"...]

[Tony Stark: Just replace a star? Superman doesn’t seem to have this ability! 】

[Xiya: This is actually because the boss has one in his hand...Um, boss Li Ye, can you say this? 】

[{Administrator} Li Ye: Whatever. 】

[Thea: Hey, it seems that the boss has indeed obtained the divine stone that can manifest fantasy items! 】

[Tony Stark: What? A sacred stone that can manifest fantasy items! 】

[Yakami Yue: This... fantasy item? Including the Death Note in my hand? 】

[Thea: Of course, but don’t worry, the boss will look down on you. 】

[Yakami Yue:...]

[Mai Sakurajima: If you can realize fantasy items, you can indeed "change the sun". Mr. Li Ye, what props did you use? 】

[{Administrator} Li Ye: Because I wanted to use a yellow sun as a pendant, I created a shrinking lamp. 】

[{Administrator} Li Ye: If the conditions can attract me, I wouldn’t mind showing up with a magnifying light. 】

[Shizuka Hiratsuka: ...Li Yejun wants to use a sun as a pendant? 】

[Mai Sakurajima: Mr. Li Ye’s ability to become stronger by just basking in the sun is indeed very suitable for him! 】

[Mai Sakurajima: Regarding putting the sun in the pendant...I suddenly don’t know what to say! 】

[Tony Stark:...]

Navigator space station.

There was a sudden strange noise in the originally silent dormitory.

All I could see was that Liu Peiqiang used his hands to violently dismantle the devices on his body with inhuman strength...

Then, he stood up.

The entire process of forcibly breaking away from the dormant compartment was very fast and smooth.

This, of course, is not because of a "rotten project".

It was because Liu Peiqiang used all the 130,000 points he had grabbed to strengthen his own physique.

All of a sudden, he transformed into a being at the level of "Captain America".

Of course.

Because from centuries ago, people have been preparing to deal with the crisis brought by the sun.

Therefore, naturally there will be no Captain America.

However, there is still a concept similar to "super soldiers".

But there is a huge gap between super soldiers and super soldiers.

Captain America, who is also a "super soldier", has been able to participate in wars involving "cosmic crisis" levels, and has also made a big appearance.

But Liu Peiqiang never expected that the power he now possesses...

You can make yourself play a role in this "little" solar crisis.

This is not realistic.

Not even the uniform, not the vibranium shield...

Just a dense burst of bullets can kill him!

Liu Peiqiang also knew this well.

One of the reasons why he strengthened himself was to resist the dormant drugs in his body.

Allow the body to regain consciousness.

Of course, this is only secondary.

After all, the points in the chat group can be directly used to treat "injuries".

The main reason is actually to convince the top executives of the coalition government.

Liu Peiqiang just mentioned in the group that he was unable to respond to the price, which is naturally true.

Therefore, he is ready to drag the entire coalition government into the water.

At least let the upper management know about the existence of the chat group and support your ideas!

Or should I say, let’s work together to find a way to provide conditions that satisfy the administrator.

But how do you convince others that the chat group exists?

He can become "strong evidence" by strengthening himself into a super soldier's physique!

When Liu Peiqiang woke up and forcibly left the dormant chamber.

In this space station, a red light flashed instantly...

The voice of artificial intelligence Moss also rang: "Warning! Illegal wake-up!"

"Sleep state corruption detected..."

"Start the manual correction process...awakening all dormant personnel in the same unit!"

Liu Peiqiang ignored this.

He stared at the camera: "Moss, contact the ground..."

"I want to talk to the Supreme Archon!"

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