I, Doomsday Superman, join the chat group

Chapter 63 People from the motherland?

A hideous monster...

With a gentle man wearing glasses and fair skin...

These two completely opposite faces are very close to each other.

It is precisely because of this that this scene creates a scalp-numbing contrast.

In particular, the former asked sarcastically: "Who is the monster?"

These hoarse and low words seemed to echo in his mind continuously.

Unknowingly, Siya straightened her sitting posture.

His gaze continued.

She suddenly expected the plot of Doomsday to go berserk!

But it's a pity...

The next detailed scene was the scene where the man's head was crushed like a watermelon.

The screen also shows a close-up of Ye Xibo on his badge.

The rest was a scene of earth shaking and mountains shaking.

Finally, a crazily flashing scarlet ray energy cluster erupted with Doomsday as the center...

Like an extremely dazzling little sun!

Suddenly, the entire laboratory was wiped out together with the land within a hundred miles.

Fortunately, the laboratory was established underground in an uninhabited area.

Therefore, innocent people were not affected.


That is, the entire S city suddenly switched from night to day...

["When reason is swallowed up by the consciousness that destroys everything...\

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