I, Doomsday Superman, join the chat group

Chapter 68 It’s really difficult! (1/2)

Chapter 68 It’s really difficult! (12)

"Ye Nantian..."

"It's actually that researcher, Ye Xibo's son!" Siya said in surprise.

"No wonder...the previous scene was dedicated to a close-up."

After learning this, she was really shocked.

Some can’t believe it…

After all, in the later part of the plot of the first season, the protagonist is in the name of avenging his father.

As a "villain", Li Ye does have many potential enemies.

But the protagonist Ye Nantian is the one least qualified to seek revenge.

This result is really ironic!

"Guigui..." Siya couldn't help but gasped.

"You know the boss has a lot of fans. I'm afraid there will be a riot!"


A handsome and strong villain, naturally very popular.

Three views follow the five senses!

And the plot of this one-person journal is indeed extremely fan-attracting.

It was only Siya, a woman who had no need for affection, who remained unmoved.

At this time, a large number of irritable remarks that wanted the protagonist to die appeared on the screen.

The dense barrages are almost all...

Looking at this posture, I probably want the author to kill the protagonist right away.

Or simply change the protagonist.

But how could the author do it if he wasn't pointed at gunpoint?

Siya, who didn't mind watching the excitement, actually thought about using her ability to divine the author's specific address.

Then publish it to the top...

Of course, this was just a fleeting bad thought in my mind.

And with her current ability, she couldn't divine the specific address of a stranger at all.

If you try divination without any information, you can only get a rough location at most.

Probably the kind that only goes to a certain county...

Thinking of this, Siya took back these thoughts.

Her eyes continued to turn to the screen, and she wanted to know the development of the plot behind it.

However, the ending scene appeared, and Siya realized that it was over.

Originally, she thought she would be able to see the ending of the final battle, and even the story of the boss in outer space.

The result was nothing.

"It actually left a suspense..."

"What a dog!"

After making a complaint, Siya recalled the plot of the entire series.


This woman realized a "truth": "It turns out that great strength also brings corresponding pain!"

"It's really scary..."

But before he finished speaking, a crisp sound of "pop" was heard.

But it was she who slapped herself and forcibly interrupted the conversation...

He is a cruel person!

Thea, who had now regained consciousness: "Pain?"

"I also want to bear this pain..."

This is in line with the sentence at the beginning: When you are weak, strength is everything.

However, strength does not come out of thin air.

So for now, stop daydreaming.

Putting aside many distracting thoughts, Siya remembered the reason why she watched this memoir.

At first, I wanted to understand the big boss’s personality and then build a better relationship...

But after reading this session, she found that there was no way to start.

Although Boss Li Ye's strength came through awakening, it does not appear to be abrupt at all.

He has had the ideal of changing the world since he was a child, as if he was destined to be great.

So it gives people a sense of being natural.

Moreover, the boss himself does not have a "poor man becomes rich" mentality. There is not much difference between being weak and strong.

That "heart" has never changed.

Iron willed, cold personality...

Well, a little bit tsundere!

Such a person...

"It's really difficult!"

Thea shook her head and decided to give up her previous idea.

Just let it go...

And I have to say, the suspense left by that headline I saw before was indeed very attractive.

The advertising money from the comics side was not wasted.

At least, it attracted her.

So, Thea then turned to the plot of the second season of "The Awakening Stone".


When there is a huge rock above everyone's head...

Whether it is people who think it is an eyesore or people who are enjoying the shade underneath, they will all have the idea of ​​moving the stone away.

After all, it's too dangerous.

And now, this huge stone has indeed disappeared as expected.

And then...freedom?

Yes, everyone is free!

This naturally includes those stinky rats that were originally hidden from the light...

That is, the awakened aliens who can become stronger by eating human bodies, but they have endured it for a long time.

So after realizing that the "boulder" had disappeared, they all started hunting like crazy because they were hungry.

The villains who were quietly lurking in the darkness began to walk grandly to the "Land of Light".

Along the way, bring bloody mayhem.

There is also a madman who has hijacked mankind's most dangerous weapon: a nuclear weapon.

Yes, only one.

Everyone is worried that their location will become this "lucky place".

And what is the yield of nuclear weapons? Does that madman have the ability to launch?

This issue is not clear.

But it is precisely because of the unknown that it is more worthy of fear.

People began to miss "God"...

As for Ye Nantian?

Although he is indeed the strongest today, he does not have the almost omnipotent superpowers of Superman.

Such as super hearing, super strength...

Therefore, he was unable to detect the evil in the first place and stop it or stop it.

For this reason, Ye Nantian has put in a lot of effort.

By continuously collecting emotional points, you can create fantasy props to restrain your opponents.

Following this, the Fantasy Divine Stone also changed.

It shines with colorful light and quietly spreads fantasy factors to the entire Blue Star.

This scene was similar to what Li Ye had seen before.

But the difference is that the divine stone did not produce any more changes.

For example, there is no scene of recognizing the Lord, and naturally there is no "rooting" and "sprouting".

Of course.

In this regard, Xiya naturally did not know the difference.

She just quickly read the previous plot summary and clicked on episode 60.

Final BOSS?

The new god of awakeners?

This information is obviously more worthy of attention.

Then after the commercials, the main film started playing.

Just when Siya thought that this one would only appear at the end of the film like the big boss in the first season.

But I heard a mature and strong voice from the Royal Sister:

["From now on, I will sit on the empty supreme throne!\

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