"A monster that can never be killed?"

"Infinite physical energy that never stops?"

"When encountering an effective attack, it will instantly evolve a super-adaptive ability to restrain itself?"

"What the hell is this!"

When Siya learned about the Doomsday setting for the first time, she instantly felt bad.


There are naturally more buggy settings than this.

Some works even directly set some characters to be invincible and almighty!

But for Siya, those are just fictional characters.

But this one is different...

He just joined the group chat!

And the "bad things" I did in the group seem to be exposed by this boss?

Good guy, this is all a feud!

When she thought of this, Siya's whole body was indeed numb.

"Huh~~" She took a deep breath.

The huge snow peak on his chest also rose and fell.

"Don't panic, it's not a big problem."

"And as long as I don't hold grudges, we don't count as grudges against him!"

Siya, who forced herself to calm down, adjusted her glasses and said wittily.

Then, her blue pupils turned back to the screen.

After seeing the ending clip shown above, Siya immediately clicked on the next episode.

This is the 300th and final episode of "Awakening of the Divine Stone".

"Keep watching to see if there are any twists in this episode!"

"But there should be a turning point... right?"

Thea said with some uncertainty.

Logically speaking, she doesn't have to doubt this.

After all, in the battle between the protagonist and the villain, the final outcome will definitely be that the former will win!

But in the episode just now, the protagonist was tortured to the point of being treated like a supporting character.

It's too awful!

Even Siya, who had already read the plot introduction, was a little unconfident.

However, its tenacious vitality is quite consistent with the "little strong" characteristics of a normal protagonist.

But to be honest, she really couldn't imagine how the protagonist could defeat Li Ye?

The sacred stone that is the golden finger of the protagonist should not be able to be transformed into a fantasy item that is too advanced...

Or, there are other restrictions and preconditions.

Otherwise, it would not have ended up like this.

At this time, Siya also remembered the comment about this that she had read before.

"The final result of revenge is not satisfactory..."

"What kind of unsatisfactory method could this... be?"

Curious, she casually skipped the opening sequence of the anime.

As the violent roaring sound produced when breaking through the sky at extremely high speeds was heard, the scene from the main film was also reflected at the same time:

[I saw Li Ye, who transformed into a monster of the Doomsday, leaping up with Ye Nantian in one hand and soaring into the sky. 】

[Perhaps he was aware of his destructive power on Blue Star and his remaining sanity made him make this move. 】

[And this jump is extremely fast. 】

[In the blink of an eye, it broke through the atmosphere and came to the dark and silent vacuum universe. 】

[And in front of us, the bumpy moon surface is rapidly enlarging! 】

【boom! ! ! 】

[In the universe, the silent explosion produced after the violent impact is still extremely brilliant. 】

[It just lacks the shocking loud noise, resulting in some distortion. 】

[Among the countless scattered gravels and surging heat waves, a monster figure carrying Ye Nantian rushed out. 】

【It is still unabated! 】

[The satellite of the moon is like tofu, and it does not act as an obstacle at all. 】

[On the contrary, he was directly penetrated by the extremely small monster, causing serious damage in an instant. 】

[After the tumbling air waves calmed down, and the countless fragments of the moon and stars that turned into "space junk" floated away. 】

[The moon, which has lost nearly one-sixth of its volume, reappears in front of people with an incomplete appearance. 】

[In low Earth orbit on Blue Star, space station. 】

[An astronaut inside saw a window prompt that suddenly popped up on the screen, and his face was stunned. 】

[He said: "Captain, the surveillance system issued an alarm. The radar system captured an unknown object with a volume of no more than five meters, rushing out of the Blue Star's atmosphere at an immeasurable speed.\

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