I, Doomsday Superman, join the chat group

Chapter 76: Sacrifice the little one to protect the big one

Smiling proudly in the world.

Huashan School.

In the study room, Yue Buqun, who was dressed as a Confucian scholar, had an expression on his face that was changing.

It was because he saw the future plots related to him in "The Swordsman" that his mood kept fluctuating.

The public files downloaded from the chat group are directly transferred into the mind...

Although the group members still need to "look through" it by themselves, it is much faster than the ordinary viewing method.

So not long after…

Yue Buqun then read the entire article.

I saw that his eyes were red at this time, and his expression became ferocious.

"The whole family died, and the Huashan sect became the laughing stock of the world?"

"How can the future of my Yue Buqun and the Huashan Sect be like this!"

"Also, that traitor..."

After saying this, Yue Buqun immediately wanted to draw his sword and kill Linghu Chong.

But just after holding the hilt of the sword, he suppressed this impulsive thought.

After all, he killed his first disciple "for no reason"...

Such a thing is not appropriate.

"The white-eyed wolf hasn't caused any trouble yet. Killing him would be harmful but useless..."

"Besides, I don't know how to explain it to my junior sister and others."

"So it's better to wait for an opportunity and then kill him legitimately."

"With the dissolute and dissolute temper of the traitor, if he is left alone, he will cause trouble sooner or later..."

"At that time, I will add fuel to the flames, and then I can come out to clean up the house. It will also become my reputation as a gentleman's sword."

"Well, it's not urgent..."

"Anyway, that traitor can't escape from my grasp."

"And in the future, maybe I can learn the Dugu Nine Swords from this white-eyed wolf."

After careful calculation.

Yue Buqun, who was very deep in the city, had this murderous intention towards Linghu Chong hidden deep in his heart.

Subsequently, a lot of information such as the Sunflower Book, Uncanny Sword Technique, Dongfang Invincible and Let Me Go, etc., circulated in his mind.

However, these are just fleeting.


"The most important thing is this chat group!"

Yue Buqun looked at the light curtain in his mind at this moment, and his expression became cautious.

Of course, in ancient times, the Internet and chat groups did not exist.

But in fact, it is not difficult to understand the meaning. It is nothing more than a teahouse where literati gather.

It's just that the members of this "teahouse" are fixed, and they still come from different worlds.

The specific strength of the group members is not yet known.

But he also knew that this was an incredible opportunity.

Therefore, in this chat group, you must always pay attention to maintaining your own image and reputation...

Only in this way can you gain the greatest benefit!


After reading the public documents of "The Swordsman", Yue Buqun instantly understood that his image was completely gone.

some of…

It is not the worst thing for the group members to know that they will practice the evil sword manual in the palace in the future.

Although Yue Buqun, who has a good reputation, is still quite concerned about this.

But he also knew that this kind of thing could actually be regarded as "harmless".

The most terrible thing...

Or is it his "true face" of being narrow-minded, stubborn, and sinister like a villain, which has been exposed to the group.

Such a bad situation…

Yue Buqun had already anticipated this scene when he was seeking to upload his related works for free.

But originally, he was very confident about it.

Just because he believes that he has always adhered to chivalry and done many righteous deeds in the past twenty years.

Although most of his actions were for his own reputation and to achieve the goal of revitalizing the Huashan Sect...

Not entirely out of one's own heart.

But these chivalrous acts over the past two decades are also true.


In this book, it is mentioned in one stroke!

And these evil deeds that have not yet been done are described in detail.

Therefore, Yue Buqun felt that he had been wronged.

At the same time, he also felt some resentment towards Stark who encouraged him.

He had some regrets.

Maybe it would have been better to go to the group member named Siya to buy it privately before?

But points seem to be important too?

But now…

It's pointless to dwell on this anymore.

For the current plan, we must first find a way to change our image in the group.

And compared to being embarrassed...

The impression of a "sinister villain" left on people is the one that should be reversed the most.

After careful consideration, Yue Buqun decided to "save the small to protect the big"...

He planned to divert the attention of the group members by using the topic of the evil-repelling sword manual from the palace.

This success rate is naturally very high.

that is…

Well, Lao Yue is a cruel person!

With this idea in mind, Yue Buqun immediately spoke in the group:

[Yue Buqun: Don’t get me wrong, Yue is not this kind of person at all. 】

[Yue Buqun: Everyone, please never take the characters in this book seriously. 】

[Thea: Huh? Is the plot inside wrong? 】

[Yue Buqun: I’m not sure about this, because it records things in the future. 】

[Yue Buqun: These have never happened before, so we still don’t know. 】

[Yue Buqun: But how could I covet the power of a sword technique and become that inhumane eunuch? 】

[Yue Buqun: This is absolutely impossible! 】

[Yue Buqun: Therefore, regarding the matter of self-imposed palace, it is not expected to be true. 】

[Xia: Well, Master Yue, this plot in the book seems to be mainly because you want to revitalize the Huashan Sect, right? 】

[Yue Buqun: Revitalize the Huashan Sect? 】

[Yue Buqun: This is indeed my lifelong wish. If it's because of this, it's very possible. 】


[Liu Peiqiang: This sacrifice made by Master Yue is really great, I admire you...]

[Ya Shenyue: Admiration +1]

[Tony Stark: I am also deeply impressed. 】

[Nefertari Vivi: Unknown Chewing Chestnut.JPG]

[Mai Sakurajima: Eating melon...]

[Thea: Tsk, Stark, didn’t you just say you were going to retreat to learn magic? Why is this coming back? 】

[Tony Stark: Ahem, you don’t have to worry about learning magic. 】

[Tony Stark: On the other hand, Master Yue’s swordsmanship requires one to learn from the palace, and it is obviously worth studying. 】

[Thea: What, you want to practice? 】

[Thea: Hehe, I do feel like I match you well! 】

[Fei Yingli: Siya is right. For this playboy, this evil sword manual is indeed quite suitable! 】


[Yue Buqun: I have never seen this sword technique before, and I probably won’t understand it in the future. 】

[Yue Buqun: But if Mr. Stark needs it, I can make a special trip to the Lin family to ask for it. 】

[Tony Stark: I just want to study why a swordsmanship requires such an outrageous requirement...]

[Tony Stark: Forget it, no need! 】


This topic gradually passed away.

No one mentioned this again afterward.

Seeing this, Yue Buqun couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"This matter should be considered in the past, right?"

However, a reminder that popped up in the group later made him freeze...

[Group message reminder: Group member Hermione Granger downloaded the public files "Swordsman", "The Wandering Earth", and "Superman Information Collection". 】

At this time.

Yue Buqun suddenly realized: As long as this work related to him is still in public documents.

Then this matter cannot be settled.

He looked at the chat group and had an idea in his mind:

I wonder if the public files in this group can be removed?

What are these other two public files?

Is it also a related work?

The update time will be fixed at 23:00 in the future, and it will be updated as much as possible.

I try to keep two updates at the same time, and then make up for the missed updates.

Well, including today's chapter, I owe a total of 11 chapters.

People are numb. .

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