I, Doomsday Superman, join the chat group

Chapter 78 Who doesn’t want Jing Keai?

[Group message reminder: Group member Yue Buqun downloaded "The Wandering Earth" and "Superman Information Collection" from the group's public files. 】

[Thea: Why is no one talking? 】

[Thea: By the way, what did you do after learning about the future? 】

[Thea: Let’s talk about it, everyone, and give me a sense of accomplishment after the spoilers! 】

[Mai Sakurajima: Well, nothing has changed. 】

[Mai Sakurajima: It’s still the original world of one person, with the usual water and water groups, which is pretty good. 】

[Shizuka Hiratsuka: There is no change. Watching the plot probably let me know the fact that I am still single after two years.../face covering. 】

[Fei Yingli: Well... I'm about the same. 】

[Fei Yingli: But to be honest, I feel that it is a bit of a loss for us to use points to buy this related work. 】

[Fei Yingli: It's okay for others. They can learn about future crises and prepare in advance, but we are in the "daily show", so there is no need for this. 】

[Fei Yingli: After learning about the future, I will live my life as before. The only changes are brought about by strengthening points. 】

[Thea: Let me quibble about this...]

[Thea: Bah, that’s an explanation! And knowing the future, how could it be useless? 】

[Thea: After knowing your future destiny, you can do everything perfectly to avoid regrets. 】

[Thea: Even if these are not necessary, you can still learn through the works whether there are any secrets in the world you live in...]

[Xia: Yingli, didn’t you just know the existence of the winery and let Xiaolan live with you? 】

[Fei Yingli: That’s right. It’s a pity that Xiaolan has had some trouble with me recently. 】

[Thea: Huh? what have you done? 】

[Fei Yingli: This...isn't right! You shouldn't start by asking what happened? 】

[Mai Sakurajima: Yes, Thea, you are too arbitrary. 】

[Thea: I am not arbitrary, Yingli’s daughter is very well-behaved. 】

[Mai Sakurajima: Ah, Sister Eri has a daughter? 】

[Thea: That’s right, Xiaolan is almost as old as you! 】

[Mai Sakurajima: That’s it, then should I change my name to Auntie Eri? 】

[Fei Yingli: Mai, you must be polite! 】

[Fei Yingli: Also, I didn’t do anything excessive. 】

[Fei Yingli: I just made love breakfast a few times. Xiaolan didn’t appreciate it, but she still...]

[Fei Yingli: Oh, it’s really sad. 】

[Mai Sakurajima: That’s right, it’s really your daughter’s fault. 】

[Shizuka Hiratsuka: Not bad! But since Siya said that Xiaolan is very good, is it because she has reached the rebellious stage of youth? 】

[Fei Yingli: Alas, Xiaolan has indeed reached the age of rebelliousness...]

[Thea: Bah! Shit’s rebellious stage, this is obviously because Yingli’s cooking is too unpalatable! 】

[Thea: Love breakfast? How many times? 】

[Xiya: If Xiaolan doesn’t use karate to deal with you, she already treats you as her own mother! 】

[Shizuka Hiratsuka: This...]

[Mai Sakurajima: I would like to ask, sister Eri, is the food you cook delicious? 】

[Fei Yingli: This should be okay...]

[Shizuka Hiratsuka: Should? 】

[Thea: Yingli, I advise you to be self-aware! 】

[Fei Yingli: It seems like you haven’t eaten it, Siya! So I should be the one to advise you not to be so confident. 】

[Fei Yingli: The cartoon is slander and cannot be taken as true! 】

[Thea: Uh, did I really misunderstand? 】

[Fei Yingli: Definitely! If we have a chance to meet in the future, I will cook it myself to prove it to you! 】

[Thea: For this proof, you don’t have to wait to meet...]

[Thea: You can just finish cooking in your own world and then send the food as a red envelope! 】

[Fei Yingli: Is this still possible? 】

[Thea: Natural. 】

[Fei Yingli: That’s okay, I’ll cook when I find some free time! 】

[Mai Sakurajima: Well, do I have a share? 】

[Shizuka Hiratsuka: Same question...]

[Liu Peiqiang: Madam, can you prepare an extra serving? 】

[Nefertari Vivi: Hey, I also want to try how the food from another world tastes! 】

[Fei Yingli: Don’t worry, everyone in the group has something, everyone has a share! 】

[Fei Yingli: When the time comes, I won’t let you down! 】

[Thea: Uh... I feel like Yingli is quite satisfied, but I have a very bad feeling. 】

[Xiya: The more difficult the cooking is, the more people like cooking. 】

[Thea: I always feel like this time something is wrong, the chat group is about to be wiped out! 】

[Fei Yingli: Huh? 】

[Thea: Hehe, don’t get me wrong, what I said is that everyone will eat and be happy! 】

[Fei Yingli: Siya, if you continue to be so eccentric, you will no longer have your share. 】

[Thea: Hey, hey, you must not! Sister Yingli, sister, I also want to try food from another world! 】

[Fei Yingli: Get out of here! 】

[Mai Sakurajima: I punch a monster every time.JPG]

[Shizuka Hiratsuka: With Siya’s way of letting herself go, Weiwei is afraid that she won’t be able to call her sister anymore. 】

[Nefertari Vivi:...]

[Thea: Uh-huh, no more kidding. 】

[Thea: Let’s go back to the previous topic. As long as everyone has read your related works, you can quickly find point resources that can be recycled in the chat group! 】

[Thea: So it can be said that it is a loss, after all, there is a free method from the administrator, but it cannot be said that it is useless! 】

[Fei Yingli: That makes sense, but why can’t I find the points resource you mentioned? 】

[Mai Sakurajima: Me too...]

[Shizuka Hiratsuka: Same. 】

[Thea: This is mainly because you didn’t look for it, okay? 】

[Thea: Take Eri's world as an example. The drug APTX-4869 that makes the protagonist Conan smaller is probably a point resource. 】

[Fei Yingli: That is a new transformation into Conan, but it is indeed possible! 】

[Fei Yingli: But this thing is really difficult to get. 】

[Thea: So don’t just do nothing, just raid the winery and be done with it. 】

[Fei Yingli: No! I don't want to get involved with these organizations, it's too dangerous. 】

[Thea: No, you have become stronger, but you are still an honest lawyer. Is this reasonable? 】

[Thea: In addition, after using the points to strengthen yourself, you haven’t encountered anyone coming to find trouble? This shouldn't be the case! 】

[Fei Yingli: Huh? What's wrong? 】

[Fei Yingli: It’s been nothing for so many years. If something happens suddenly, then I might have to question the nature of the chat group. 】

[Thea: But, this doesn’t conform to the logic of the novel! 】

[Fei Yingli: As long as it conforms to realistic logic, don’t commit occupational diseases. 】

[Fei Yingli: Why don't you tell me now, what are the point resources in the world of Mai and Teacher Jing! 】

[Thea: Well, I really don’t know...]

[Thea: But this is the everyday world anyway, and they won’t be in a hurry to become stronger. 】

[Mai Sakurajima: Yes, I think it’s pretty good now. 】

[Thea: Yeah, Mai doesn’t care either. As for Teacher Jing’s single issue...]

[Xiya: Teacher Jing is so cute, it’s not easy to find a boyfriend! 】

[Shizuka Hiratsuka: That's an exaggeration. How could I...]

[Thea: Hehe, don’t be shy. 】

[Xia: Jing Kei, who doesn’t want it? 】

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