Seeing Liang Bing’s smile disappear,

Su Kong’s smile became even stronger.

“Damn, what’s going on?”

Liang Bing looked at Su Kong in disbelief and asked,”That bitch Keisha is gone, who else can kill me? It can’t be you, right? No, the established future should not have you?”

She thought of many possibilities in her mind.

In the end, she set her target on Carl.

In her opinion, only Carl had this ability.

Seeing her puzzled face, Su Kong said calmly,”You are wrong. The future you… was killed by Hua Ye.”

“Hua Ye!?”

Liang Bing stood up with a bang.

She couldn’t hide the shock in her eyes.

“What the hell is this?”

Liang Bing blinked continuously and asked in disbelief:”Hua Ye is such a jerk, and he still wants to kill me, the queen? Are you sure you are not talking nonsense about the future?”

“Now, Hua Ye is tens of thousands of years away from you.”

Su Kong’s expression was calm, he just smiled and said:”But he is not alone, what if he got help from Ruoning first, and then was implanted with a brand new engine by Karl?”


Liang Bing’s eyes showed horror, she asked:”You said that Ruoning surrendered to Hua Ye, and Karl also made some changes to Hua Ye?”

She found it hard to believe in her heart.

But she saw Su Kong nodded gently.

Liang Bing’s heart sank immediately.

She clenched her fist unconsciously and fell silent.

Her current fourth-generation divine body was upgraded by Karl.

If there is anyone in this world who can kill herself besides Kesha, then Liang Bing can only think of Karl.

No, now there may be another Su Kong.

But Su Kong himself seems to be beyond this time.

That person can never be him.

Then the answer may be only one person.

That is Karl.

Karl himself transformed his divine body for himself.

He may know what kind of flaws his divine body has.

If he deliberately targets, then Hua Ye must be able to kill himself


Liang Bing’s face darkened slightly, and she asked,”What exactly is his purpose?”

“Isn’t it obvious?”

Su Kong spread his hands and explained:”Karl’s goal is to study the void.

For this, he even destroyed a galaxy.

It was only later suppressed by Kesha’s order that he restrained himself.

However, he never gave up his research.

If he wants to further study, he must eliminate those threats.

Do you think that only Kesha is a threat, and you are not a threat? He used you to kill Kesha, and now he uses Hua Ye to kill you and He Xi, then the angel civilization will be completely finished, and who else in the universe can fight against it?”

Liang Bing’s expression changed slightly.

She didn’t know what way Karl needed to go.

But from the past, the so-called research on the void must have sacrificed a lot.

Perhaps it is not just one or two galaxies.

And now Karl seems to be doing nothing.

Perhaps he is brewing an extremely terrifying conspiracy.

Thinking of this, even Liang Bing felt cold all over.

Her body and mind were violently shaken, and she felt waves of fear for the first time.

“It seems that even if he is afraid.”

Liang Bing was silent for a moment, then she frowned and said,”But I still underestimated this pervert Carl. He is really good at hiding. If I hadn’t met you, I would never have thought that he had a bigger plan.”

Su Kong glanced at her and said lightly,”Maybe you don’t know him at all.”

Liang Bing fell silent again.

In the past, she thought she knew something about Carl. She even guessed that he had done a lot of research.

But now, after listening to Su Kong, she suddenly felt an inexplicable absurdity.

She…maybe she never knew Carl.

And that Carl might have a more terrifying plan in his heart.

Because she thought of Carl’s horror, she now thought of the plan to ambush Kesha.

In the known universe, Carl is unfathomable, and only Kesha can suppress him. If Kesha dies, then Carl can be really unscrupulous!

And according to Carl’s plan, maybe one day she will stand opposite Carl.

So she, the demon queen, will also die!

She frowned slightly. Eyebrows raised.

She was also thinking quickly about what to do next.

Since she knew the future from Su Kong.

She had to be cautious.

After all, although she also felt that the universe would eventually be destroyed.

But she supported enjoyment and decadence, and was not as crazy as Carl.

According to her guess about Carl.

The other party might change the life of the entire universe.

At that time… her heart was extremely complicated.

And Su Kong had been paying attention to the changes in Liang Bing.


Su Kong looked in a certain direction.

His super hearing heard the unusual movement over there.

Although Liang Bing was thinking.

But her eyes never left Su Kong.

Seeing that Su Kong’s expression was not right, she asked:”What’s the matter, what did you think of like this?”


Su Kong slowly turned his head and pointed in that direction and said,”Something happened over there.”

The two slowly came to the door.

They saw a crocodile-like creature in the distance.

Behind it, there were two armored warriors flying.

They seemed to be chasing the crocodile.

PS: 10 updates a day, the old author asks for flowers, evaluation votes, comments, monthly tickets, and rewards. The first day is really important. Thank you all!

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