I! Draco

Chapter 050

Hundred Beasts Kaido!

He has the same status as the white-bearded red-haired and is known as the existence of the Four Emperors!

The Four Emperors are the absolute kings of the second half of the Great Voyage!

“Handcuff me with the sea lou stone.”

Ledeo ordered coldly.

Many naval minions did not dare to snub, and hurriedly tied up Jack.

Know that this is God’s will, how can you disobey it?

Besides, Jack is the right and left hand of the Four Emperors, how can the other party give up if he is not controlled?

“Now let me know and find the best ivory carver master in this sea to deal with this ivory for me.”

Ledeo ordered.

After treatment, this ivory will surely become the best work of art!

Mammoth tusks!

If it weren’t for the existence of the Devil Fruit, where would I go in the world to find mammoths?

This pair of ivory carvings will become one of Ledeo’s collections, and if you take the flowers to auction, you may be able to auction them for a huge price!

With Jack taken down, the pirates could hardly form combat power!

The waves at sea were also gradually subsided.

With Baccarat and Carifa in his arms, Ledeo began to return to the interior of the cabin to continue their unfinished business!

Absolutely no holiday tonight!

With Charulia around, Ledeo felt that a table of mahjong could be put together in the room.


Two days later.

After a long voyage at sea, the fleet escorting Ledio finally returned to the Holy Land of Marie Joa.

Ledeo certainly wasn’t idle in the past two days.

During the day, he took Kalifa and the women to fish, baked some sea kings to eat, and at night he learned more about each other with them.

After the fleet landed, Ledio took the three women off the luxury ship.

“Ledio, we…”

As soon as the green pheasant spoke, he was interrupted by Ledeo waving his hand: “Oh, if there is nothing wrong, you guys go back first!” Remember to help me imprison these pirates, and I will have to take them out for auction another day!” ”

Pheasant: “…”

Ledeo said and walked towards the harbor without looking back.

This arrogant attitude made the green pheasant and the navy feel helpless, there was no way who let the family be Draco.

The navy subordinate to the world government, protecting Draco is a matter of course!

Not to mention, this Draco is still so special!

Many navies worked all the way, but did not get anything in return, which naturally made their mood a little disappointed.

But, who cares about you?

Once you have it, you have to enjoy it.

After sending Ledio back to Marijoa, CP0 and the others had also returned to their lives, and Ledio walked towards his mansion under the escort of Luqi and others.

“What do you two think about this shot?”

Walking on the road, Ledio suddenly said to Luki and Kaku.

These two are the first dogs he collected, and the potential is very high, Ledio naturally wants to cultivate them well.

After listening to his words, Lu Qi and Kaku immediately said: “Back to Your Highness, there are many people on the other side who will use domineering, this kind of power is really terrifyingly strong, even with our physical skill level, we have suffered a lot of losses!” ”

“This is normal, there is a big difference between being domineering and not being domineering!” Ledio said lightly.

In the original, the domineering power is fully manifested after the new world.

Domineering and not domineering are completely two concepts of strength.

Even the Luffy Regiment two years ago still had no power to fight back when facing the domineering Battle Peach Pill!

You know, Luffy’s original strength was two consecutive defeats of the Seven Martial Seas!

Before the New World, pirates were also their opponents.

But in the face of domineering, it is almost completely crushed!

Listening to Ledio’s words, Luqi and Kaku immediately said: “When we fought with them, we also felt the surge of power in our bodies, and I believe that it won’t be long before we can control this power!” ”

Listening to the two say this, Ledeo also nodded with satisfaction.

Their talent is not low, and after concentrating on cultivation, they can naturally quickly awaken their domineering.

After everyone walked to the Selman family’s mansion together, Luqi and the two bowed and left.

With their status, they naturally can’t live with Ledeo.

Ledeo took a few women and walked towards the mansion, but as soon as he stepped into the gate of the courtyard, a voice slowly came out from inside…

“Stinky boy, this time you went out and played quite big!”

Ledio raised his head and saw Abel standing in front of the courtyard with his hands in his hands, staring at him faintly.


Collectible!!!! Ask for flowers!!! Asking for tickets!!!!

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