I! Draco

Chapter 078

Karp said: “I don’t mean the circulation of information. But you, known as the lonely red, are actually interested in other people? ”

Ledfield clasped his fists to his chest and slowly closed his eyes.

“Like you said, Karp, the times don’t belong to us anymore. However, the next era was also opened up with Roger’s death. In the past, we made a fuss on the sea, so who will dominate this era? ”

Saying that, Ledfield opened his eyes again, and a pair of deep pupils were once again aimed at Ledeo.

“That boy, will he become Roger in this era…”

“One Piece? No way. ”

Karp continued, “As you know, he is a Draco, and he cannot be a pirate against the world government anyway. ”

“Of course. So, in this era, we still have the possibility of being able to exert residual heat. ”

“After Roger’s death, the throne of One Piece remained vacant. Even Edward the Whitebeard is now seriously ill. ”

“If this era is ruled by that Draco, the only people who can sit on that throne are us remnants of the old era.”

Karp frowned: “Are you… Are you still coveting the position of One Piece? You are no longer as strong as you were then, even if you are a strong guy, you will not be able to withstand the test of time. ”

“Now that we have half a foot in the grave, how do you want to stir up trouble??”

“Indeed, we are all old and immortal. However, I can’t let go of handing over this sea to these new sailors. Ledfield showed an evil smile: “Don’t look at me in this prison, but I’ve heard it… A way to get me back to my eighteen-year-old peak physique! ”

Karp’s eyes widened and said, “What did you say!?” Could it be…”

Ledio heard it behind him, and he whispered, “Bat fruit, phantom beast species, vampire form… It is the devil fruit that can make the opponent age by absorbing the blood of others, and it is your own youth. ”

However, he also knows that from the timeline, the current Baloli Clydefield has not yet received this fruit.

Compared to Karp and Ledio, Magellan, as the warden, is much calmer.

“Don’t worry, Your Highness Ledio. The prisoners held here are all big people. There is no surprise in saying such shocking words. ”

“However, this is the city of propulsion, the largest prison in the world. As long as I am there, they will not be able to escape, nor will they be able to make what they say true.

Ledfield glanced at Magellan and said to Karp: “Wrong, I am really trapped here now. However, you have given me hope. ”

“You mean Your Royal Highness!?”

“That’s right, he’s a wedge. The prisoners who entered the city already felt that the peace on the sea had been shattered since Roger’s death. That Draco named Ledio will bring change to the times. ”

“And this kind of change, whether it is good for the pirates, good for the world government, or good for the GM army, will shake the world.” With that shake… Guys like me, who are sealed in the dark, have the possibility of seeing the light of day again. ”

“You bastard…”

“Draco Ledio, even if he can get close to Roger, close to One Piece. But after all, he is a newcomer in the new era. If there is a day, I will go out again and take the throne of One Piece. ”

“Karp, you’re old. Do you know when people start aging? It’s not graying of hair, not skin folds, but … When you admit that you are old. Compared to you, I’m not old, huh. ”

Hearing Ledfield’s words, Karp’s heart seemed to cast a shadow.

Having personally seen Ledfield defeat Steelbone, he naturally understands what a fierce character Ledfield is.

If he is indeed allowed to escape from Advance City one day, the world will inevitably return to the chaotic era of decades ago.

Just as Karp was worried, Ledio had already come from the rear.

“You’re the Lonely Red, Ledfield? Sure enough, as rumored, even if you are in prison, your temperament is not reduced. ”

Ledfield looked at Ledeo, and then said, “You know me?” I thought the new people didn’t remember me anymore, Ledio. ”

“How so? As a guy who is bound to become a stumbling block in the future, I will investigate clearly from beginning to end. ”

“What do you say…” Ledfeld’s eyes narrowed.

Ledio smiled slightly: “The guy with the same name as Roger and Whitebeard, do you think I will investigate without any effort at all?” It seems that what I am doing outside seems to make people misunderstand that I am a brave person. ”

“It seems that I am going to change my opinion of you, and you are really thick and thin. However, this level is acceptable. Ledfield said.

“To this extent? I don’t remember letting you see how far I am, but everything you calculated can end here. ”

“You want to escape while I’m rising, and grab my possessions? Don’t be delusional, even this idea of yours has not been able to hide it from me. ”

“Less nonsense here.”

Ledio turned around: “Is it a big word, you will know in the future, the old man should have the appearance of an old man.” ”

“By the way, by the way, I have already sent someone to search for the bat fruit. Do you think I’ll find it first, or you’ll find it first while you’re in the middle of the city? Hehe. ”

“Hey! How would you, you boy, know! ”


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