I! Draco

Chapter 082

And Charulia, at first, also disliked the style of Kim Rami.

But then he took the initiative to fit in, interact with her, and bring a different kind of enjoyment to Ledeo.

It wasn’t until it was completely dark that the room was completely quiet.

Contented, Ledeo put on his clothes and looked at Charulia and Kim Rami, who had fallen asleep.

“Oh, a woman with a different heart. Say what you hate Kim Lamy, but it turns out to be quite compatible with her. Sure enough, subduing Jinrami is the right choice, and with her, maybe she can play more tricks with Kalifa and Bakara in the future. ”

At this time, there was a sudden knock on the door, and then came the voice of Karp.

“Your Royal Highness, are you busy? The prisoners have all been escorted. ”

Ledeo was stunned and thought: Magellan clearly said that he could be escorted in half an hour, but it was dark this day, and Karp came to report. Oh, the old man does things, he really knows the rules better than the peach rabbit…

Ledeo followed Karp back to deck.

I saw that the fleet group was all ready to go.

The entrance to hell, which was originally crowded with prisoners behind him, is now gone.

Magellan is also long gone, I am afraid that he has returned to the toilet.

“The transport ship escorting the prisoners is on the right side of our main ship.”

Karp pointed to the ship on the right: “After sailing, it will be sandwiched in the center of the fleet to ensure safety.” Now, with a word from you, we are ready to go, Your Highness. ”

“Just do it. Drive directly to the Chambord Islands. ”

“Just go to Chambord?”

Karp was a little surprised, and continued to ask: “Little Highness, I think that we should go back to Marin Fando first. ”

“Go on.”

“Little Highness, you are going to the Chambord Islands this time to auction these prisoners of the Hundred Beast Pirates, of course, Your Royal Highness, as a Draco, this is your right. However, the Chambord Islands are the only way to the New World besides Mary Joa, where there are many dragons and dragons, I’m afraid…”

“Are you afraid that Kaido’s people will come and attack me? Isn’t that just right? Ledio said.

“Could it be that your Royal Highness, you have…”

Ledeo smiled: “Kaido, as the Four Emperors, your navy should pay close attention to his movements. I auctioned Jack and the others this time, and Kaido couldn’t sit idly by. And once Kaido moves, Marin Fandor’s navy will also follow. So, we don’t have to go back to Marin Fandor, just go to Chambord. ”

“So that’s the case, it turns out that Your Highness has calculated it all.” I see, now I’ll go and inform the ships and immediately go to Chambord Land! ”


Ledeo stopped Karp and continued, “Before you go, you go and inform Carifa and Bakara and let them go to my room. ”

With that, Ledio stepped off the deck.

Looking at his back, Karp sighed.

“Young man, it’s really enviable…”


Advance in the warden’s office in the city.

Magellan sat in his office chair, watching the door of justice gradually closing on the surveillance screen, and the Ledeo fleet disappearing on the other side of the door, and couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.

“Finally sent away this bodhisattva…”

“It’s abominable!”

Hannibal shouted behind Magellan: “I actually patted my ass and left!” Took away more than a thousand prisoners, and also took away our four precious jailer beasts! That Ledeo… Wouldn’t anyone be able to cure him! ”

Hannibal was playing for Magellan again, and he shouted out what Magellan was thinking.

On the surface, they are screaming for him, but in fact, they don’t care at all.

After all, if something big happens, it will also be borne by Magellan, the warden, and has nothing to do with him, the deputy warden.

Magellan sighed heavily and said, “No one can cure him… Ledeo, how much do you know about this Draco? ”

Hannibal was stunned: “What I know is similar to what the outside world knows.” ”

“I have news that Ledio won the Heavenly Gold of two other Draco nobles in Golden City, and those two families sued the Five Old Stars for his actions, and the Five Old Stars… No punishment was imposed on Ledeo. ”

“What!? Even the five old stars protect Ledeo!? He, what the hell is he…”

Magellan closed his eyes and rubbed his temples.

“I’m afraid, Ledfield, what they said is right, the world is going to change drastically because of Ledeo. Under the coming storm, no one will survive. What we have lost today is nothing compared to the damage it will bring. ”

Hannibal said incredulously: “Don’t be like that, I am so cruel to the prisoners who advance the city on weekdays, if something happens and they all escape, I will be devoured alive by them… Ah, accidentally said what was on my mind! ”

Magellan said, “That’s right, you and I both understand what this advance city means, and what it means if this advance city is destroyed.” Therefore, we have no choice but to follow the path of Ledio. Only in this way can it be possible to survive alone and save this world’s largest prison from destruction. ”

“Advance City, Navy, Draco, even the five old stars can’t take Ledio… Is the world going to be played by him in applause? If that’s the case, wouldn’t he have even greater power than the five old stars at the apex of the power of the world government…”


Magellan closed the monitor and said in a flat tone: “Don’t mess with Ledeo.” That man, we can’t afford to mess with. ”


Somewhere in the Great Passage, the Moby Dick.

“Goo la … So, Kaido’s Jack lost to a Draco? And also taken away the ivory? Now Kaido’s face can’t hang up, goo la la la! ”

On the deck of the Moby Dick, men who looked like giants were laughing wildly.

His whole body was covered with hard muscles, the surface of his skin was countless indelible scars, and on his lips, there was a white beard like a crescent moon…

He is…

The strongest man in the world, Edward Newgate!


Customize !!!! Ask for flowers!!! Asking for tickets!!!! _

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