I! Draco

Chapter 084

Great waterway, Chambord Islands

Greeting the gentle sun and warm sea breeze, the mighty naval fleet sailed on the sea, leaving strings of white tracks.

Ledeo put down the binoculars in his hand.

At this time, even if you look at it with your eyes, you can already see the islands exposed at sea level.

“Is it finally here… Chambord Islands! ”

Somewhere on the Great Route, and on the seas abroad.

On the deck of the speeding clipper, two sailors, one fat and one thin, looked at the surrounding ship array and sighed.

Both of them are newcomers who have just joined the pirate group, but they are eligible to join this pirate group, even if they are newcomers.

What caught their eyes were twenty pirate ships, large and small.

And on these pirate ships, they all stand neatly and uniformly with the pirate flag of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group!

“It’s the first time I’ve seen such a big battle since I joined the Hundred Beast Pirates…” said a slightly chubby sailor.

Another thinner sailor said: “I came a few months before you, but it was also the first time I met. ”

“Although for the Hundred Beast Pirate Group, these dozen ships are just the tip of the iceberg, it is really rare to dispatch so many troops so urgently.”

The fat sailor was a little puzzled: “Why would so many people be dispatched at once?” Did something happen? ”

The thin sailor looked even more surprised than he said, “Huh? Don’t you know yet! Lord Jack, who is said to be one of the three plagues, was captured by a Draco! ”

“Not only that, but also the report of the spies we have planted within the navy, that Draco will also take Lord Jack and his thousand crew members to the Chambord Islands for auction!”

“What!? Auction Lord Jack!? For our Hundred Beast Pirates, this is a great shame!! ”

“So as you can see, Lord Kaido immediately assembled these twenty ships and rushed to the Chambord Islands. Not only to take back Lord Jack, but also to give that Draco a good look. ”

The fat sailor said again, “But… Draco who can capture Lord Jack alive… Don’t!? It’s the one that has been making waves lately…”

“That’s right! That’s that Ledeo! ”

The fat sailor was shocked: “It’s actually him!?” He is the focus of conversation on the sea today! Oops, if it were him, the strength of our twenty ships would probably not be enough! ”

The thin sailor patted the fat sailor’s shoulder and smiled slightly: “Don’t worry, our twenty ships are all carefully selected elite soldiers, the number is more than three thousand, and…”

The thin sailor had not finished speaking, only to hear a sudden rumbling thunder in the air.

The two looked at the sky in front of them in unison.

In the originally cloudless air, a dark cloud floated out of nowhere.

And in that thick dark cloud, in a trance, a shadow crossed the sky and disappeared in an instant.

It seems to be a god hidden above the clouds—……

“That! Could it be!? The fat sailor was shocked.

“It should be right…” The thin sailor also swallowed a mouthful of water, showing a trembling smile, and then said: “If this is the case, then we can say that we have won steadily…”


Naval headquarters, Marin Fandor, inside the Marshal’s office.

Sengoku frowned and looked at the document at hand.

In recent times, the number of files he has to process has grown exponentially.

And the vast majority of these growing documents are about Ledeo.

I saw Sengoku sigh, and the paper in his hand was immediately eaten into his mouth by the goat that acted as a shredder next to him, and after chewing it, he swallowed it into his belly.

He leaned back wearily in his seat, closed his eyes and rubbed his temples.

“When is it a big head… Bliss of Toledio, I haven’t even had a good night’s sleep in a while. Isn’t there a single person who can restrain him… Even the five old stars…”



At this time, the telephone worm on the desk suddenly rang urgently.

Sengoku was shocked, he had been a little nervous for a while.


Sengoku calmed down, cleared his throat and connected the phone worm.

“Marshal of the Warring States?”

On the other side of the phone worm is the voice of Magellan, the warden of the city.

Sengoku was relieved to hear that it was Magellan.

He was afraid that the call would bring him some bad news about Ledeo.

“It’s me, what’s wrong, Magellan?”

“I’m here to report to you. Yesterday, as you said, Ledio had already raised the prisoners of the Hundred Beast Pirates from Advance City and left the Sea of Advance City at nightfall. ”

Sengoku said, “What about the direction his fleet is going?” ”

“It seems, not going to Marin Fando.”

Sengoku sighed heavily, in the end, it was still bad news about Ledio.

“I see.”

Magellan said, “I’m afraid, I went straight to the slave auction hall in the Chambord Islands.” Marshal of the Warring States, you know what kind of consequences this will be? ”

“Of course I know,” Sengoku was silent for a moment, and then added, “War.” ”

“Only Karp and CP0 and others are accompanying Ledeo, I’m afraid…”

Warring States said: “You don’t have to worry about this, I have my own arrangements.” Your duty is to ensure the safety of the city, no matter what happens outside… Do you understand? ”

There was also silence on the other end of the phone for a moment.

“I see, Marshal of the Warring States.”

With that, Magellan hung up the phone worm.

Sengoku put down the phone worm, and the exhaustion on his face increased a little.

He said to himself: “Hey, this Ledeo obviously can’t hide, but he still has to ensure his safety…”

Knock knock…

There was a knock on the door of the office.

The Warring States immediately sat down, as if they had expected it.

“Come in.”

As he spoke, the door was pushed open.

Walking in was a tall thin middle-aged man wearing a yellow and white striped suit with a smile on his face.


Customize !!!! Ask for flowers!!! Asking for tickets!!!! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,

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