I! Draco

Chapter 103

It was not only his fist that stopped, but even his entire body seemed to be solidified.

Hover in mid-air, like a sculpture.

“Brother Quinn?” Jack below wondered, “What’s going on?” ”

Quinn herself was puzzled: “My body… Controlled by something? ”

Ledeo quickly sensed what was going on, and he muttered in a low voice, “Doflamingo’s thread fruit? Did you control Quinn’s body? That guy, I thought I had already run away, it seems to be quite moral…”

“No, it should be said that he noticed it and helped me more advantageously, smart guy.”

Quinn didn’t fight Doflamingo.

Before that, they were all cooperative partners, so they fell into doubts.

However, this doubt did not last long, because Dover’s thread fruit binding could not control the powerful Quinn for too long.

To put it bluntly, the strength of the two is not at the same level at all, otherwise Dover would not be hiding and unwilling to come forward.

Ledio said, “Damn, it won’t last long, Dover is unwilling to show up, and even if he does, it won’t help.” There is only one way to win…”

With a boom, Quinn’s body fell to the ground.

He broke free from the shackles of the line and stood firmly to the ground.

“I don’t know what the hell you did, but you’re lucky.” Quinn said to Ledio, “Next, you’re not so lucky!” ”

Quinn raised his mechanical left arm.

The mechanism on the robotic arm rotated for a while, and the twelve barrels in the circle of the arm stretched out, and the entire mechanical arm turned into a machine gun!

“Try the domineering machine gun! 300 domineering bullets per second, I see if you can block it! ”

With that, the robotic arm began to rotate.

And Ledio also sensed the domineering energy that was gathering in the robotic arm.

“Domineering as ammunition!? That robotic arm is really not simple… And it’s 300 rounds per second, it’s impossible to dodge …”

“Die! Rainstorm curtain!!! ”

Quinn roared, followed by a burst of machine-gun fire.

The black bullets formed by domineering condensation hit the front like a storm, and all the bullet barrages converged together, like a pitch-black aurora.

In the blink of an eye, the terrace where Ledeo was standing was still a puddle of mud, and the whole collapsed.

“Killed it?” Jack said, “It’s worthy of being Brother Quinn.” ”

But Quinn’s face was not joyful: don’t just look with your eyes, perceive it with your domineering! That guy, escaped. ”


Jack was stunned, and busily perceived it with his domineering appearance.

There is indeed no half-European atmosphere among the ruins.

“Sure enough… How could that guy escape the rain curtain of your big brother Quinn!? ”

Quinn raised his head and looked through the roof that had been pierced by his appearance to the canopy of the tall mangrove tree outside the auction hall.

“The guy who got in the way is coming.”

From the top of the canopy, Ledio looked at the ground and let out a long sigh of relief.

“Good risk.” He turned around, “Thank you so much, Peach Rabbit.” You’re faster than I thought. ”

Peach Rabbit held his hands in front of his chest on the side, his eyes closed, and his face was reluctant.

“Did you know that you almost turned into a puddle of mashed meat!?” Peach Rabbit said angrily.

Ledio smiled slightly: “It’s not impossible.” ”

Peach Rabbit opened his eyes and walked up to Ledio: “Do you know what you’re doing?” Provoke the group of madmen under Kaido, do you know what kind of consequences there will be! ”

“Huh? Are you caring about me? ”

Peach Rabbit turned around arrogantly: “If it weren’t for the marshal’s order, I wouldn’t bother to care about you!” ”

Ledio didn’t seem worried at all: “I know you’ll be there.” ”

“You know? Don’t talk like you know everything! Ledeo, although you are usually arrogant and domineering, I didn’t expect you to joke with your life! ”

“Joke with your own life? I’m not that stupid. You just have to watch, stay here and watch, you’ll understand. ”

Ledeo looked full of confidence, but it made Peach Rabbit a little confused.

What is this Draco in front of him planning?

Could he even count his own life as part of the plan without changing his face?

Above the ground, Quinn and Jack could basically lock on the two auras on top of the mangrove canopy.

“Ledeo is indeed up there, but there’s another strong aura there…” said Jack.

Quinn frowned, several missed attacks had already made him a little impatient.

He raised his mechanical left arm to the thick trunk of the mangrove tree and said, “Then I’ll get them down!” These two guys… Torrential rain! ”

Saying that, Quinn’s robotic arm once again emitted a dense barrage of domineering bullets.

But at the same moment, a bone-chilling aura suddenly hit…

“Ice wall!”

Just listening to a loud shout, a huge wall of ice that came from nowhere, directly blocked between Quinn’s barrage and the mangrove tree.

The domineering bullet hit the ice wall, although it left countless bullet marks on the ice wall, but not a single bullet passed through the ice wall!

“That is!” Jack flabbergasted.

Quinn also narrowed his eyes and said, “You can actually block my domineering bullets… That’s not your average ice… There is only one person who can make this kind of thing. Stop hiding and hiding, come out, pheasant! ”

Quinn’s words did not fall, and I saw that at the other end of the ice wall, a thin and tall figure slowly walked out.

It was no one else, this person was the pheasant.

The green pheasant scratched the curly hair on the back of his head, looking sleepy-eyed.

“It’s really troublesome, it seems to be a very powerful guy… So, Mr. Pirate, can you please be right here and raise your hands in surrender? ”

Through the thick ice wall, the pheasant looked at Quinn sleepily, and even yawned.


Customize !!!! Ask for flowers!!! Asking for tickets!!!! _

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