I! Draco

Chapter 116

“Ember! He pulled out the knife! Kaku was surprised: “I didn’t expect that among the Hundred Beast Legion, there are also guys who are good at making knives!” ”

Seeing Ember pull out the blade, Kaku, who is also good at using a knife, is very sensitive.

Karp frowned, “That’s not an ordinary knife… Even the blade burned with flames, could it be that the flames of the embers actually came from that knife? ”

Seeing that the red dog was in danger, the yellow ape not only was not worried, but laughed: “I’m afraid yes, that knife can control flames, so Ember’s flame ability does not come from the devil fruit, but from that knife?” ”

“So, this powerful knife is probably one of the twelve skills of the supreme fast knife like Hawkeye’s black knife?” Sakaski has a hard time eating now, hahaha. ”

Lu Qi knocked over a few more pirates and said, “Among the supreme fast swords, there is a one that can manipulate flames, and its owner is the Flame Ember of the Hundred Beast Pirates, this information is very valuable.” ”

The yellow ape clasped his hands in front of his chest: “There is a good show to watch now.” ”

“Now is not the time to watch a play! Yellow ape imp! The enemy is starting to fight back again! The Sakaski guy is dealing with the embers, and the rest of the pirates depend on us! ”

Karp scolded, and he pointed forward.

On the battlefield of a scorched earth, Mammoth Jack and a group of animal Devil Fruit abilities began to fight back.

“Oops, I was taught a lesson… You keep talking, and I have to go for it. After all, I don’t want to be beaten in the head by your iron fist. ”

Saying that, the yellow ape turned into a golden flash and rushed into the battlefield again.

In an instant, under the golden light, several pirates were in different places.

And Karp also took the crowd and rushed into the crowd …

“Is it the reason for that knife?”

Above the canopy of the huge dry wattle mangrove, Ledio’s eyes were also constantly watching the battle between the red dog and the ember.

Although at this distance, he could not hear the conversation between the two.

But when he saw Ember’s flame blade, he immediately thought that maybe that was the source of Ember’s flame.

Peach Rabbit said, “What’s wrong?” Could it be that General Akainu has fallen into the wind? This is impossible, even if it is the first of the three plagues, the red dog general will not be able to lose. ”

Lediou said: “Indeed, it is uncertain who is strong and who is weak. However, I seem to see something very interesting. ”

Saying that, Ledio handed the telescope in his hand to Peach Rabbit.

Peach Rabbit took the binoculars and looked at it, only to see that in the raging fire, the red dog was still fighting with Ember.

In Ember’s hand, he wielded a blade surrounded by flames.

With each slash he swung, the surrounding flames became stronger as if they were encouraged.

“That knife!”

Ledio smiled: “It seems that you also noticed it.” As a swordsman, you are very sharp about swords. ”

Peach Rabbit swallowed a mouthful of saliva: Thinking that the head of the three plagues of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group was actually a swordsman with such superb swordsmanship. ”

“Moreover, the reason why he is called ‘Flame Calamity’ is not from his Devil Fruit ability, but from that knife.”

Ledeo nodded, “Yes, it’s an interesting thing, even I don’t know it.” ”

Peach Bunny put down the binoculars and handed them back to Ledio.

She said silently: “Even so, I still believe that the winner of this battle is General Akainu.” ”

“I think so too.” Ledeo took the binoculars: “However, it seems that there will be a little more fight over there.” And the battle on this side is nearing its end. ”

Ledeo picked up the binoculars and looked at his feet.

On the frosty battlefield under his feet, the battle between the green pheasant and Quinn is indeed to be seen.

And just now, Ledio also told Peach Rabbit about the battle situation of the green pheasant.

For Peach Rabbit, she is also more worried about the pheasant side than the red dog side.

“General Qinghe…”

Ledio was silent, and said after a while: “If you are killed so easily, you are not worthy of being a general.” It’s better to give up the position of the general as soon as possible, and let you be the more suitable for me. ”

“What are these words! The combat power of the pheasant is indispensable for the Navy! Peach Rabbit was a little excited.

Ledio ignored her and continued to say to himself, “It’s a pity if you can’t see Quinn’s fruit ability before the battle is over.” ”

Under the dry wattle mangrove tree, above the frosty battlefield, Quinn still looked proudly at the pheasant in front of him.

The green pheasant knelt on one knee, and almost his entire body had formed frost, looking like a frost.

“You have the last seconds left in your life, pheasant.” Quinn said.

“If you can drag out the time for your poisonous death for so long, if you are an ordinary person, it has already turned into a pool of pus and blood.”

The green pheasant didn’t say a word, not only did he not want to speak, but he was already unable to make a sound anymore.

“Do you know, green pheasant, animal Devil Fruit ability, five senses are relatively keen.”

“I’ve heard it, I can hear it clearly, and your heartbeat has slowed as if it had stopped. And it won’t be long before … It will never beat again! ”

“Kui, In…” said the green pheasant in a very low voice, “Your fruit ability… Result…… It’s…”

A cold light flashed in Quinn’s eyes: “It’s okay, before you die, let you take a look, although it doesn’t make sense, but it can be regarded as a dismount for your navy!” ”

Before Quinn’s words fell, the whole person fell to the ground.

His skin began to turn black, and the long braid at the back of his head was raised high and stood up behind him.

The scimitar on both hands also merges with the arms, turning into two giant claws.

In the blink of an eye, Quinn’s whole person turned into a huge scorpion.

He was pitch black, and although he was still fat, the green shining tail thorn behind him was chilling.

And like the human form, the left front chela of this giant cancer is also a mechanical giant chela.

“This is my Devil Fruit ability, the Worm Fruit Ancient Poisonous Scorpion Form!”


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