I! Draco

Chapter 120

Perospero said angrily: “What about strength and power! As a Draco, it is impossible to treat the navy as a private force! Now the navy is fighting with the Hundred Beast Pirate Group according to his wishes, but he can’t help himself! ”

Katakuri said: “From the short confrontation between Ledeo and Quinn before, his confident look on his face is not difficult to see that his strength will never be low. And to the top, we don’t know the details. ”

“As for the forces, we don’t know either. But the man who can plan this kind of event, do you think he will not hide any hole cards? ”


Perospero was so stunned by Kataku that he had nothing to say.

Katakuri looked at his aunt again and said, “Mom, let me make a move.” At this time, the three generals with the highest combat power in the navy have already faced the three plagues of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group, and the Marshal Warring States must be sitting in Marin Fandor, and it is impossible to personally attack. ”

“If I make a move, I will definitely be caught off guard by Ledeo’s first level. Even if it was him, he probably didn’t expect us to make a move. ”

Charlotte Lingling showed a scary smile: “No. I want to keep reading to see how that kid Kaido loses. ”

“Even if this time really makes Ledio. Isn’t it also interesting that the pattern of the four emperors has changed? I wonder what else Ledeo will do in the future. ”

Even Katakuri did not dare to disobey Auntie’s order, so he had to bow his head and say, “Yes… Mom. ”

“Can you become the ‘Emperor’, Ledeo? I look forward to that day. ”

“One day we will face each other, and you, Katakuri, don’t worry, you will one day have the opportunity to fight Ledio with your own hands.”



Headquarters of the Navy, Marin Fandor

Sengoku looked at one of the many TVs in front of him and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

“‘Epidemic’ Quinn, has he finally been arrested… In this way, the odds are one more point. ”

Tsuru sat on the side, and compared with Sengoku’s slightly relaxed expression, the sadness on her face became more and more solemn.

“Although one of the main combat forces of the place has been defeated, Kuzan should not be able to fight for the time being, looking at him like that.”

Sengoku said: “Well, Kuzan seems to have used some move that injured the enemy by 10,000 and self-damage 8,000. Now, it’s all on the main battlefield beach. ”

“Drought Jack is no longer a climate, the heat is dealt with by Sakaski, and Borusalino and Karp are ready to support. I think, if nothing else…”

“What I’m afraid of is an accident!” Tsuru interrupted the battle.” Didn’t you find it? The real threat is hidden in our invisible corners. ”

Sengoku also frowned: “Why don’t I know.” Kaido, he doesn’t know if he will show up. In this battle, he just sent his men to meet our navy, or he himself came, this is unknown. ”

“If Kaido exhibits… Leave for Chambord Land now, too! ”

“No, you are a marshal of the navy, and Marin Fandor must be seated by you! Moreover, the threat to which I am referring is not on the battlefield, but after this war! ”

Sengoku said: “Indeed, we have captured Kaido more than once, but he can’t kill him.” This time, I’m afraid the result will be the same. ”

Tsuru shook his head repeatedly: “Warring States, your gaze is completely on the wrong place!” Haven’t you seen it yet? If Kaido is defeated in this battle, Ledeo’s reputation will spread far and wide! ”

“Use this as a springboard, maybe a large number of pirates will turn to him!” At that time, his forces will be truly uncontrollable! ”

“This… It’s not that I haven’t thought about it, but we don’t have a choice now! Is it necessary to voluntarily abandon the victory of this war? ”

“No, as a marshal I can’t do it! Also, as a world nobleman Draco, Ledio logically does not and cannot be with pirates, so…”

“Is he the one who plays his cards according to common sense?” Tsuru refuted: “Ledeo, what this guy is thinking, planning, and coveting, we can’t guess at all!” ”

Sengoku closed his eyes and pressed his temples wearily.

Although he did not participate in the exhibition himself, he looked more tired than the soldiers who had been fighting for a long time.

“That’s right, I can’t guess, I can’t see through him at all. All this is the dereliction of duty of me, the marshal of the navy. ”

“If I had foreseen today’s situation in advance, even if he had blown up Marin Fando, I would not have agreed with him bringing Jack and the other pirates from Advance City to Chambord. No, from earlier, I shouldn’t have sent someone to protect him to mess around in the Golden City! ”

Tsuru sighed, and she gently patted her hand on Sengoku’s shoulder: “At this point, it’s useless to say this.” Half of our fate can only be left to fate, no, it should be said that Ledeo is at his disposal. ”

“All that can be done now is to grasp the remaining half of the fate…”

Chambordi Islands, beach battlefield

In the heart of the raging fire, above a scorched earth, the temperature here is many times higher than any corner of the battlefield.

And it was in such a place that two people stood tall.

One person wears a cloak with the word “justice” written on it, and his fists are clenched; The other man was burning with flames all over his body and held a general flame knife.

“Canine Red Lotus!”

The red dog roared angrily and swung his right arm, which had been completely elementalized, towards the ember in front of him.

And the right arm of the lava turned into the head of a vicious dog with teeth and claws at the moment it was swung out, and it broke away from the body of the red dog.

Rolling with rolling magma, he flew towards the embers in front of him.

Looking at the oncoming lava, Ember unhurriedly raised his hand and presented the flame knife in front of him.


The lava flying fist collided with the Flame Blade, causing a rain of fire.

And that lava fist has obviously left the body of the red dog.

But after being blocked, it did not break.

Instead, it still impacts the blade, which shows that it is full of stamina.


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