I! Draco

Chapter 132

The bald head also swallowed and said, “That’s right. If there really is that day, I will naturally use this original ghost of mine to cut off Ledio’s flame knife! ”


Great waterway, a certain winter island.

“So that’s the case, that knife is the source of Ember’s ability, and now he has fallen into Ledeo’s hands, right?”

Shanks nodded his chin while watching TV, and then drank a full glass of beer.

Jesus Bu laughed and said, “What a trick of fate, Shanks, and the supreme swift sword.” I still remember the scene of your duel with Hawkeye Mihawk. ”

Shanks smiled: “That was all before I lost my arm.” I don’t know how Mihawk has happened over the years, but the only thing that is certain is that his swordsmanship must have reached a higher level. ”

“After all, a man recognized by the Black Sword Night is unlikely to abandon swordsmanship.”

Ben Beckman said: “Now is not the time to get caught up in memories. You should know better than anyone what it means to be supremely fast. Especially it still fell into the hands of that young man. ”

Shanks said, “Of course I know that. I don’t think it will be long before I will inevitably fight that Ledeo. ”

Jesus preached: “Have you decided to target him? ”

“It wasn’t my decision. It’s my ‘griffin’ that is already starting to jump. ”

The battlefield on the beach has been completely divided.

The pirates, who were originally still stubbornly resisting, have been completely cleaned up under the intervention of CP0.

Among them, the capable ones were also captured by Hai Lou Shi.

Ledio sat on a rock, the battlefield in front of him was a mess, but he only had the flame knife in his eyes.

Beside Ledeo, Karp, Red Dog, and Yellow Ape looked at each other.

The caught ember did not say a word, seemingly lifeless.

“It seems like two people are missing.” The yellow ape’s observation was very keen: “Your Highness Ledeo, Luqi and Kaku are your confidants, right?” The two of them were still here just now, could it be that they were sacrificed? ”

“I sent them to do something else.” Ledio said.

At this time, the red dog finally couldn’t help but burst out.

He walked up to Ledeo with a look of anger.

“What are you calculating again! Ledeo! Check out this battlefield! It’s all because of what kind of slave auction you did that this place will become like this! ”

“It’s all because of you, the admirals died in vain!”

Ledeo glanced sideways at the red dog. Because I died in vain? You know, General Sakaski, among the fallen soldiers, there are also quite a few who died when they turned into lava giants! It was you who killed them! ”

“It is an indispensable sacrifice for the sake of justice!”

“Isn’t that a sacrifice!”

The red dog was angry, and he was not afraid of the red dog at all.

He held all the embers in his hand, and before he knew it, he also had confidence in his heart.

“Red dog imp, don’t say any more.”

Karp stepped forward and stopped the red dog.

In the face of this naval hero senior, Akainu can only give him face, because Akainu himself has no choice.

In fact, Karp seems to be obedient to Ledio along the way, just like his doglegs that use the subduing card.

Actually, it was Karp’s own will.

As a veteran, he knows what is light and what is important.

For now, obeying Ledio and not provoking him is in the best interest of the navy and the overall situation.

Naturally, Ledeo knows this.

He said, “Learn more from Karp, Red Dog.” So many people have sacrificed, but in exchange for what, do you know? The elite of the Hundred Beast Pirates was almost completely destroyed, and the three plagues were arrested by the navy, and the whole process was broadcast live to the world. ”

“From today onwards, Hundred Beast Kaido will be a light pole commander. And after today’s battle, he has also lost his prestige. The four emperors exist in name only. So you still think that the sacrifices of the Navy are not worth it? ”

Ledeo spoke, leaving everyone speechless.

The yellow ape shrugged his shoulders and said seemingly unconcernedly: “It turns out that this is your plan, His Highness Ledeo.” I don’t know how much more privacy you have, but you’re right in that regard. I think that the Marshal of the Warring States will thank you. ”

“It doesn’t matter how that kind of thing is.”

At this time, a navy man stepped forward.

He also looked covered in blood and burning black marks, and I didn’t know if it was his own blood.

However, it seems that although he is tired, he is not yet falling.

The soldier ran to Karp and said a few words into Karp’s ear.

Karp closed his eyes and could see what he was suppressing.

After the soldier finished speaking, Karp said: “This is not a secret, everyone present should know, you say it loudly again.” ”

The soldier was stunned, and then Mu Ne’s head turned his head and said nervously: “Report and report to all the commanders, this battle of the Chambord Islands has officially ended.” ”

“At present, according to rough statistics, more than 3,000 reinforcements of our navy plus more than 5,000 troops stationed on the island, a total of more than 8,000 people, a total of more than 2,000 killed, the wounded cannot be counted for the time being.”

This heavy number weighs on everyone’s heart.

Chi Inu said, “2,000 people… And the enemy? What are the casualties of the Hundred Beast Pirates? ”

The soldier said, “According to our interrogation of the surviving pirates, we learned that they dispatched more than 3,000 people this time, including many elite members of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group. ”

“In this battle, our army annihilated more than 2,000 people, and the remaining more than 1,000 people were captured, including a large number of Devil Fruit abilities.”

Akainu lowered his head: “Is it equal to the number of dead on the other side… Got it, you stand down. ”

The soldier nodded and retreated, and at this time, a member of the CP0 in white returned from a distance.

Looking at that direction, it should be the direction of the previous slave auction house, that is, the battle between the green pheasant and Quinn.

Ledeo asked, “What’s going on over there?” ”


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