I! Draco

Chapter 137

Everyone seems to have entered the post-war finale phase.

Only Ledio looked at Kaido who was frozen in front of him, staring at Kaido’s mace, and kept frowning.


Great Voyage New World, Cake Island

“Killed, killed! Mom! Kaido was taken out! ”

Perospero held his head in his hands and cried out in horror in the room.

“Oops, this sucks! Kaido was really killed! The new world is going to turn upside down! ”

Unlike Perospero, both Katakuri and Charlotte Lingling look at the picture inside the TV.

Katakuri couldn’t make out what expression it was, while Auntie kept smiling after enjoying the delicious sweets.

“If you make any more noise, I’ll eat you, Perospero.”

Hearing Aunt’s words, Perospero hurriedly covered his mouth. Bar.

But his face was still panicked, and cold sweat flowed.

Katakuri closed his eyes: “After all, the opponent is the three major generals together, even the world’s strongest creature is no match … It seems that Kaido’s wishful thinking is not well played, and he has put himself in it? ”

Auntie looked at Katakuri and said, “Do you think so too?” Katakuri. ”

“It should be obvious, if Kaido hadn’t been killed, he wouldn’t have even defended himself.”

“Your domineering deteriorating has deteriorated.”

“Even if it’s what I’ve seen, but across the TV…”

Katakuri suddenly frowned, “Mom, you mean… Kaido still sings? However, the other party is the three major admirals of the navy, even if they have been greatly damaged, but at the same time, three people are not something that Kaido can handle, right? ”

Aunt smiled and said, “Do you think the strongest creatures in the sea, land and air will be killed so easily?” Kaido guy, although I don’t know if he can beat the admiral, but it is impossible to kill him. ”

Saying that, Charlotte Lingling showed a smile that made her back chill and continued to look at the TV screen.

“Be careful, Ledeo, that look, but Kaido will swallow it, hehe…”


Chambord Islands, beach battlefield.

The ice sculpture pierced by the light stood in front of Ledeo and the others.

Although there is still a lot of confusion, the war does seem to be over.

Karp asked the pheasant: “Pheasant little ghost, are you really okay?” Our withdrawal and prisoners should go to you, you come over to the auction…”

The green pheasant exhaled deeply: “There is a peach rabbit there, don’t worry.” ”

“I said, now is not the time to talk about this, is it?”

Ledeo said, “So where is Kaido?” Hurry up and tie him up with the Hailou stone chain, even if it is a corpse, this is the only way to reassure me. ”

The three major generals look at me and I look at you, and they don’t seem to go.

Kapuhaha smiled: “Let the old man go for this kind of thing, and I will accept the honor of personally capturing Kaido.” Although, already a dozen times. ”

Saying that, Karp picked up the sea tower stone chain left by CO0 from the ground on the side and walked to Kaido.

He looked up at Kaido in the ice coffin, his brows frowning slightly.

“I hope you’re really dead this time, troublesome guy.”

Crunch, creak…

At this moment, a creaking sound came into Kapu’s ears.

“What!? No! Not good! ”


Suddenly, a violent explosion erupted from the ice coffin.

The cold air and debris of light flew all over the sky, and the white mist suddenly shrouded it.

Karp was blown away by the impact of the explosion, and although he was not injured, it took a lot of effort to stand by everyone’s side.

“It’s really not finished yet!” Ledio said, “Bastard, I just said you can’t be careless…”

The yellow ape was even more shocked: “Hit my ten-finger light thorn, it is impossible to move!” ”

Although everyone did not want to believe what they saw, it was a pity that Kaido still walked out of the white mist.

Moreover, his posture at this time is even more jaw-dropping.

I saw that although Kaido’s body size was still the same as before, his whole body was already covered with scales.

His hands and feet grew sharp claws, a tail grew behind him, and his face became human-like that of a dragon.

Such a monster, even the three major generals present and Karp, have never seen it.

“That was… What is it? Yellow Ape said.

“Is it Kaido?” said the pheasant.

The red dog was angry: “The crime is extremely evil! ”

Karp said, “It’s really a monster, Kaido.” ”

Ledio clenched the Yan knife in his hand and whispered, “This domineering spirit has become stronger than before, bastard.” ”

Kaido walked towards the crowd in amazement, his voice low and hoarse.

“I have to compliment you.” Kaido said, “There are not more than three people who have seen my posture. Today is your luck to see me… Dragon Man form! ”

Looking at the half-dragon half-human Kaido in front of him who had the appearance of a dragon but stood like a human, Ledio and the others gasped.

Previously, Kaido’s dragon form had already given everyone endless oppression.

Now this combines the posture of a dragon and a man, and although the body size is not as large as the dragon, it is even more chilling.

It was as if the scales of his whole body were condensed by domineering qi.

“What’s with that gesture?” Pheasant Road.

Even the yellow ape couldn’t help frowning: “I can’t help but not kill him, but make him stronger!” ”

“It’s the awakening form of the Animal Devil Fruit!”

Ledio said, “Like the jailer beasts in Advance City, those half-human, half-oxen, half-human, half-horse jailer beasts have great resilience. ”

“And there should be more of this kind of person, naturally also has the form of a half-dragon and a half-human.” Don’t take it lightly, this half-dragon, half-human posture may be more dangerous than the dragon form. ”

Kaido rolled his swollen eyes, and the dragon’s ferocious gaze fell on Ledeo.

“Insightful. That’s right, this body is a condensation of the huge vitality of the dragon form. In other words, this is my strongest posture! ”


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