I! Draco

Chapter 167

Then Hody Jones’s face changed drastically, staring closely at Ledio in front of him:

“How did you know that my men went back to report the news?”

Hody Jones’ face had turned a little pale.

He believed that as long as Ledio confirmed that his men had returned, he would be the first to kill him.

Then flee the scene, after all, in the face of the outflanking of the army, it is difficult for anyone to resist.

And once the human on the other side knows that he is delaying time, he will definitely kill himself directly, and Hody Jones now regrets it in his heart.

He even wanted to pump himself a few big mouths.

Unexpectedly, he did not restrain himself and directly exposed the news that his subordinates would come to rescue him.

Hody Jones’s face had turned very pale.

“That, I mean, my subordinates will not come at all, after all, you also know, I have always been by your side, how can I have the opportunity to deliver news to my subordinates? You said yes…”

Hody Jones explained to Ledio with a wry smile.

It’s just that Hody Jones’ explanation doesn’t even believe him.

At this time, Hody Jones was extremely regretful in his heart, he really wanted to give himself two big mouths, how could he directly say what he was thinking?

Hody Jones remembered in his heart that if he had the opportunity to escape today, he would definitely remember it firmly.

Be sure to keep your mouth shut and never let your guard down.

“Don’t worry, I won’t kill you, of course, before your men come!” Ledeo said casually.

It was as if he didn’t care about Hody Jones’ men at all.

In fact, Ledio really doesn’t care.

After all, Ledeo’s strength is not something that can be won by piling up numbers.

Especially when the number of people is not large, so Ledeo looks very confident.

“Great, I didn’t expect this fool in front of me to be so careless, human beings are really the same, but it’s good, it gives me the chance to be rescued!”

Seeing Ledeo’s confident look, Hody Jones knew that Ledeo might not be lying, so his heart also became happy.

It’s just that Hody Jones remembered the lesson just now, and his vigilance still did not let go, Hody Jones pretended to be very puzzled and asked:

“How did my men come? I think Your Excellency’s strength is simply too strong, completely my Hody Jones most needed ally, I have never seen a human being as powerful as Your Excellency. ”

“Our Fishman Pirate Group just needs the help of a strong person like Your Excellency, let’s continue to talk about the treasures of the Dragon Palace Kingdom, I heard that the Bailey of the Dragon Palace Kingdom is particularly much, and the heavenly gold handed over every year is hundreds of billions of Bailey!”

No one doesn’t like Bailey, including their fishmen, who like Bailey very much, let alone Ledeo, who is a human.

So Hody Jones is now very confident, believing that the topic he said can definitely attract Ledio’s attention.

Sure enough, as Hody Jones expected, Ledio did show a very interested look.

Although Hody Jones does not lack Bailey, 100 billion Bailey a year is not a small number, and even the current Ledeo shows interest.

Seeing the interested look on Ledio’s face, Hody Jones’ heart was truly relieved.

After all, although Ledio often said that he would not kill him, he knew that humans were never a race that kept their promises.

Just like Van der Dyken IX, he clearly said that he would meet him today, but Van der Dyken IX did not have anyone.

If Van der Decken IX hadn’t come, he wouldn’t have come to the Fishman Cafe alone.

Not to mention being directly caught, life and death are in the hands of this person in front of him, all blamed on Van der Deiken IX!

Thinking of this, Hody Jones seemed to suddenly think of something.

Then Hody Jones suddenly looked at Ledio and asked, “Did you come to arrest me because of Van der Deiken IX?” Don’t believe Van der Dyken IX, he is a very despicable man, maybe he will turn around and sell you, just like he sold me now! ”

“So, you must not believe Van der Dyken IX, if you lack anything, you can tell me, I can give you everything VanderDyken IX gives you, double!”

Saying that, Hody Jones’ tone became more and more excited.

As if it had been determined that Lydeo had come to arrest him because of Van der Deiken IX.

“Not because of Van der Deckon IX!”

Ledeo shook his head and said with some disdain: “How can that little pirate who is not in the flow of Van der Deken IX command the movement?” ”

“I knew it was that Van der Dekken IX who caused the trouble!”

Hody Jones blurted out directly without thinking, and then suddenly reacted and stared at Ledio tightly and asked, “How is it possible?” If it wasn’t for Van der Dyken IX, how could you possibly know I was here? ”

“Who said I came to trouble you on purpose?”

Ledio glanced at Hody Jones with some doubts, Ledio didn’t know if he really didn’t know or didn’t have points in his heart, just he was a fish man and deserved to let Ledeo personally shoot?

If it weren’t for the fact that he happened to meet Hody Jones at the Fishman Cafe today, Ledio would not have taken matters into his own hands and directly ordered those guards to catch Hody Jones.

“You’re not here to get me? So what are you here for? Hody Jones was a little puzzled, he really couldn’t think of what the person in front of him was here for.

“I came to find Xia Li for divination.” Anyway, in the eyes of Ledeo, Hody Jones is already a dying man, and it’s okay to tell him.

“You, come to find Xia Li for divination?”

Hody Jones froze directly in place, and then muttered with some doubt: “When did Xia Li return to divination?” How did I not know? ”


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