I! Draco

Chapter 170

And human beings, in addition to having strong people at the level of the Seven Martial Seas.

There are even great generals, four emperors, and even five old star level powerhouses, I don’t know how much stronger than the fish people.

Just as Ledio’s voice fell.

Suddenly, a huge, indescribable huge oppressive force came out of Ledeo’s body and surged out in all directions!

This is exactly Ledeo’s overlord-colored domineering, and after systematic strengthening, Ledeo’s overlord-colored domineering is not much worse than the red-haired Shanks.

Therefore, this powerful overlord-colored domineering can directly make all those who are under the strength of the general level directly pass out when they encounter it.

Even weaker ones may be directly shocked to death by this domineering force.

“Boy, are you joking?”

The members of the Fishman Pirates were just about to make a wave of taunts on Ledeo.

But suddenly, a sense of oppressive force directly pressed on the bodies of hundreds of fish people.

In just one second, more than five hundred fish people with relatively weak physical fitness directly fell to the ground in pieces like cutting wheat.

But even those who are physically stronger than the average fish man.

With the accumulation of time, it also began to slowly fall to the ground.

In less than ten seconds, there were only two people left in the field, one was the deputy captain of the Fishman Pirates, and the other was Ledeo.

“What the hell is this power? I didn’t have the slightest ability to resist! ”

The deputy captain of the Fishman Pirate Group gritted his teeth and said a sentence with great difficulty.

After saying these words, the deputy captain of the Fishman Pirates immediately became sweaty.

You know, even the deputy captain of the Fishman Pirate Group is a strong person of this level.

To say a word under Ledeo’s overlord domineering is an incomparably simple thing.

The captain of the Fishman Pirates, after all, is also a strong man of the same level as Hody Jones.

So it can also last for a long time, of course, this is also because Ledio did not exert his overlord domineering at full strength.

There was a hint of amusement in Ledio’s eyes.

Then he directly increased his output of the overlord-colored domineering, and in an instant, an even greater oppressive force surged in all directions.

You know, although the power of the overlord color domineering can be controlled.

But the range of overlord-colored domineering is difficult to control.

Therefore, while increasing the overlord color domineering, the scope of Ledeo’s overlord color domineering has also increased and spread to the entire fishman street.

Some of the relatively tall buildings on Yuren Street fell directly.

But fortunately, there are no fishmen around, so Fishman Street did not cause any fish-people casualties.

However, the fishmen in Fishman Street immediately suffered.

Countless fishmen passed unconscious in pieces.

However, because the Fishman Pirates have made a big show that they want to go to Fishman Street to find trouble, there are not many fishmen in Fishman Street.

And even the fishmen in Fishman Street are far away from the Fishman Cafe.

It is precisely because of this that the fishmen in Fishman Street were only shocked by the overlord color domineering to the point of coma, and no fishmen caused casualties.

And in front of the Fishman Cafe, the deputy captain of the Fishman Pirate Group had already fallen unconscious and could not wake up the moment Ledio increased his overlord-colored domineering.

And at the moment when the overlord-colored domineering appeared, Kapu, who was far away in the East Sea Dragon Palace, also felt this overlord-colored domineering.

“Isn’t this Ledio’s overlord-colored domineering?”

Karp woke up suddenly and glanced around with some doubt: “Isn’t it on Fishman Island now?” What dangers can Ledeo encounter? Is there really someone who does not open his eyes who dares to provoke Ledeo? In other words, Fishman Island can be regarded as in the New World, and there should be no such stupid pirates who dare to find trouble with Ledeo. ”

“What? Lieutenant General Karp, you said that Lord Ledio is in trouble? ”

At this time, the king of the Dragon Palace Kingdom and the Draco guards looked at Karp at the same time and asked.

The tone of voice is almost exactly the same as the time.

It’s just that the only difference is that Neptune and Ledeo’s bodyguards, the king of the Dragon Palace Kingdom, call Ledeo differently.

The king of the Dragon Palace Kingdom is called by the golden oil, and Ledio is called an adult, so there is naturally no problem.

No matter who it is for, addressing an adult gives the other person the greatest respect.

Ledio’s bodyguards are different.

Because Ledeo’s guards were personally trained by Ledeo’s grandfather, they belonged to the guards of the Selman family, and the title of Ledeo became Young Master.

“Yes, didn’t you sense the overlord-colored domineering just now?”

Karp looked at the two a little confused, and Karp suddenly found that he was actually at the dining table.

Without politeness, Karp ate a mouthful of donuts and said: “That must be Ledeo’s overlord-colored domineering, and Ledeo will not open his overlord-colored domineering at will, it must be opened in battle, is there something wrong with my perception?” ”

“Big problem, Lieutenant General Karp, please take us to the location where Lord Ledio (Young Master Ledeo) is!”

Whether it was Ledeo’s guards or Neptune the king of the Dragon Palace Kingdom, they were very anxious at this time.

After all, if something happens to Ledeo, they will definitely not be able to escape.

If something happens to Ledeo, and it still happens on Fishman Island, the world government will definitely vent its anger on Fishman Island.

Fishman Island though is one of the most powerful countries in the world.

However, there is no ability to resist in the face of the world government, and the world government can easily destroy Fishman Island at will.

And as Ledeo’s bodyguard, he didn’t protect Ledeo’s side at all times, and it would be fine if Ledeo didn’t do anything.

After all, Ledeo’s strength is not something they can keep up with.

But once something happened to Ledeo, the Selman family would definitely not be able to let go of these guards.


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