I! Dragon Lord

Chapter 311:

Reminiscent of the previous order from Her Royal Highness to ask the maid to retire. It is easy to suspect that she is having a private meeting with a lover.

However, the private meeting of Her Royal Highness is not a lover, but a true god.”

"Guian, the great dragon **** Galakrond, I didn't expect you to come to the Kingdom of Subilon in person"

Princess Andrea salutes with joy and respect

"You have done a good job in your previous tasks, and you have returned your favor. Since you have something to ask me, I will not be stingy with the two-point majesty of God to see you in person."

asking for flowers....

In front of Andrea is the incarnation of the **** Louis.

For the gods. Except for other true gods, there is no place in the whole world that they cannot go to. For Louis, coming to the heavily guarded palace is as easy as going home.

The task that Louis said Andrea had completed were the orcs who were sent to the Dragon City, and those orcs were young and strong. Not only can the orcs in the city of dragons develop based on these numbers, those young male orcs are almost all warriors, and they are also excellent soldiers even in the orc kingdom. It can be imagined that those slaves can be said to be the former Soviet Union. The savings of the Belonian Empire.

It is also by virtue of these orc warriors that the strength of the city of dragons has increased.

Orc warriors are the absolute main force.

"As a true god, you can condescend to see me in person, and Andrea is terrified."

Andrea still said respectfully. There is nothing wrong with being respectful in the face of a true god, not to mention that this time Andrea is asking for Louis.

Louis was noncommittal to Andrea's compliment, just calmly said, "...Speak your purpose, although the **** Andrea is immortal. Time can't intrude on me, but I don't want to waste time on Useless things."

Hearing Louis's straightforward words, Andrea took a deep breath. In fact, she, too, did not want to make a fool of yourself.

Princess Andrea opened her mouth slightly, and said fragrantly, . . . - I need your help, Your Royal Highness Louis"

"What do you want me to help you with?"

"I want you to help me get the kingship of Subilon and... something more important."

Andrea suppressed her excitement, and her innocent and beautiful face suddenly became gloomy and frenzied, becoming more ambitious.

This was the first time Louis had seen the innocent princess change face. He stared at Andrea carefully for a long time, and then slowly said: ". Say your price_"

"I am willing to conceive your child. Let you and my child be the heirs of the kingdom of Subilon"

Andrea lowered her head shyly, as if with infinite shyness, her slender and tender fingers wrapped around the corner of her skirt, her slightly flushed cheeks seemed to be drunk, leaving a touch of the most touching style. _

Chapter 65 The transaction with the princess

Louis was noncommittal and just looked at Andrea. waiting for her next words

He had already discovered that this woman was a woman who did not speak her mind, she had been wearing a false mask from the beginning, and never showed her true face, but Louis didn't care, for him, it didn't matter what Andrea was. What is her nature like, whether she is a threat to herself, and whether she is helpful to herself is what Louis values.

And obviously, Andrea is just an ordinary mortal from this point of view. She poses little threat to herself.

As for the idea that Andrea said she wanted to have a child for herself, if it was Louis before the gods, he would definitely agree without hesitation. But for Louis after the gods. He always felt like he was at a loss!

Although it is very simple to have children between gods and mortals, it is not as difficult as it is between gods and gods. But the true God is the true God, how can it be so easy to give birth to a child with you and to applaud you for love "May 23".

Louis thought reservedly.

He looked at the girl who looked down and looked forward with calm eyes, and said, "The current Subilon Empire has disintegrated, and only the last place of dry rice is left, and there is no longer the scenery of the past. Shengjing. Now that the Zhuti is revived and the royal power can no longer resist the divine power, Andrea, even if you become a queen and have power, you cannot force your people to believe in someone. "

"--I am a god. As far as I am concerned, apart from belief, human rights are only fleeting for me."

Andrea's shy expression gradually became calm. Her delicate and beautiful face was slightly pale, and her teeth were biting her cherry-colored lips and said, "...My father is unwilling to surrender to kingship and believe in divine authority. Today's kingdom of Subilon is still under the influence of the gods. Very small. If you will help me to the throne, I will open up missionary rights throughout the kingdom and let your church preach here."

"...Although the kingdom of Subilon is not as vast as before. However, the kingdom also occupies the core part of the empire. It has a strong military, a developed economy, and a population of up to 6 million people, and these 6 million people The nation has very little influence from the church, and you should know what that means."

Louis sat on Andrea's bed against the head of the bed, looked at her with a half-smile and said; ".Your words seem to make sense. But your father's situation should be very bad now. Your father The king is very persistent, unwilling to abandon the royal family's thousand-year legacy to become the king of the subjugated country. This royal family's will and glory deserve recognition."

". But his behavior is also far too stupid. If he is the enemy of the gods, he will not die, and the gods will not surrender themselves. But if the entire kingdom of Subilon faces internal and external troubles, the gods will not Mind letting his soul return to the underworld to speed up the process."

"Although I haven't paid attention to the affairs of the Kingdom of Subilon, I can probably guess that the other lords who have changed out of _ are sharpening their knives with the support of the major churches of the gods. Even your brother, he should have started now. Yi Xin, you want to overthrow your father's lineage A. °.

Louis stood up from Andrea's bed and walked over to her and stretched out his hand. Lifting up the pointed chin of His Highness Gongnian.. Looking at the gloom and stubbornness buried deep in her innocent eyes. Fire thumb rubbed between her lips.

"God is a mortal's dream, Andrea, tell your true desire. Whether it's a sickening desire" or a touching sublime.. God will face you as an equal L"

Looking at Louis's deep dark golden upside-down pupils, Andrea seemed to be watching playfully by an ancient sacred beast. Her height was different from that of Louis, and when Louis grabbed her chin, she only Able to stand on tiptoe. Even Shuangdun was in pain under the strength of Louis' big hand.

Perhaps knowing that her 'lie' could not influence the **** L Andrea with a tragic smile, she said, "...My brothers want to force my father to abdicate." They even wanted to stage a coup if their father didn't want to. Even my brothers wanted to marry me to Duke Caroline. Now he should be called King Caroline in exchange for his support. King Caroline used to be the vassal of the empire, and he was also split by Ruling. The most powerful one in the kingdom. "

".Nowadays, the people in the kingdom of Subilon are also panicking. All the nobles no longer trust the father. They think that the father's decision will lead them to destruction. Many of them have already contacted the major churches of the gods. ..even the royal brother who supports me."

Andrea's appearance was bleak, like a sickly flower so easily broken, and her delicate face that was about to cry was even more pitiful.

"Your father has gone mad."

"Yes, my father has gone mad. Now the whole continent knows that the recovery of the gods is inevitable, and the father and the Taishi are retrograde... He must not be supported by anyone."

"So Andrea, are you trying to save your father?"

"No, I don't care whether it's my royal brother or my father, I just don't want my life to be manipulated, and I shouldn't be a political victim of their struggle. I want to get my rights, I have this I also worked hard for this ability, but the time for the recovery of the gods was so fast that I lost my initiative.

Andrea's beautiful face with pear blossoms and rain turned into a little hysterical, her eyes were gloomy, and blazing ambition and flames were burning in them, but the strange thing was that the princess's sanity still carried the innocence. Evil temperament.

Louis didn't care about Andrea's contradictory and weird temperament, but her words made Louis' brows, because from Andrea's words, Louis found that the princess seemed to have known for a long time.

It's like the gods will wake up. This is a bit incredible, even if Louis didn't know "the real body of the silver goddess, and got enough information. He can't be completely sure.

"In addition to you, I can also choose to support your royal brother. As a member of the true God, my church has the right to enter this country to preach, which the gods can't refuse, so I don't need you."

Louis was aggressive, as if to force Andrea to the wall and squeeze her dry.

"My image has a great influence among the people. This is what I have been working towards in the past. If I can help influence the people, I believe that your church, Your Royal Highness Louis, will be able to gain a huge lead in the competition of faith. "

Andrea, who was grabbed by Louis' chin, said in a slightly altered voice.

"That's right, this reason finally seems like a good idea, so why do you choose. I, Andrea, your conditions are enough to make the church of the gods tempted. Even if you don't choose me, you can choose another church."

Louis let go of Princess Andrea's chin, and his hand penetrated the wide neckline of her chiffon dress, softly softening her roundness slightly roughly.

Andrea showed a look of pain, she resisted the discomfort of her body, and said softly with a flushed face. _"..because I don't trust other gods. I've seen you, an untitled god, and I know you're strong. Compared to other gods. I'd rather trust your wisdom!"

"Good reason."

"Face and I also have bigger ambitions that make me only trust you.. you know. 'King of Lies'?"

Andrea's words made Louis look = chan, he let go of Princess Andrea, and said with a slight squinting, .... talk about it. "

Chapter 66 Complete Killing Priesthood, Return to Earth

"The King of Lies'_= a powerful **** that existed in the age of the gods, and a **** that Louis knew but didn't fully understand. He held the other part of the 'killing' priesthood that Louis needed, and it was also the largest part.' Killing' priesthood.

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