I! Dragon Lord

Chapter 346:

The commander of the Seventh Fleet took out the binoculars and used the height of the aircraft carrier bridge to let every detail of the sea ahead come into view.

That sea area is where the fragments of Ganymede 66 fell before, since the Earth Fleet came here to carry out the mission. There has been no movement in this sea area for half a month. For this reason, the entire Tertiary Fleet has also relaxed its surveillance level. Who would have thought that it would suddenly explode with such a terrifying energy just after half a month.

Antimatter bombs, a weapon that modern humans can't manufacture, only possess in Kehong's novels, since technical officials used this description, the situation is now imminent.

"Who would have thought that the fragments of Ganymede 66 turned out to be a time bomb, and now it is finally going to detonate.---Issued an order, and the Tertiary Fleet retreated.: Technician, can you calculate the _"bomb'" What's the damage radius? Do we need to go back a few nautical miles?"

Will the explosion reach Oahu?"

The fleet commander remembered that there was a Hawaiian resort nearby, and asked with a little unease.

The technician didn't answer the captain's order. He just stared at the data on the pile of instruments nervously. From time to time, he would also ask the surrounding staff about the changes in the values. Just when the commander gradually became impatient, the technician swallowed his mouth. Spit. "General. Found new information, there... in the debris sea of ​​that meteorite, we found living biological reactions-!"

"A living biological response?"

The fleet commander's heart skipped a beat. He picked up the telescope and looked again. He saw that bubbles were bubbling up in that sea area, and even the blue water turned into an orange-red fluorescent color, which was the magma flowing on the ocean floor .

at such high temperatures. Under normal circumstances in this sea area, it is impossible for there to be living creatures.

"Did you read it right? Could it be that there is a problem with the instrument? The Ganhai Sea has already boiled. What creatures do you think can survive in that environment?"

"General. I promise not to be wrong.. There are indeed two creatures on the bottom of the sea there. It was less than five meters long just now, and it has grown to more than fifty meters, and it is still growing rapidly.”


The fleet commander only felt cold hands and feet. Is there any creature on earth that is fifty meters tall and still grows to this extent in just a few minutes, it is definitely not a simple creature, it must be an alien creature or :: on a monster

"Report to the general, an emergency telegram sent from Oahu. There was a strong earthquake on Songhu Island, and the volcano on the island suddenly erupted!"

"Oahu's volcanoes are also starting to become active

"Lanai volcano is erupting."

"Volcanoes throughout the Hawaiian Islands. All alive to L"


Listening to the disturbing news one after another. The commander's lips turned pale, and he quickly used the equipment on the ship to observe the other islands. He saw the dark and fiery red smoke floating in the sky above the islands. Rain of Fire. It's almost like the evil city of Mama in The Lord of the Rings.

It seems that a terrifying monster appeared when the meteorite fell. All the volcanoes in the Hawaiian Islands erupted at the same time. If you say there is no connection, this commander will never believe it.

"Retreat, retreat!! The corps fleet retreats twenty nautical miles".L"

The commander immediately gave the order

"General, what about the Hawaiian Islands, especially the inhabitants of Oahu?"

"Look for yourself! It's full of volcanic ejecta, the fleet can't dock at all, and the plane can't fly!"

The commander of the Seventh Fleet put the telescope in his hand into the arms of the person beside him. He pushed him to the window.

"General, there is news from Washington. There is a congressman on Oahu and the top executives of the consortium are on vacation. Washington hopes that our Seventh Fleet can rescue him."

Another signal trooper ran into the command post and gave a salute. He said the news that made the commander of the Digi Fleet pale.

"hil.⊥ Those bastards, they don't know the current situation in Hawaii. We rescue? If we go to the rescue, it is very likely that the Seventh Fleet will be in crisis."

"But General, we have to obey orders from Washington."

"Then send an amphibious ship over there and find a way to contact the **** parliamentarians and chaebol executives on the island. Let them come to the port and board the ship themselves."

The commander issued the order almost with a roar.

At this moment, the aircraft carrier suddenly swayed violently up and down, causing everyone in the command room to fall over. Documents on the table spilled - to the ground. The sound of ping ping ping pong is endless. The commander stood up from the ground grabbing the hat on his head and hissed, "..what's the matter?!"

"It's an earthquake at sea

, the tsunami is coming

Hearing this voice in the midst of chaos, the commander of the Seventh Fleet was very nervous, and the tsunami that could make the aircraft carrier carry out such a bumpy earthquake is absolutely terrifying.

."Boom --==-="

There was another earth-shattering loud noise through the glass window of the command room. All members of the American Pacific Seventh Fleet, Yue, stared blankly at the battleship at the forefront of the fleet formation being submerged by the monstrous waves. No, That's not a wave at all!

The burning glowing red sea water, the steaming heat, the disgusting bubbles that seemed to come out of the witch's cauldron, where is this tsunami, it's just magma!

A ship hit by a wave of lava - loses its life all at once. Looking at the steam there, the commander has no doubt that the temperature there definitely exceeds the boiling point of water. In this environment, human beings cannot survive at all. He even imagined the horror field where the sailors and soldiers on the battleship were scalded to death.

Hissing, lung-splitting mourning. His body is covered with distorted high-temperature aura...

"Get out of here!_L"

There is no need to go to command at all. The other ships I of the Seventh Fleet who saw the tragic scene are the first time to start the warship, and the fastest speed is far higher.

Suddenly, a terrifying cry that was enough to make people's hearts crack came from the depths of the sea. There was a sense of madness in this voice, and the twisted evil spirit was about to come out.

"Oh, God, what the **** is that?

"Did we travel to Ultraman's special drama?"

"God, let me go, I'm not the protagonist of any Hollywood movie."


The sea suddenly surged up, and a monster with a height of 300 meters emerged from the sea surface! ⊥_

Chapter 110 Greek Demons

"Oh, Lord, have you completely abandoned us?"

When they saw the terrifying monster crawling out of the bottom of Hawaii, some navy soldiers knelt on the ground and babbled, and some believers held crosses in their hands and prayed devoutly for longevity.

"No, the Lord has not abandoned us, the Lord Christ is sleeping in Rome now, and God has sacrificed for us."

"Yes, the Lord has not abandoned us but only those who never give up will receive the Lord's love, Soldiers. Now is not the time to despair, let's all lift up our spirits. We are the great American Navy, we are A member of the Pacific Seventh Fleet, our predecessors participated in the Korean War, participated in the Vietnam War. In the Gulf War.”

".As a soldier of the Third Earth Fleet _ now is not the time to give up" Look at the deck under your feet, this is the USS Washington "Force III" aircraft carrier. Look around you, that's the glory of our US Navy L Now, everyone goes back to their posts, the whole army is evacuated, let's stay away from this monster for a while, and inform Washington and the Pacific Navy Commander L it's time for them to make a decision⊥ "

After all, the commander of the Seventh Fleet is someone who has seen strong winds and waves, although the monster on the sea in the distance is beyond common sense. But he regained his senses as quickly as he could and gave orders.

A commander plays a very important role in the army. If the commander is confident and calm, the whole army will also greatly improve the rusticity. Hearing the roar of the fifty-year-old general in the command room, the U.S. Navy stood up and gave a military salute. Act quickly.

The commander saw the rustic return. He breathlessly walked to the podium and clenched the metal railing with both hands, preventing the soldiers behind him from seeing the cold sweat on his forehead.

"I hope that human beings can really overcome these mysterious forces: .."

He whispered in a voice that only he could hear.

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