The next day.

Kalifa put a large basin of food in front of Jack with some twists.

“Good, good.”

A smile appeared on Jack’s hideous face, and then he glanced at Kalifa’s still somewhat bruised forehead.

Sensing Jack’s gaze, Carifa suddenly gritted her teeth again.

She kind of got it.

This Jack is a straight man of steel!

Although she is a six-style superman, she is also a girl in the end!

However, when he treats girls, he does not have the slightest pity for jade!

Yesterday, not only did a headhammer knock knock her out, but when she woke up, he tortured, abused, and finally arranged a lot of tasks.

And cooking is just one of them.

But at this time, looking at the large bowl of food, Jack said: “You should be hungry, you eat a little first.” ”

“Are you afraid I’ll poison!?”

Kalifa frowned, but under Jack’s implicit threatening gaze, she could only obediently obey.


After seeing that Kalifa did not react abnormally, Jack let out a laugh and began to eat.

Nor do I blame him for being cautious.

Even if he has strong physical fitness, if he is poisoned, he will still have some trouble.

It is naturally best to be able to eliminate it in advance.

In addition, to be honest, it is not that he does not pity Xiang Xiangyu, it is really forced by the situation.

After yesterday’s draw, Jack checked the situation on the ship.

As a result, they were depressed to find that Lu Qi and others did a great job.

None of his crew members were alive!

In this way, Jack has some trouble.

After all, he ate the mammoth fruit and could no longer go to the sea.

So he needs navigators more than before.

And after some torture of Kalifa, Jack was pleasantly surprised to find that Kalifa could also sail!

In addition to this, cooking, repairing boats and other chores, she is also very proficient!

Jack was surprised, but when he thought about it, he understood.

These CP9s are actually similar to the agent killers on Earth.

Or rather, they are the agent killers of the pirate world!

To be qualified for this particular profession, they must know a lot of knowledge and a wide range of skills.

This leads to the fact that these CP9s are not only proficient in the Six Styles, but also all-round!

And this, obviously, is also the reason why CP9 can be perfectly mixed into the shipyard.

Then, since Kalifa is also omnipotent, it is naturally just right.

Let her help with sailing, as well as cooking and cooking.

Speaking of which, she should also do this, after all, Jack’s subordinates are all destroyed, and she is also one of the murderers.

To be honest, Jack is already very magnanimous now.

But apparently, Kalifa was not satisfied.

Watching Beck start eating, she asked tentatively, “When will you let me go?” ”

After realizing that Jack had no intention of killing herself, Kalifa’s heart became a little alive.

When Jack heard this, he immediately looked up at her and said with a smile: “Yes, teach me the Six Styles first.” ”

Kalifa’s face suddenly changed: “This is impossible!” ”

In fact, she had already talked to Jack about the terms.

Even if Jack temporarily let her sail and cook or something, he should not be assured of letting her serve for a long time.

In other words, if Jack didn’t kill her, he should let her go.

But obviously, not without conditions.

And Jack’s condition is the Navy Six.

For this kind of physical skill that combines the essence of naval physical skills, to be honest, Jack is very interested.

Especially after he, like the original owner, became an animal fruit ability.

There is no doubt that the animal fruit ability, if paired with the Navy Six Style, definitely complements each other!

This point, later Luchikaku and others, is a good example.

Since he caught Kalifa, of course, he would not let go of this opportunity to learn the ** Navy Six Style.

However, for the Navy Six, the CP side seems to be very strict, so that Kalifa does not dare to teach it, and even talks about it.

Jack wasn’t worried about that.

In fact, the Navy Six is not so difficult to learn.

This can be seen from Luffy and Sanji in later generations.

These two people also learned to shave and moon steps without a teacher.

As long as the physical fitness reaches a certain level, plus a little understanding, it is enough.

Of course, it is best to have someone to teach nature.

Jack also doesn’t worry about Kalifa not teaching.

Because he had already thought about it, and when Kalifa recovered from her injury, he would fight her again!

Yes, it’s a battle!

In fact, catching Kalifa, Jack’s biggest gain is not that someone does vegetable sailing, nor does he have the opportunity to learn the ** Navy Six Style, but, being able to brush combat value!

That’s right, it’s combat value!

After receiving the feast, Jack is also fully aware of the benefits of combat value.

Of course, he couldn’t wait to get more combat value.

And now, with a six-style superhuman like Kalifa, the biggest benefit is, of course, brushing the combat value on her!

Of course, the greater the gap in strength, the less combat value.

With the power of Jack now, I am afraid that it will not be long before it will be difficult to harvest in Kalifa.

However, no matter how small the mosquito is, it is meat, and before this, even if he only brushed a thousand combat values on Kalifa, he would earn it.

In addition, during the brush battle value, he can also try to steal the Navy Six style!

All in all, the existence of Kalifa, for Jack, is unexpectedly important.

How could he let the other party go so easily!?

Kalifa obviously understood Jack’s intentions a little, and immediately said no more.

However, she did not despair, after all, Luqi and the others also knew that she was caught by Jack.

Maybe it won’t be long before someone comes to her rescue.

As soon as she thought of this, Kalifa reluctantly pressed down.

Seeing that Kalifa was no longer entangled, Jack was naturally happy to do so, and turned his attention back to the food in front of him.

When he started eating, he had actually quietly activated that legendary ability and feasted.

It’s just that what makes Jack strange is that the expected physical improvement and body size growth did not happen.

“Wait, do you really have to devour a whole creature for the feast to be effective!?”

Suddenly, a flash of light flashed in Jack’s mind and he thought of the key.

The food made by Kalifa is all cooked food and the like, and it is not as exaggerated as a creature.

So, the reason why the feast lost its laughter is because of this!?

“If that’s the case, maybe I should get some complete creatures…”

Thinking like this, Jack cast his eyes to the sea, revealing a look of expectation.

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