“That’s the Chambord Islands!?”

A few days later, Jack and the others took the pirate ship and entered the new sea.

Ahead of the sea level, an island wrapped in bubbles, far away.

Nicole Robin suddenly looked surprised.

Jack was also a little amazed.

After all, this was the first time he had actually seen such a miraculous sight.

Kalifa, on the other hand, did not react much, it seems that she has been here.

Another moment passed.

A few people arrived at this magical island, known as the transit point of the Great Shipping Route.

From here, you can travel to Fishman Island and officially enter the new world.

But if you want to go to Fishman Island, there is another very important thing to do.

That is…. Coating!

After all, Fishman Island is under the sea floor of 10,000 meters.

If the pirate ship is not coated, it is impossible to get there.

So, after arriving in the Chambord Islands, leaving Nicole Robin to watch the ship, Jack took Carifa directly and went straight to Area 13.

The blackmail bar opened by Xia Qi is in this area.

If you want to coat, you naturally need a coater.

But Jack had no acquaintances on this.

In addition, he is not worried about easily handing over this kind of thing to some people who do not know the roots.

After all, this is no joke.

If the coated film is not good and breaks open during the dive process, at that time, even Jack’s life will be in danger!

So Jack naturally thought of Rayleigh, who coated the Straw Hats gang in the original book.

This legendary Hades, who retired in the Chambord Islands, should be here by now.

If it was him who came to coat, Jack would naturally be a hundred reassured.

Xia Qi is his wife, and if you find Xia Qi, you should be able to find Renly.

The only question now is how to get Reilly to strike.

In this regard, Jack has been prepared.


The other side.

Just when Jack and the others arrived in the Chambord Islands.

The female emperor and the others were in big trouble!

Avoiding the route to the Chambord Islands, they were indeed far away from Jack and the others.

But what they never expected was that they also encountered an unexpected ship because of this!

That’s the hallmark of the Don Quixote family!

That is, it was Doflamingo’s ship!

Although it was defeated in the hands of Jack, the female emperor and the others naturally did not intend to give up their original intention.

But they have to show their skills and make a difference, and of course they will not take Doflamingo to the knife.

Let’s not talk about whether the female emperor can defeat Doflamingo, even if she can defeat her, it is not good to attack Doflamingo, who is one of the seven martial seas of His Majesty.

What I didn’t expect was that the female emperor did not have the idea of hitting Doflamingo’s ship, and Doflamingo’s pirate ship, after discovering the female emperor and others, took the initiative to show malice!

Since this is the case, the female emperor also made a counterattack.

After all, it is very likely that she will also become one of the seven martial seas of His Majesty in the future.

The other party took the initiative to find trouble, and it was naturally impossible for her to avoid it.

Otherwise, in the future, she will say that she is also a Qibu Sea, and she is afraid of Doflamingo.

As a result, the two sides went to war.

And it is worth mentioning that Doflamingo is not on that ship.

On that pirate ship is a fighting force composed of Diamanti, Rao G, Mahabais and other block armies.

During this period, the female emperor did not grow to be strong in later generations, so, after a fight, she was unexpectedly defeated by Diamanti and others!

Of course, the female emperor was not completely defeated, so there was still spare strength, and she retreated and fled with Boya Sandasonia, Boya Marigorud and others.

It’s just that Diamanti and the others did not give up easily, but launched a pursuit.

So, the female emperor and others were in trouble.

Losing the Sea Kings, although their Perfume Snake can still sail, the sailing speed is still relatively slow.

On the other hand, the Don Quixote family is in a period of rapid development, rich and rival, and has pirate ships, all of which are top-level configurations.

So soon after, the two sides engaged again!

And the result of the battle, it seems, there is no need to say more.

This time, there was no accident, the female emperor was completely defeated, and together with Boya Sandasonia, Boya Marigorud and others, they were all subdued by Diamandy and others!

“Well, with this group of women, you should be able to send a message to the young master.”

Looking at the subdued female emperor and others, Diamanti, who was the leader, immediately laughed.

The female emperor and others are related to an important business for them now.

I believe that Doflamingo will also be happy when he learns about it.

And next.

Sure enough.

After Doflamingo learned of the situation, he immediately praised Diamanti and the others, and then asked Diamanti to escort the female emperor and the others to a place.

The successive defeats made these women look gloomy, even the female emperor.

Only then, when the ship started again, the female emperor was surprised to find that the re-entry route seemed familiar!

It seems to be…. Go in the direction of the Chambord Islands!

Realizing this, the female emperor suddenly froze.

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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