This time.

Headquarters of the Navy, Marshal’s Office.

Sengoku frowned and put down the phone bug.

Just now, the five old stars called him again to scold him.

Because the murderer of the Draco Charros Saint has not been successfully arrested!

Thinking of this, the eyes of the Warring States could not help but appear a shock.

In fact, when the five old stars called, he had already called Peach Rabbit first.

No, it should be said that after the green pheasant arrived in the Chambord Islands, the Warring States have already called Peach Rabbit several times.

In order to ask about the Chambord Islands, naturally.

Draco is so concerned about this incident, he, the marshal of the navy, is also under pressure, and naturally he is very concerned about the situation over there.

Originally, after the Warring States wanted to come and catch Jack, he replied to the five old stars as soon as possible.

But what I never expected was that the battle between the green pheasant and Jack would last for a day and a night!

Yes, the two fought for a day and a night, and until now, they have not yet divided the victory and defeat!

Hearing this news, the Warring States couldn’t help but be shocked.

For the strength of the pheasant, he knows everything.

It is absolutely no exaggeration to say that he is one of the highest combat forces of the naval headquarters!

And this …. It is also the reason why Sengoku believes that this mission will be completed quickly.

But now the situation is that it has been a day and a night, and the pheasant has not defeated Jack!

And listening to what Peach Rabbit said, during this period, the green pheasant also fell into the downwind and was suppressed by Jack!

How strong is that madman Jack!?

Of course, it’s time to stop dwelling on that.

Jack must be captured as soon as possible and sent a message to the Draco.

And for some reason, the Warring States always feel that if it drags on, there will be some accidents.

Since that 583 Jack was able to suppress the green pheasant, maybe it was not impossible to defeat the green pheasant in the end!

All because the pheasant is not an animal fruit ability, compared to endurance, it is obviously Jack who is an animal fruit ability!

And don’t forget that Jack is not an ordinary animal fruit ability, but a rare ancient mammoth!

All in all, it can’t go on like this.

The Warring States immediately decided to send another general over and completely suppress Jack!

Only then, after some contact, the Warring States were depressed to find that the red dog and the yellow ape were also on a mission, not at the headquarters, and in a short time, they could not come back.

“Do I have to take it personally!?”

Sengoku frowned.

If Jack kills Marin Fando, he will have no problem shooting.

But now let him a marshal of the navy, for the sake of Jack, a pirate newcomer to run to the Chambord Islands, it is too much to say.

When he got to his position, he could no longer be dispatched at will, one was not good, it affected the majesty of the entire naval government.

Just when Sengoku didn’t know what to do, suddenly, the door of the office was pushed open all of a sudden.

An old man with a strong figure and a cloak of naval justice walked in like no one, sat on his desk, picked up the senbei and ate it.

“Sengoku, I’m back, did you miss me?”

Warring States was stunned, and subconsciously took back Xianbei: “Kapu, you old boy, how many times have you said you…”

He was about to scold when his eyes suddenly lit up.

“Eh, Karp, you eat, eat.”

Sengoku put the senbei back into the old man’s hands, and his face became pleasant.

There is no doubt that this old man who has no respect in front of the Warring States is none other than the naval hero, Karp.

The last time Karp came to find Sengoku, he applied to patrol the East China Sea.

Sengoku knew what Karp was actually going to do, so he approved.

And now, Karp has apparently returned from the East China Sea.

In this way, he was sent over to support the pheasant!!

If this old guy comes out, then it will be absolutely fine.

Sengoku is sure in his heart.

“So good? What bad idea are you kid fighting again!? ”

Karp took the senbei and glanced at the Warring States with some suspicion.

Sengoku’s face straightened: “Karp, there is a task that is very urgent now. ”

Saying this, he was about to tell the story about Jack.

After Karp listened, he was first startled, and then laughed: “Haha, that Jack kid, it’s really interesting, this time I also know to eradicate garbage!” ”

The “garbage” he said obviously meant Draco.

Sengoku suddenly had a headache: “Karp, you are serious!” ”

“I know you hate Draco, but now the pheasant may also be in danger, not for the Draco, for the pheasant, please go too.”

Karp shook his head helplessly: “Then I’ll take a look.” ”

Saying this, he also left the marshal’s office, and before leaving, he took the senbei in his hand by the way.

Sengoku was crying and laughing.


The other side.

Chambord Islands Battlefield.

Just as the Sengoku learned of the intelligence.

Day and night passed, and at this time, Jack and the pheasant were still fighting fiercely.

The people watching the battle around were completely shocked to the point of numbness!

Before this battle began, no one thought that Jack could fight fiercely with the pheasant for so long! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

And now, everyone can’t help but be shocked by Jack’s performance.

Not to mention the rest, just if the situation that he can fight fiercely with the green pheasant for a day and a night spreads, he will be famous all over the world!

That’s a admiral!

However, for the green pheasant, everyone was not without shock.

The strength of Jack’s power is obvious to all.

This is definitely not a power that a pirate newcomer should have!

The sea thief who has been famous for many years, is no more!

But the green pheasant was able to fight with him for so long, and the toughness and endurance he showed were beyond imagination!

As we all know, animals are fruit capable, and they are known for their physical strength.

Generally speaking, if you fight a protracted battle, almost all of the winners are those who have the ability of animal fruits!

Not to mention that Jack is still an ancient mammoth fruit cultivator.

And what about the pheasants.

He is just a natural fruit ability!

The ability of natural fruits, for physical fitness, there is no increase!

Moreover, the natural fruit ability with amazing power like the green pheasant, the physical strength that needs to be consumed to use, obviously will not be less!

But Rao is so, the green pheasant actually fought with Jack for a day and a night!

What this means, needless to say!

In fact, Jack at this time was also shocked by the performance of the pheasant.

Just yesterday, he entered the state of heavenly god and suppressed the green pheasant.

In the last two minutes, he even transformed into a more powerful mammoth form!

But even so, in the end, he did not defeat the green pheasant, but was survived by the green pheasant for the terrifying two minutes.

And as soon as the Heavenly God enters the cooldown period, it is naturally Jack’s turn to be suppressed.

But when it comes to beatings, Jack is definitely top-notch!

Even if he was injured, he tried his best not to be completely frozen by the pheasant, so he also survived a long one-hour cooldown time and entered the state of the heavenly god again!

As a result, this time, he still couldn’t defeat the green pheasant.

Then unexpectedly, and reasonably, the battle between the two fell into a state of stalemate!

Of course, the Heavenly God can only erupt for five minutes, but the cooldown time is a full hour!

So for the most part, it was the pheasant who suppressed Jack.

Rao is Jack’s physique is terrifyingly powerful, but in the face of that overwhelming, pervasive freezing attack, it is almost impossible to bear.

Fortunately, later, Jack moved wisely, and after brushing some combat values on the pheasant, he immediately used it to exchange physical attributes.

Throughout the day, he directly added more than a dozen physical attributes!

Each attribute requires a thousand battle values.

A dozen physical attributes are actually enough for Jack to draw and replace it with something that is pleasant.

But the problem was that the situation at that time was too urgent, and if he lacked a little physical attribute, Jack might not really be able to survive!

Although there are few physical attributes, it makes Jack’s physical strength increase instantly, and at the same time, the recovery speed is also a little faster.

In general, the role is still not small.

Therefore, the act of exchanging combat values for attributes is, in Jack’s opinion, correct.

He has not lost yet, which is the best illustration!

And as time goes on, Jack’s advantage grows.

After all, although the green pheasant’s toughness and endurance are extremely amazing, he is not an animal fruit ability after all, and he does not have Jack’s various strange increases!

So by now, the pheasant has become tired.

And Jack?

He can also swipe battle points and redeem attribute points!

In the long run, it won’t be long before Jack can win.

Just realizing this, Jack did not have any joy, but his heart became a little heavy.

He hadn’t forgotten that this was the Chambord Islands!

And the Chambord Islands, right near the headquarters of the Navy!

That is to say, the Navy headquarters can send strong people to support at any time!

And a day and a night passed, and it was enough for the naval headquarters to send people again.

So as time passed, Jack’s mood became heavier.

After realizing that he couldn’t delay it any longer, he had already decided that after a while, the Heavenly God Fan would cool down again, and he would fight to the death to defeat the green pheasant!

However, at this moment, it seemed to confirm Jack’s idea.

An old figure suddenly landed on the battlefield!

Jack’s face changed suddenly.

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