"huli! "

Bata Butterfly flapped its wings and quickly flew in front of Absolu, carrying green energy fluctuations and biting down fiercely!


Due to the insect line's double effect of restraining the evil line, this blow caused great damage to Absolu, causing him to let out a scream.

Then Absolu's eyes rolled into circles and he lost consciousness.


Seeing this, Ma Li frowned with a heavy expression.

Although she had long been wary of Pu Chong's 'hidden killing moves', she didn't think that Pu Chong's attack still made her a little defenseless.

Or that the eventual evolved butterfly was too restrained Absolu.

"So it's back to 1v1."

Ma Li held the elf in his hand and perked up again.

Because although Pu Chong's Ba Da Butterfly is very strong, her trump card is not weak!

"I'm sure you can beat her! Go ahead! Ghost! The

voice fell.

Ma Li sent his second elf!

It was her ace Genie Flash Ghost!


As soon as Ghost appeared, he let out his signature strange laugh.

It seems to be responding to Ma Li's expectations, and it is also like declaring his fighting spirit!

"This is going to be even more exciting. "

In the stands.

When Jiang Bai saw this scene, he couldn't help but smile with interest.

To say that the previous Doi Ninja and Absolu were the first day of the new battle.

Then the current Ghost Si and Ba Da Butterfly are the strength clash after the improvement!

This made Jiang Bai look forward to who the final winner between the two would be.

"Yes, I am a little excited to see it."

Ma Bangmu on the side also smiled at this time.

As if he had some emotion, Ma Bangmu shook his head: "This feeling has not been felt for many years." "

It's nostalgic to think back to the last time, when I was involved in gang fights when I was younger."

Thinking of this, Ma Bangmu looked up at the field again and said with a smile: "In this way, it is indeed I who underestimated the elf battle before." "

Such a bloody battle, it really can't be described as a family, no matter which side, it is a praiseworthy 'warrior'."

When the two on the stage were chatting, they were not idle to the two on the battlefield.

The final confrontation had already begun, and Ma Li took the lead in attacking:

"Ghost! Use hypnosis! "


The ghost laughs and projects light waves from his eyes that hypnotize the creature.

But Pu Chong was not prepared to let him succeed, and quickly responded:

"Get out of the way!" Bada Butterfly! "


As soon as Bada Butterfly flapped its wings, it fell out of the coverage of light waves.

At the same time, Pu Chong ordered again:

"Use the wind like this!"


Butterfly fluttered its wings and rolled up a large number of storms to blow towards the ghosts.

Ghost Si didn't have time to dodge, and was directly hit head-on by the storm, and the smile on his face suddenly froze.

But Ma Li's reaction was also very fast, and Jiao Sheng ordered:

"In that case! Ghost! We use for tat directly! "


When Ghost Si heard the order, an excited smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Then shuttled in front of Bada Butterfly at a very fast speed!

In the next second, a powerful dark energy gushed out from the ghost's body, carrying the anger of the previous injury, and smashed heavily towards Ba Da Butterfly!


Ordered by the attack, Bada Butterfly instantly flew out upside down and let out a cry of pain.

This is due to the-for-tat effect.

Although-for-tat is an evil skill, it will become twice as powerful as it was injured.

That is to say, even if Ba Da Butterfly has resistance to the evil line, it will still hurt to take this trick head-on.

And after the move hit, Ma Li did not hesitate, and then ordered:

"Ghost! Then use the Light of Wonder on her! "


Ghost Si smiled, and purple light waves were projected from his scarlet eyes!

The injured Ba Da Butterfly didn't have time to dodge, and was directly hit head-on by the strange light, and he only felt dizzy for a while.

"Butterfly! Please! Hold on! Seeing

this, Pu Chong couldn't help but be a little nervous, and quickly wanted to fight back: "Use insect bites to force him back!"

But hearing Pu Chong's order, Ba Da Butterfly did not do so, but flapped himself with his wings.

This made Pu Chong's face suddenly sank.

Knowing that it was the chaotic effect of the light of qiyi that was activated, Ba Da Butterfly began to attack himself.

For a while, the situation became very dangerous.

And Ma Li did not miss this opportunity to attack, and ordered again:

"Ghost! Use your tongue to lick! "


Ghost stretched out his scarlet tongue and flung it towards Bada Butterfly like a long whip.

The attack force was very strong, and it directly threw Ba Da Butterfly out.

This made the faces of both people in the venue turn heavy.

One is naturally Pu Chong on the field.

As for the other, Ma Bangmu on the spectator.

The moment he saw Ghost's weird tongue, it reminded him of the bad memories of last night....

After receiving this blow, Bada Butterfly's state also became very weak, and he was about to lose consciousness.

But at this moment, Pu Chong suddenly shouted loudly:

"Don't give up! Bada Butterfly!

"I believe you! Able to recover from the chaos!

"Please! Use the skill again!

"Huli..." As

if hearing Pu Chong's call, the originally weak Ba Da Butterfly raised his head, flapped his wings and flew into the air!

This made Pu Chong smile, knowing that his Ba Da Butterfly had overcome chaos with his backbone!

"Very good! Use the final blow to determine the winner! Bada Butterfly!

"Use mind power on the ghosts!"


Ba Dadie's eyes suddenly lit up with red light, emitting super energy fluctuations, sweeping towards the ghosts!

Seeing this scene, Ma Li's face couldn't help but sank.

Because Ghost Si is a poisonous elf, restrained by the super power system, if this hit is definitely quite serious.

So she also has to do her best to deal with it!

"Ghost! Bring all your forces together! One more tongue lick! "


The dark energy in the ghost's body emerged, gathered on the tongue, and flung out the tongue violently.

It is clear that the distance between him and Ba Da Butterfly is very far, but this time Ghost's tongue seems to be able to extend infinitely, and it quickly extends in front of Ba Da Butterfly!



Next second!

Ghost's tongue lick and Bata Butterfly's mental power hit at the same time!

So that the two elves flew out upside down at the same time and hit the wall separately!

Seeing such an exciting battle situation, everyone gasped.

Jiang Bai also stopped to understand, looking at the two elves who fell, curious which elf still had the physical strength to stand up.

It is a ghost who has been hit with restraint.

Or badly injured Bada Butterfly.

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