
the skin baby opened his mouth after using the imitation.

Then something magical happened.

I saw a particularly large tongue suddenly appear, hitting Ghost Si's body and throwing him out

! "gui..."

After receiving this blow, Ghost Si's face showed a painful look for the first time, obviously he was not lightly hurt

! Witnessing all this, Jiang Bai smiled with interest, and explained again:

"Oh, you can actually think of using imitation attacks!

"Originally, the skin's slap could not hit the ghost, but imitating this skill can simulate the tricks used by the other party, that is to say, it can copy

the tongue licking skill used by the ghost!" "And the tongue licking skill is a trick of the ghost system, not only can hit the ghost, but also directly cause double damage because the ghost system restrains

the ghost line! As Jiang Bai said, when the ghost stood up again, even the floating was a little shaky.

This made Ma Li realize that Ghost's physical strength had been seriously consumed.

Fortunately, the skin baby has also been hit by tongue licking many times, and is now equally out of breath.

"If the effect of imitation is to imitate the skills of the other party's elves, then as long as I don't attack, she can't use the imitation skill.

"So the advantage is still with me, at least my side has the first hand, as long as I successfully hit her again, I should be able to defeat her!" Thinking

about this, Ma Li thought that he had found a way to win.

But what she didn't expect was that Ouyang Xue suddenly spoke:

"Pi Baobao! Use the prayer!" "

Pipi!" Pi

Baobao clasped his hands together and made a prayer gesture, and soon a healing energy gushed out and turned into a pink sphere.

Then the pink sphere slowly fell and merged into the body of the skin baby, so that the original serious injuries of the skin baby recovered a lot in an instant, and even many of the scars on the body disappeared

! "How is it possible?!

Although Jiang Bai had introduced the recovery skill in the video, none of the elves in the battles she watched before would really use the recovery skill.

This made Ma Li subconsciously think that the restorative skill should be learned only if the elves were very advanced.

Who knew that the skin baby would actually do this trick just after birth, which made Ma Li's face instantly difficult to see.

Because the result she just calculated was that Pi Baobao's injury would be more serious, as long as Ghost Si successfully performed tongue licking, he would definitely be able to defeat Pi Baobao first.

Now it's good, Pi Baobao recovered by praying, and his physical strength directly surpassed the

ghost! If she continued to fight for a long time, wouldn't her ghost be defeated?


Ouyang Xue ordered again

: "Pi baby, continue to use the prayer! Directly return to full state

!" "No, can't let her use the prayer smoothly anymore!" Ma

Li quickly interrupted:

"Ghost, don't let her succeed! Use the strange light!" The

words fell

! The ghost's hand lit up with purple-black light, and without waiting for the skin baby to create a pink healing ball, he flew towards her!

Obviously, it is more powerful than speed, or ghosts

! Due to the prayer, the skin baby did not have time to dodge, and was directly hit head-on by the strange light, and fell into a chaotic state again!

Ma Li did not miss this opportunity and ordered loudly:

"Ghost! Right now! Launch a continuous tongue licking attack!"


Ghost shot out his slender tongue and whipped the skin baby like a leather whip.

Ouyang Xue saw that the current situation was the same as in the first confrontation, and knew that he had to wake up the skin

baby! Quickly shouted loudly:

"Skin baby!

pi...... !!Seeing

this, Ouyang Xue smiled with joy, and then shouted loudly:

"That's it!

Seeing that Pi Baobao regained consciousness, she did not choose to retreat, but decided to end the whole battle just like that, shouting at Ghost Sijiao:

"Let's win or lose with this move! Ghost! Use your tongue to lick

!!" "guisi!!"

Ghost Si roared, and issued a final attack

! Two scarlet tongues crossed and hit each other again!

Skin Baby and Ghost S flew out upside down at the same time and fell to the ground.

For a while, the scene fell into silence.

No one knows the final result.

Including Jiang Bai in the stands.

"Although the skin baby had prayed to restore his strength before, he was also hit hard during the chaos, and his physical strength was reduced to the extreme again.

"And the ghosts may have the advantage in physical strength, but because they are ghosts, they will be hurt twice by the tongue lick, and it is not easy to say whether they can support it."

"The final result seems to have to wait for the two elves on the field to decide, I wonder which of them will stand up first?"

Ten seconds passed quickly.


this scene, Jiang Bai quickly knew the final result, and seriously announced:

"Due to the fact that the skin baby fell into a coma, the two elves of the contestant Ouyang Xue have lost their ability to fight, and I announce that the winner of this 2v2 battle is Ma Li!"

We won! We won! We won!" Hearing

this news, Ma Li suddenly pounced on Ghost Si excitedly

! Completely forgetting that Ghost Si is a spirit body, she can't hold it at all!

Fortunately, Ma Li fell to the ground, and Ghost Si took the initiative to support the other party with gas, so as to avoid a 'tragedy'.

Ma Li didn't care about his stupid behavior just now, hugged the air in front of him with his own care, and said excitedly:

"I know you're the best!

Ghost let out a habitual laugh.

It's just that this time Ghost Si smiled obviously more happily, and it was a very happy thing for him to help his trainer win the battle.


Ouyang Xue also walked in front of Pi Baobao and hugged the other party.

Looking at the aggrieved Pi baby, she said with a smile:

"It's okay, Pi baby, you've worked very hard."

"You're the equivalent of one against two, and it's pretty good to be able to fight like this, and you're only close to winning

!" "Next time, when Casey and you learn more attacks, we'll definitely win!"

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