Suddenly, his heart moved.

  There are two secret treasures in this world of Zhuxian, which may be useful.

  One is the Manggu musk bead hidden in the Magic Moon Cave Mansion, which has the ability to open up a different realm in the void.

  Maybe you can use it 600 to open a void crack and escape.

  The other is the Qiankun Reincarnation Disk. It is recorded in the book that it has the miraculous power of reversing yin and yang and reversing cause and effect.

  Although the force value of this Immortal Execution World is not high, the ability of the magic weapon faintly involves the laws of heaven and earth, which is really strange.

  And Emperor Luo Chen didn't respond because he didn't need to respond.

  As the emperor, it should be so.


  As for the chat group, everyone was immersed in the joyful atmosphere of Baguio getting out of trouble a second ago.

  next second. .

  The chat group is fried.

  Zhuxian World.

  boom! !

  On this inaccessible halfway up the mountainside, there was a sudden loud noise, as if it was bombarded by missiles, and the sand and dust were everywhere, covering the sky and the sun.

  Baguio looked up and immediately screamed loudly. She saw an eye that was bigger than her body. There was bloody mucus sticking to the hair of the eye.

  She hurriedly used the little spiritual energy left in her body, and controlled the magic weapon, the sad flower, and protected it in front of her.

  After a while, the smoke cleared.

  "Hey, there is an unexpected harvest."

  Baguio followed the sound and saw five figures in a semi-encircled shape, slowly walking towards him.

  ps: Guys, ask for flowers, ask for a monthly pass, ask for an evaluation! !If you have a monthly pass, give it a monthly pass, it is very important for children! ! .

Chapter 73

  These five were all dressed in black and wearing masks. The man headed by them stood on the head of a giant python nearly [-] meters high. He had a gruesome centipede tattoo engraved on his face, and his eyes were sinister and vicious.

  Bright universe.

  Watching the live broadcast, Emperor Luo Chen frowned slightly, showing an expression of interest.

  Reiki revives the world.

  Ma Daxian felt a little weird.

  The rest of the group are more worried about Baguio.

  As for why Luo Chen was interested, why did Ma Daxian find it incredible.

  This is because this person is wearing Li Zuo!Still a 2021 limited edition! !

  Could it be that he is also a transmigrator?

  These days, there are so many people passing through like dogs, does the system go all over the place? !

  This leader at least has the strength of the mid-term Samsung or even the peak. If it is not good for Baguio, her father will not help.

  Zhang Xiaofan said loudly:

  "Under the Qingyunmen disciple Zhang Xiaofan, I don't know how many... ah!"

  Before he could finish speaking, a white Li Ning stepped on his face.

  The black windbreaker swelled without wind, and the tattooed man put his index finger on his mouth and looked down at him coldly:

  "Shh, don't talk! Dog Dan, can the Book of Heaven be on him?"

  A small man in black responded:

  "The general guide is on him, and this woman also has a book from heaven, or two volumes."

  "I said how come there is no one here. It turned out to be hiding in a hole. It's strange, the fart is bigger, and it can block the consciousness."

  While speaking, the tattooed man lowered his head and flashed past the sad flower inspired by Baguio, and continued with a sneer:

  "You two, each of you recite the general outline of the celestial book. If there is a difference, I will cut off a piece of meat."

  "Hey hey, boss, let me judge this beauty."

  The person who spoke stared at Baguio with a sinister expression.

  The tattooed man said coldly:

  "Give you ten minutes, we wereted too much time, the boss might have succeeded. You know, let him wait for your consequences ¨~."

  "rest assured!"

  A very tall, fat man in black walked slowly to Baguio, took out a long whip with barbs all over his body, and his laughter was very sharp:

  "Beauty, if you don't say it, I admire you, hahahaha, why don't we find some fun to relax first?"

  Baguio panicked, she wanted to get up and run away, but found that her whole body was tightly bound by invisible threads of spiritual energy, and she couldn't move, she thought to herself.

  This group of people came for the Book of Heaven, and they must have already investigated their identities. Even if they brought out the Ghost King Sect, it would be useless.

  Moreover, this leader's cultivation base is unfathomable, even his father may not be able to beat him.

  Mouth said:

  "Two volumes of Heavenly Books can be given to you, but I know the whereabouts of more Heavenly Books!"

  The fat man laughed:

  "Sorry, we know that too!"

  After all, he raised his whip.

  Chat group

  Peach Blossom Island Little Lolita-Huang Rong: "Wuuuu, don't hit the necessary sister!!! @The Lord of the Fifth Parallel Universe-Pluto!! @白豆@光Cosmoslord@[email protected], are you there? Come on. Save Sister Baguio!!"

  Xiao Huohuo: "It's over, Miss Baguio is going to be in danger. I don't know if everyone is here. If you are here, hurry up and save Miss Baguio~ My strength...not enough."

  Whitebeard: "Kulala Lala, these people are a bit interesting, the old man wants to meet, I don't know if I can catch up!!"

  . . . .

  Suddenly, a system message came from the chat group.

  A few lines of text appear in the chat group

  "Six aliens were detected in Zhuxian World."

  "Kill a two-star reincarnation to get 2000 points."

  "Kill a three-star reincarnation to get 6000 points."

  "It is detected that the reincarnator is carrying a five-star law secret treasure - a power method modifier, which can be automatically recovered after killing it."

  ! ! ! !

  Skill modifier?

  Bright Universe (Bright Realm)

  Emperor Luo Chen, who was sitting high on the golden throne, raised his brows slightly.

  What he cares about is not the so-called modifier of the exercises, but the reincarnator... but all the reincarnators are relying on the main god space and the like.

  Speaking of the main god space, 5000 million years ago he encountered a main god space that illegally invaded the multi-dimensional world of armor.

  At that time, Emperor Luo Chen was in charge of the Tao of Heaven, and he carried the power of the heavens and the universe with the five holy super kills, and directly killed the main god space in seconds, leaving no slag left.


  Now that I meet again, Emperor Luo Chen is still very interested.

  Chat group.

  The master of the group management Bright Universe sent an exclusive red envelope to Baguio.

  Baguio was slightly startled, and subconsciously clicked on the red envelope.

  Then I saw a golden light flying from the red envelope, rushing towards my forehead, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

  When he was stunned, a faint voice came from his mind.

  ".¨Accept him~~"

  This is a ray of light and shadow energy separated by Emperor Luo Chen.

  Sounds unremarkable.


  It was Emperor Luo Chen who shot it! !

  Everyone only noticed that a golden light flashed in Baguio's eyes, and no other abnormalities were found.

  Baguio accepted this energy, feeling warm and not afraid at all.

  She feels that this body is like a group of brilliant sun, able to destroy all falsehoods!

  "Lord Emperor...this...?"

  Feeling the majestic energy in her body, Baguio felt a little overwhelmed.

  "Baguio girl, feel it with your heart, let go of your mind, how strong your heart is, how strong this power is!

  The majestic, ancient and sacred voice spread through the heavens and the world in Baguio's mind.

  This made Baguio feel inexplicably at ease.

  At the same time, a special feeling lingered around her.

  In the dark, the words (the king's) echoed in her mind: "The light will not die, the emperor will live forever". .

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