Chapter 2 – Bye-bye (part 1)

TL: Januva

Editors: Puissansa & Momielxai


Her silver hair reflected the dazzling sun and swayed gently in the sea breeze.

With the wind blowing, the girl’s hair became messy but she did not mind it. She was focused on the spectacle before her, enjoying the view with her eyes sparkling.

With a blue deeper than the sky, the horizon seemed to stretch on endlessly.

The roar of the waves, crashing against the sandy shore creating white foams, and the cries of the seagulls, brought a sense of calm to her heart.

「This is…. the sea, isn’t it?」

The sea looked magnificent and beautiful, especially since it was the first time she laid her eyes on it.

Amidst this scenery, she felt her resolve strengthening.

She nodded vigorously, un, and gathered her silver hair that extended down to her knees.

Closing her eyes, she lined a small knife to her hair.


I pictured the smile of the person who loved me.

But, I…

Sayonara, my love

Rifirudeidoa….your Fria will be left behind here.

Kiri….kiri, kiririri…

Gradually, little by little.

The hair that Kaa-sama tenderly combed for me.

The hair that that person praised as beautiful.

The last of it was cut off with a shrill putsun sound. The glittering strands of hair scattered in all directions.

I wonder how many strands gently soared to heaven along with the sea breeze.

O’wind, o’wind

Please let my feelings reach that person.


She prayed….then the girl opened her eyes.

From the moment she opened her eyes, she was no longer a girl but a mother.

The girl….no, 『She』 caressed her stomach with a motherly gaze before looking ahead with eyes brimming with determination.

She would no longer look back.


After all,

「I’m Ria. Just Ria. I’m the mother of this child. Nothing more, nothing less. I’m just Ria…」

The girl that the King adored, Fria, has vanished. The single mother who will be praised as the Holy Mother in the future was born today.


《Biography of Holy Mother Ria》




I’ve been in this shaky carriage for a month.

I’ve travelled to the port city that faces the inland sea, Eludy, which borders the Hero Kingdom Makugaia, the Freedom City State and the Holy Kingdom Carina.

I’ve been going ge-ge-, vomiting many times over this past month due to the shaking of the carriage, but my abdomen still started swelling anyway.

My morning sickness is much better than before. I wonder if that means it’s going to end? As that thought came to mind, the carriage arrived at the final destination, the port city.

Both the inland sea and the open ocean could be accessed from this port city. Travelling via the inland sea and heading to the opposite bank would bring us to Holy Kingdom Carina. Heading east would bring us to Freedom City State. This place is the center of commerce for Makugaia.

It could also be called Makugaia’s front door.

I put strength into my legs that became weak from the long carriage ride and slowly alighted.

Seeing the concerned looks of my fellow passengers, I smiled to assure them that I was fine. Since the body did not belong to only me now, I descended the steps cautiously.

But, when I came to the last step, I made a small leap.

I could hear the surroundings shrieking 「Hih!?」, but I’m not going to mind it.

I am, after all, currently 11 years old….no, I’m going to be 12 soon I think?

In any case, I’m just a child called Ria.

It’s natural for a child to be a little reckless.

….Un. It’s definitely not because I accumulated stress while cooped up in the carriage.

That said, everyone is way too worried.

Or at least that’s what I was thinking, but….

「Ria-chan, your body doesn’t belong to just you, you know? What are you going to do if something happened to the child in you? A pregnant mother should never voluntarily do something dangerous!」

The one who roared wasn’t the usual kind obaa-san but a middle-aged sister-san who joined us in the middle of the trip. It’s true that I might have been rash, so I reflected on it slightly.

Well, they might seem overprotective, but if I look at things objectively, it’s natural for them to be worried since I’m 11 years old and pregnant.

That’s why,


I meekly apologised.

Speaking of which, is there no option of abortion in this world? Or does everyone think that it’s natural for the 11 year old me to give birth to this child?

Well, it’s fine.

I intended to give birth to this child from the start, and I don’t want to be told to do so by others either.

Aah – come to think of it, hasn’t it been…

4 months.

This child has already been developing in me for 4 months.

I think that it’s been about a month since I found out that I’m pregnant?

Gradually, I’ve been feeling the reality of the situation – that I have to undergo child birth.

I’m honestly kind of afraid.

Of course, I’m not thinking of aborting this child.


….No. I’ll be frank.

Right now, the fact that this thought came to mind is proof that I did think of abortion, doesn’t it?

But, more so than this, I’m looking forward to it.

I’m anticipating it.

Anticipating the birth of this child that saved me.

I looked up.

The first thing to meet my eyes was emerald-emerald-emerald…

While feeling overwhelmed by incomprehensible emotions, I narrowed my eyes at the majestic sight before me.

The emerald sea that extended endlessly.

The white sandy beach that looks as though stars descended upon it.

The calm roaring of sea waves that entertained the ears.

This is the first time in this life that I’m by the sea.

I missed everything about it. But, that’s why I really know nothing about it.

In my previous life, I was raised in a town by the sea.

The sea spread out before me right now – how can it possibly be the southern sea!? It doesn’t feel like it. Instead of emerald, that sea was navy blue or possibly black, the colour of the deep ocean.

The sandy beach was dark and cold, not even a speck of warmth could be felt. It gave off a desolate feeling.

The stingingly cold sea breeze and the excessively noisy seagulls.

Near to the harbour, an old, wrinkly woman was busy working with her back bent, with a styrofoam box full of fish in her hands.

Nearby was a cat, waiting for an opportunity to steal the fish being sold.

The fishermen chased it away by throwing stones at it. Perhaps for the sake of relaxing after a exhausting day of fishing, they pointed at various bars as they walked down the street.

It was a scene lacking in hopes and dreams, filled only with the sights of a simple everyday life.

This is the sea I know, a typical port city of the knowledge from my past life.

I, Rifirudeidoa… or rather Ria-chan.

Only know of the emerald green of wide shallow beaches from television programmes, but this excessive cloying smell of the beach is nostalgic.


Truly, really….

This smell of the beach is,








It’s a fatal blow to me right now with my terrible morning sickness.



「Ria-chan, are you alright?」


Tears, runny nose and cold sweat.

I became sloppy in various ways as I started vomiting with no end in sight.

Just how much am I going to vomit?

….I definitely don’t want to know.

I’m confident that I will vomit again if I saw it.

Even so, it’s really tough being at this port city.

If I wasn’t unwell,

「This is the sea….how beautiful… the smell of the sea and the roar of sea waves feels so relaxing….s – e – a, I love the sea!」

It’s probably a very ojou-sama-like (?) thing to say, but in this situation, the only thing in my mind was the fishy smell.

….Un, let’s get out of this fishy street immediately!

While thinking that, the kind obaa-san who joined the carriage in the vicinity of the royal capital held out some water and I extended my hand out to receive it without reservations.

Where did she get the water in this wooden cup?

It’s really cold and refreshing.

At the very least, it’s not water from the water skins that we’ve been drinking from this past few days.

Although that water was colder than you’d expect, the hide was extremely smelly and there were times when I felt nauseous just from tasting the water.

But, this water is really delicious….

Swallowing it, the cold and refreshing water went down my throat that was in discomfort.

As it went down and past my chest, it cooled my body that had warmed up from the inside, giving off a pleasant feeling.

It’s really comfortable….

I drained the water in the cup in one go.

「Drink it slowly next, okay?」

The middle-aged sister-san said so while holding out a second cup of water. I did as I was told and drank it slowly.

The cold water that leaked out from my lips ran down my chin and dripped down onto the floor. At this moment, I finally felt a sense of relief. Hafuu – I leaked out a sigh.

「Thank you very much.」

I returned the now empty cups and thanked them. As I did so, the obaa-san who was always kind was currently looking at me with a worried look and said.

「Are you alright?」

Hearing that, I replied with a smile.

「Yes, thank you…」

The cold sweat that came out when I was vomiting felt unpleasant on my skin, and the hair that clung to my skin as a result made it worse.

But, thanks to the cold water, I felt much better now.

「Truthfully, cold water isn’t good, you know? From now on you have to make do with wa~rm water, alright?」

Sister-san said.

「Yes, I’ll be mindful of that.」

I returned my gaze to the sea and stared at it in a daze.

Aah, I wish I had gone to a emerald sea in my previous life…

…But well, the me of my past life was just a poor boy.

Even if I went to that wonderful beach that made it seem possible to pick up girls, I surely would have been unpopular.

While weeping in my heart at how unpopular I was in my previous life, I read the schedule for the carriage.

It seems like the carriage heading for Freedom City State would only depart 4 days from now.

Un, there’s more time than I expected. What should I do…?

That said, I didn’t actually need to think about it, as it had already been decided.

I’ll be selling this long and troublesome hair*!

(TL note: The earlier part of this chapter – where she supposedly cut her hair – is the biography. She has yet to cut it at this point.)

I won’t be able to groom it from now on anyway, so I might as well sell it while it’s still in good condition and earn some money!

Or so I had been advised by the kind obaa-san.

But, thinking about it, that’s true, isn’t it?

Selling it brings me money and above all else, it saves me the trouble of grooming it.

「Well then, Ria-chan, shall I guide you?」

「Un. Thank you, obaa-chan」

「Don’t worry, it’s my pleasure. Aah- that reminds me, I forgot to tell you. Why don’t you stay at my place until the next carriage comes? 」

「Eto, won’t I be a bother…?」

「What are you talking about? Of course not. If you are fine with it, I even want you to become my granddaughter!」

She truly is a kind obaa-san.

Or perhaps I should say, the fellow passengers on the carriage, the driver, everyone – everyone was kind.

I gave a small nod… tatata and jogged several steps forward.

Taking enough distance so that everyone that has helped me thus far was in my field of vision,

「Everyone, thank you so much for everything you’ve done for me.」

I thanked them from the bottom of my heart, with a wide smile on my face.

Hmm now then, I can probably sleep in a bed for the first time in a long while~ Ya~fu~!

Not only that, there’s also free lodging and meals. Kyahho-!

Without concealing my cheerfulness, I smiled brightly and waved bye bye to them.

「Bye-bye, Ria-chan.」

「See you, Ria.」

「Give birth to a healthy kid!」

「Yes, everyone, bye-bye. I’ll give birth to a healthy child.」


Bye-bye, kind people.


Over the past month, the girl seemed to constantly end up encountering troublesome matters. She parted ways with the granny who was always dragged into it and entered the bustling port city.

Amidst the scene, and with a feeling of loneliness, he* opened his mouth.

(TL note: author actually used male pronoun here.)

「Hmm, what should I do?」

It was a rude question that omitted the topic.

But, there probably wasn’t anyone around to not understand it.

There was a poster put up at the station, with the portrait of a girl and her profile described.


Viscount Madeireido’s daughter
Rifirudeidoa Kiaru Madeireido
Nickname: Fria

Height: 134

Clear, white skin

Waist-length silver hair

Irises are a gem-like blue

Small lips and clear voice like canaries


There’s no mistaking it. It’s the girl I know.

That’s why I asked.

What should I do?

Reporting my whereabouts will give a huge reward.

At any rate, the ones searching for me is not just Viscount Madeireido.

The King is searching for me as well.

That’s why.

They would have no choice but to report me.


「What are you talking about?」


「We don’t know any daughter of nobility called Rifu- something. The one we know is….」

「Kawaii Ria-chan. The poor girl who got swept away by a noble from somewhere, impregnated, and chased away, right?」

「…..That’s right~?」

Ahaha, ufufu, they burst out in laughter.

Nevertheless, I have such a conspicuous appearance.

Even if I’m not discovered now, it wouldn’t be long before I am discovered.

However, it should be fine now.

That granny will somehow deal with that conspicuous, beautiful silver hair.

That’s why, I’m sure it’ll be fine.

As for what happened later, she did not know. The girl… Ria got what she wished for. She left the country to seize her own happiness.



「But you know, I’m disappointed~」


「After seeing this poster and seeing how that child got pregnant…」

「Don’t say it!」

「….but, really, aren’t you disappointed?」

「Hero Kingdom….is it really? Aren’t the royalty there a clan of heroes?」

「That’s why I told you not to say it!」

On this day, once they started doubting, slowly, gradually, they would begin to take risks against the country….

20 years later, the one that would incite them to take action would be the son of the young girl.


The Hero, Areido.

The child within the young girl that they rode the carriage with until this day.

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