I established Kua Kua Cult in Naruto

Chapter 803: Ending up a hundred years old doing nothing or only living thirty years old with great

"Dad, the time to protect the people you cherish is now!"

Recalling his father's back, the chakra in Kai's body that surged towards the last door of death in the Eight Doors of Armor Eruption instantly exploded, and the solid last door hidden in his body was instantly reopened.

At the moment when the door of death was opened, all the chakra hidden in the body was turned into nutrients to activate the body, so activated that every cell seemed to be boiling.

In an instant, severe pain swept through Metkai's body and mind. Even though he clenched his teeth hard, his face became distorted. At the same time, the capillaries in his body seemed to be overwhelmed by the rushing blood.

The blood began to appear, and the skin was a dark red that had lasted for a century. A stream of blood-red steam rushed out of the body, dyeing the beard and hair red.

The wind blew up around him for no reason, the ground he stepped on began to collapse, smoke and dust rolled in wildly, and the sound of the wind whistled against his will.

"Kai, you are so serious"

In the distance, Kakashi was in a daze when he saw that Metkai rushed open the last door of the body's secret without any hesitation.

He had not personally witnessed Metkai's father activate the Eight Gate Armor Formation, but he could understand how much psychological shadow the child would have after his father died in front of his child.

Just like his father, if he and his father are in the same predicament, then he may be afraid to make a decision due to psychological shadow, whether to follow or rebel.

But not only did Metkay not hesitate because of his psychological shadow, but perhaps even because of his father's demonstration, so when Metkay opened the eight-door armor formation at this moment, it became smoother.

Senju Tobirama, Namikaze Minato and others were also very shocked when they felt the power bursting out of a flesh-and-blood body that was comparable to a "god" like Uchiha Madara.

Even Uchiha Madara, his opponent, restrained his previous disdain at this time, looked at Metkai and murmured: "Red steam. Is this the bloody steam when the Eight Gate Dungeon is fully activated?"

But after realizing his attitude in an instant, he immediately changed back to his original arrogant look and continued: "How can I put it? It's like the falling leaves in autumn."

Feeling the vitality in his body surging, but also passing away at an extremely fast speed, Metkai said: "Indeed. But fallen leaves are not just withering and withering! They will become the nutrients needed for new green leaves.

When the green leaves sprout their buds and usher in the new spring, it is the climax of youth, the moment when it turns bloody! "

"Hmph! It sounds so nice, but in the end, won't you become sludge and be forgotten by the world?"

"It doesn't have to be forgotten, just like youth, Kongdu will be forgotten, and blooming youth, no matter how short it is, will leave its own traces in this world.

Either end up being mediocre at a hundred years old, or only live to be thirty years old with great vigor. I will only choose the latter, because in this way, my youth will never fade! "


As soon as Metkai stepped on the ground, he jumped straight up. In an instant, he was level with Uchiha Madara floating in the air, and then launched an offensive without hesitation.

"Xi Xiang! Speed!"

There were no fancy taijutsu moves, but a straight punch, and the air around him was shaken by the punch, blasting towards Madara Uchiha.

Uchiha Madara raised his scepter, instinctively wanting to block it, but the pervasive air was like the neutrinos shed by the sun. Whether you wanted it or not, it just washed away on the object being illuminated.

Unable to stop him at all, Uchiha Madara was hit by the punch and fell towards the distance. In the smoke, a deep well appeared. Vaguely, there seemed to be Uchiha Madara behind Metkai's death. cried out in pain.

"Kay, this is it"

"This is the craziest physical technique that Bamen Dunjia performed before his death. Xi Xiang!"

With tears in his eyes, Xiao Li looked at Metkai who was punching again in the air. His eyes were full of admiration and sorrow. As a student of Metkai and a pure taijutsu ninja, he understood the pain that Metkai was feeling at this moment. .


As soon as he raised his fist, Metkai felt that the bones of his arm were cracking. Even his extremely activated body could not prevent the side effects of the Eight-door Dunjia Formation.

"Second speed!"

Gritting his teeth, he was about to swing his fist out at a faster speed, but all the muscles in his body also twitched at this moment. His body froze in the air, and then fell.

"Even now, can't you completely resist this side effect? ​​But if you don't blast Xi Xiang from the first speed to the fifth speed continuously, then I'm afraid it won't be able to cause him any harm."

Feeling the pain in his body, Metkai's distorted face revealed a look of reluctance. How could the blooming of youth stop here? !


At this time, Uchiha Madara also rushed out of the well, with some excitement on his face, and said: "The battle with the Eight Gate Dunjia is really valuable, let's continue!"

Although he said this, the embarrassment on his body could not hide that he was indeed injured by Metkay's punch, and even one of the horns on his forehead had been broken.

Behind them, the ninja coalition looked at this scene, and they were all excited, but at the same time, they were also a lot of puzzled.

Gaara looked at Metkai who was bursting with blood-colored steam and said, "What kind of taijutsu is that?"

"The Eight Gate Armor Formation is a forbidden technique that opens the shackles of the whole body and sublimates one's own power to the extreme. You should still remember it."

Kakashi looked at the figure of his best friend and explained: "The final form of the move that Xiao Li used on you in the Chunin Examination that year. Once it explodes with full force, it can even exert a power that is dozens of times greater than that of the Five Kage.

But this kind of power is short-lived and fatal. This is a fatal move, both for the caster and the recipient. "

Hearing this, Gaara opened his mouth in surprise and moved his eyes to the front, to the thick-browed boy with tears in his eyes.

Spending your whole life perfecting a technique that will kill you. What kind of belief is this? What kind of nindo is it?

At this time, Metkai was looking at Madara Uchiha who was flying high into the sky, feeling a little anxious, because once the distance between the two sides was too wide, even if the air cannon blasted by Xixiang was used, the damage would be very limited, so he had to Approaching Uchiha Madara.

As for the pain in his body, it is nothing compared to the feat he is about to accomplish!

After all, he had been preparing for this moment his whole life, and a mere pain could not stop him.

"Bang bang bang~"

Metkai, who was about to fall to the ground, suddenly kicked his legs together and rushed towards Uchiha Madara at an extremely fast speed, using the invisible air as a pedal. Even Uchiha Madara had to admire this kind of physical skill.

After catching up with Uchiha Madara, Metkai kept circling, getting faster and faster, and even Uchiha Madara's eyes couldn't keep up.

At this moment, Minato's eyes lit up, he looked at the seeking jade that was constantly surrounding Uchiha Madara, took out a kunai, and said: "Kaichi wants to bypass the defense and counterattack of the seeking jade, so.

We must help him deal with these seeking jade. Kakashi, you use your divine power to transfer away the seeking jade that Uchiha Madara uses for defense. Gaara, you come to assist Kakashi.

I'm going to move away the Dao-Seeking Jade that might attack Kai. Is that okay? "

Kakashi and Gaara nodded, and just as the strategy was being formulated, Xiao Li turned around and said: "Sir Yondaime, I know the teacher and the Eight Gate Dungeon better than you do, let me help throw the Flying Thunder God Kunai!"

“Can do it at the current speed”

Seeing the speed at which the two were fighting, Minato hesitated, but without saying a word, Minato opened the secret doors of his body one after another. Seeing Lee with green steam bursting out of his body, Minato nodded and handed over the kunai. , said:

"Then leave it to you, Xiao Li."


Xiao Li took it, nodded, and then turned his attention back to the battlefield. At this time, Kai also launched an offensive.


"Second speed!"

"Three speeds!"

Metkai circled around and punched out. Uchiha Madara quickly defended himself with the Dao Jade, but his speed was still a little slower. He only blocked Metkai's punch, and his other attacks also followed.

Under the continuous bombardment, there were obvious injuries on Madara's body, but his eyes fell on a certain place, and several Tao-seeking jade flew out in an instant.

And Metkai also appeared on the path of Qiu Dao Yu, and he was about to collide with Qiu Dao Yu, but he still punched without hesitation.

"Five speed!"

"It's now!"

Below, Minato also shouted an order.

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