I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 291 Star-Lord Escapes from Prison

Harvey has been on Xandar for several years, and he will not easily interfere with the situation on Xandar.

Because the Nova Corps has almost managed Xandar.

But this time Ronan the Accuser came with the Power Stone, and he still had to take action.

Stealing it from Ronan's hands is a completely different concept than snatching it from the Nova Corps of Xandar.

Although there are not many descriptions of Xandar in the previous life, the Nova Corps that kept the Power Stone was almost wiped out by Thanos, and Xandar lost half of its population.

Most of the people on Xandar have gone to other planets, but there are also billions of people inside the planet.

In order to achieve a balance of resources in the universe, Thanos has foresight and strength, which Harvey admires very much.

However, it is undeniable that Thanos caused countless casualties in order to realize his ideals. This is a real villain.

Sonia heard that Master Kassadin agreed with Renault and the Predictor's actions, so she did not send a communication to prohibit them from leaving the island.

"You don't have to worry. Xandar is the territory of the Nova Corps, but it also belongs to the Void Cult."

"Things that the Nova Corps can solve are not our turn."

"But if there are some changes that the Nova Legion cannot resist, even if I ban other members of the Void Cult, they will still take action."

"It is not my style to strictly prohibit other people's actions and influence other people's will."

"So those who should be helped will still be helped."

Harvey saw that Sonia seemed a little happy that he didn't prohibit it, and he breathed a sigh of relief, and said.

"Ok, I know."

Sonia smiled and nodded after hearing this.

"Just watch it now."

Harvey saw that Sonia was no longer worried and looked out the window at the sky that was already shrouded in beautiful night.


Only a few hours had passed since Star-Lord was arrested and sent to Qian Prison. In the middle of the night, Star-Lord and others had already escaped from prison.

Dam was stunned when he received the news. These guys were actually able to escape from prison. Those guys in Qien Prison were just wastes who just ate and did nothing.

However, considering that the news about Star-Lord needs to be conveyed to Miss Sonia, it is just in the middle of the night.

So Dam decided to send a message to inform her, so as not to disturb Miss Sonia's beauty sleep.

Early the next morning, around six o'clock, Sonia got up and started washing.

Not long after she woke up, Sonia received a message from Dam when she turned on the cosmic communicator.

"How many hours did he enter Qien Prison and then escape? It seems that he does have some skills."

Sonia thought thoughtfully after seeing the full context of the news.

All this should be within Lord Kassadin's expectation, but since the other party has escaped from prison and Lord Kassadin has not yet taken action, it seems that it is not time yet.

Sonia sent a message back to Dam: "Dam, you don't have to worry about this Star-Lord, everything is under the control of Lord Kassadin."

Dam here is working with several of his brothers to arrest the prisoners who escaped from Qien Prison overnight.

When I received this news and saw that Lord Kassadin also knew about it, my hanging heart could be said to be truly relaxed.


A spaceship quickly rushed towards the void.

"I will retire directly after this vote. I almost risked my life by going to Xandar."

Star-Lord also spoke directly.

"You are still so young and about to retire. Do you have any future?"

Rocket Raccoon heard what Star-Lord said and spoke.

"Of course you are not afraid if you are not an interstellar predator. You don't know that I am a member of the interstellar predators."

"Be careful when going to Xandar. It can be said to be the base camp of bounty hunters."

"All the guys from the Void Cult are there."

When Star-Lord heard Rocket's words, he covered his heart and spoke.

"Those guys are rumored to be pretty powerful, but in reality they probably don't matter."

Gamora heard this and spoke.

"You have long hair but short knowledge. One look at you and you will tell that you don't understand the bounty world and the Predator organization."

"If you had seen with your own eyes how they performed their tasks, you would know how terrifying they are."

“Fortunately, we were captured by the Nova Legion and did not encounter any members of the Void Cult, otherwise we would not even know how we would have died.

Star-Lord heard Gamora's words and spoke.

Originally, he was hanging out with Yondu, and his life in the universe could be said to be prosperous.

But since the Void God Kassadin appeared and established the Void Cult, the scope of activities of the interstellar predators has been extremely reduced.

Star-Lord can also be said to be a bold type of talented person, but after seeing with his own eyes the group of guys from the Void God Cult who flew into the sky and escaped from the earth.

They knew that those guys were simply not something they could handle.

This time he took the cosmic spirit ball to the Xandar planet with the intention of asking for the details, collecting the money, and running away immediately.

As a result, they met Gamora and Rocket, and they started taking action without saying anything.

"Have they beaten Ronan?"

Drax the Destroyer heard Star-Lord's words and heard about the Void Cult for the first time, so he asked.

"I talked to Yondu about these things."

"According to Yondu, Kassadin, the leader of the Void Cult, is as famous as the legendary God King Odin."

"The only difference between the two is that Kassadin, the God of the Void, is relatively low-key and does not have a huge force to his name."

"If he takes action, the Kree Empire will be destroyed."

"After all, God King Odin also has the ability to directly destroy the Kree Empire."

"We who are interstellar predators all need to know who we can mess with and who we can't mess with."

"You can ask me to provoke Ronan, but it is absolutely impossible for me to provoke the Void Cult."

Star-Lord said extremely seriously when he heard this.

"Then how can we get the Void Divine Religion to take action against Ronan?"

Drax heard Star-Lord's words. Although he still didn't understand the Void Cult very well, he also understood that the Void Cult meant that beating Ronan was just like beating his son.

"Just pay. Although there is no guarantee that the leader of the Void God Religion will take action, as long as the price is high enough, some strong men of the Void God Religion can take action."

Star-Lord heard this and spoke.

"How much does it cost?"

Drax heard that he wanted to pay, and even though he had no money in his pocket, he still asked.

"Killing Ronan will mean confronting the Kree Empire, and it will turn into a war."

"So generally no one dares to put a reward on Ronan. If there is a reward, it would be at least three to four billion."

Star-Lord thought about it carefully after hearing this.

He didn't know Ronan originally, but after being in prison, he also got to know Ronan, a lunatic who represented the militant faction of the Kree Empire.

The second update of two thousand words is sent.

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