I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 466 The future will not be peaceful

"You've investigated me, so I won't introduce myself."

"Can I go on that unknown battleship and have a look?"

Helen Zhao looked at Tony Stark's outstretched hand, hesitated for a moment and shook it politely.

The huge thing hovering in the air at this moment was something that Zhao Hailun had never heard of or seen before.

She focuses on the field of nanomedicine, and the cradle of life she developed and produced can now dominate the world.

She knew the power brought by nanorobots, so she always believed that Blue Star's future was nanoscale.

But Tony Stark seems to have left Blue Star and set foot in the universe at an unknown time.

"No problem at all."

Tony did not refuse and said with a smile.

Afterwards, Tony directly picked up Helen Zhao and flew to the battleship.

During the whole process, Helen Zhao did not dare to move.

As the hatch opened, Zhao Hailun landed smoothly and looked at the delicate walls around him.

"Who pilots this battleship?"

Helen Zhao asked.

"Miss Helen Zhao, I am Jarvis, the advanced intelligent AI created by Mr. Tony."

"If you have any questions, feel free to ask, and I will give you the most understandable answers."

Jarvis's projection appeared and gave Helen Zhao a gentlemanly salute.

Helen Zhao was shocked when she looked at the holographic projection of Jarvis, who claimed to be an AI and looked like a butler.

Helen Zhao turned her head and glanced at Tony, and found that Tony did not stop her from exploring, so after thinking about it, she asked the question she was most concerned about.

"What technology is needed to make this kind of space battleship?"

“Who do these technologies come from?”

Humanity is currently far away from the interstellar era, but it will be difficult to break through within a hundred years.

Now Tony Stark already owns a space battleship.

"If you want to make a space battleship, you need to master four core technologies."

"The first is space wormhole jumping technology."

"This technology includes major functions such as cosmic star maps, cosmic star positioning, space scanning, and energy buffering."

"This technology has been mastered by many civilizations in the universe."

"The second thruster engine is very important for command life with limited life span. The speed of interstellar navigation is very important."

"What Mr. Tony has mastered is the sublight speed thruster engine. This technology is currently the most cutting-edge in the universe, so there is no need to worry."

"The third aspect is energy. Without good enough energy, it is impossible to drive the space battleship."

"The micro-ark reactor mastered by Mr. Tony can solve this problem very well."

"The fourth type is the basis of the core technology of space battleships and space fighter planes, which is the gravity device."

"There is no good gravity device. Mr. Tony has mastered the technology of making gravity devices that can rank among the top five in the universe."

"It can automatically adjust the battleship and the external gravity field according to the surrounding environment, as well as acceleration and deceleration."

"Others such as weapons, battleship defense weapons, intelligent AI, sleep chambers, materials for making space battleships, or other trivial matters."

"They are just additional functions of the space battleship."

"They can all be purchased with other civilizations at lower prices, so there is no need to worry."

When Jarvis heard this, he explained the situation to Helen Zhao in a simple and easy-to-understand manner.

Other technologies of the space battleship can be bought with money, but the main core of the space battleship is the four core technologies.

With strong energy support, it is not difficult to develop arms, weapons and defense devices.

"Have you mastered all these technologies?"

"When did you enter the universe?"

After hearing what Jarvis said, Helen Zhao looked at Tony Stark in shock.

She originally wondered why Tony Stark was still so young in his fifties, but now she didn't care about these problems at all.

"That's about 2009."

Tony felt Helen Zhao's shocked eyes, and felt extremely relieved inside.

"2009... If you had already entered the universe at that time... no wonder there has been so little news about you since the New York War."

Helen Zhao didn't care when she saw Tony's pretense, but carefully thought about some information related to Tony Stark.

Although Tony occasionally appears on Blue Star, most of the time there are no rumors related to Tony.

There are rumors that Tony Stark has entered retirement.

After all, in terms of age, Tony is already in his forties and close to fifty at this time.

This is the age when physical function begins to decline.

It's normal to not show up in public but to choose to keep a low profile and live a peaceful life.

It's just that these rumors all have a premise, that is, Tony is really old and doesn't want to bother like he did when he was young.

But the fact is that Tony Stark has no intention of stopping and can go directly to space research.

As for the technologies that Jarvis just mentioned, the technologies that Tony himself masters are at least thousands of years ahead of Blue Star, and may even be more.

Because Jarvis said that Tony Stark has mastered the most advanced sub-light speed thruster engine in the universe.

Now Tony Stark has returned from space research, hoping to bring Blue Star into the interstellar age.

Helen Zhao understood a lot immediately, including Tony Stark's ideals.

"Have you been injected with a genetic modification agent?"

"Is there any sample for my reference?"

Helen Zhao did not reject this ideal, so she looked at the young and excessive Tony and asked.

There is no need to take a closer look at the various structures of the space battleship.

Tony, who is nearly fifty but still too young, is the best evidence.

"It's a pleasure to chat with smart people."

"Not to mention the samples, even the relevant knowledge documents, I brought them back."

"But before that, I want to introduce you to my future scientific research partners."

"Come with me."

When Tony saw Helen Zhao, he was just shocked for a while, and then quickly accepted it. He didn't praise himself too much to make him feel less happy, but he didn't care about it either, and said with a smile.

Tony directly picked up Helen Zhao and headed straight to the private island.

"Your old antiques really need to be updated."

"Why don't you research nanotechnology so you can update your armor after you've researched such advanced technology?"

After Zhao Helen was put down, she rubbed her shoulders and waist where there was a faint pain, and complained.

She already knew that Tony Stark wanted to cooperate with her and work together for Tony's ideals.

Therefore, she was not so nervous and naturally spoke less restrainedly.

No wonder she complained that Tony Stark's steel armor was too hard.

If Nano made intelligent adjustments, she wouldn't have to feel the pain at all.

"I have racked my brains and spent a lot of time studying the core technology of space battleships."

"Where do you find the time to study nanotechnology?"

Tony was speechless when he saw Helen Zhao's actions and heard these complaints.

"It seems she has accepted it?"

When Banner saw Helen Zhao complaining about Tony directly, he also came over and asked.

"While I don't want to accept a guy dressed in antique clothes, his achievements in the field of technology are far ahead of mine."

"But when the facts are in front of you, it's hard not to accept them."

Helen Zhao heard this and said.

"I'm sorry for knocking you out just now."

"Introduce yourself, my name is Bruce Banner, you can also call me the Hulk or the Hulk."

Seeing Helen Zhao like this, Banner first apologized and then said with a smile.

"Hello, you should have already investigated my information clearly, so I won't introduce myself."

"It's rumored that you can't control the power within you."

"But looking at it now, the rumors are indeed just rumors and cannot be true."

Helen Zhao looked at the handsome young man Bruce Banner, who was also extremely young, stretched out his hand, and said

This Bruce Banner is even weirder than Tony Stark. He can silently invade the experimental base where she is located. He is simply a monster.

This basically means that Bruce Banner has fully mastered the power of the Hulk without going berserk.

"This woman's ability to accept is quite strong."

Pietro watched from the sidelines and was a little surprised as Helen Zhao chatted directly with Tony and Bannery and no longer looked scared.

"That's because she doesn't know the real Mr. Tony and Mr. Banner yet."

"And what kind of world will she be exposed to?"

Wanda heard her brother's somewhat admiring words and said.

For people like them who have awakened superpowers and magic.

Mr. Tony, Mr. Banner, Mr. Steve and Mrs. Paige are still extremely terrifying existences.

"That's right."

Pietro thought for a moment and nodded.

The current Zhao Hailun is equivalent to the fearless state of an ignorant person.

Tony and Banner directly invited Helen Zhao to sit down and chat in the villa.

Pietro was about to follow him and take a look, but was directly stopped by Steve.

"Mr. Steve what are you doing?"

Pietro almost fell down as he was walking forward. He raised his head and saw Mr. Steve's face, feeling a little confused.

"Today's training is not finished yet, so don't be lazy."

Steve heard this and said.

"But isn't today a special day?"

"Mr. Tony and Mr. Banner are back."

Pietro tried to excuse himself and walked away from his daily training.

"You don't understand what Tony and the others are discussing. What do you want to do? Come and train with me."

"You may be asked to take action later."

Steve knew that Tony was coming back to lead mankind into the interstellar era.

The methods used will be as gentle as possible, but in the face of some uncooperative people, the methods will definitely be tough.


"But can I do it?"

“What if I accidentally dismantle something?”

Pietro was also a little excited when he heard that he could take action, because whether he could take action required Mr. Steve's approval.

But soon Pietro became a little less confident.

"Since I know that I might be injured accidentally, I still don't train honestly."

"Tony has a lot of money, but we have limited manpower."

"If we want mankind to enter the interstellar era, the flow of blood must be indispensable."

After hearing this, Steve knocked Pietro on the head and said seriously.

Tony wants to allow mankind to embark on the cosmic era. From then on, mankind will not need to worry about places for energy and survival.

Achieving a community with a shared future for mankind and even extending the life span of all people can be said to be a good thing that benefits the times.

Countless human beings must also be eager to enter a more advanced society.

That will not only make life more convenient, but also mean that many opportunities that have never been available before will appear.

But precisely because of this, this will inevitably bring huge changes to some of the long-established classes in Blue Star.

These guys who are already at the top of human society in human society must want to maintain the current situation.

When Steve knew that Tony wanted to do that, he didn't need to think that they would use their own power to hinder it.

After Steve went to Void Island, participated in the war in the Void Land, and saw the greatness of Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void, the situation has been completely opened up.

The current civilization of Blue Star is really far different from other civilizations in the universe.

The kind of Xandar Empire that has gathered into a community with a shared future, and a well-off life for all people without worrying about resources, is the goal that Blue Star humans should emulate.

For humans to grow to that point, it may take tens of thousands of years of hard work.

However, human beings are still in internal strife. If they do not become a human community, let alone catch up with the Xandar Empire for tens of thousands of years.

Even if it takes countless years, it will not reach the level of the Xandar Empire.

Therefore, this first step to integrate the Blue Star situation into a community with a shared future for mankind is a top priority.

Anyone who hinders human civilization from pursuing the path of progress is a cancer for mankind.

Even the United States is the same. Human beings do not need the old guys from the decadent and backward era.

So even if he has a reputation for infamy or cruelty, Steve will definitely get rid of it.

Only in this way can he truly set foot in the universe without any burden and pursue the path to the peak of power.


Pietro originally wanted to be lazy for the day, but saw Mr. Steve with such a serious face.

When Mr. Tony told Mr. Steve about some future plans, he was also listening.

It's a good thing to know that Mr. Tony is back, but the human world will not be so peaceful in the future, so I won't be lazy.

Wanda also jumped into the air and went directly to practice magic on the sea.

Now, for them, they do not hope that Mr. Steve will recognize them early and then get a salary increase and live a more carefree life.

Because she and Pietro lived with Mr. Steve and Mrs. Paige, their daily life was nourishing enough.

So what they hope is to be truly recognized and become the guardians of Blue Star.

This is not an easy path, but the day it is truly possible, it will be an achievement and responsibility that they can be proud of.

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