I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 600 Don’t leave once you’re here

Harvey is paying attention to the situation on Tony and Shana's side, and at the same time, he is also watching all the situations in Blue Star.

"Speaking purely of technology, the technology in Thanos' hands is really crushing compared to Blue Star."

Harvey found that the five Obsidian generals were sitting in a circle-shaped interstellar battleship. When they arrived at Blue Star, they were a little emotional.

He is now used to staying on the Xandar planet, and is used to all kinds of super technology.

It's just that there is no harm without comparison. Although Thanos is controlled by China's technology, he cannot compete with the Kree Empire and Xandar Empire.

However, the technology Thanos possesses is still quite high.

For many weak civilizations, they can directly implement his plan of the Universal Resource Family Planning Office with technology alone.

But in fact, even if Thanos succeeds in snapping his fingers, half of the population of the universe will be wiped out.

Unless Thanos can snap his fingers every once in a while, Thanos' plan may look awesome, but it's actually useless.

Because even if we take the fertility rates of all civilized races in the universe into consideration, they are very slow.

It would take at most several thousand years for each race to recover to its current population.

Thousands of years seem to be a long time, but to the universe, it is just a blink of an eye.

So Thanos' plan is, at best, his own ideals being met.

To put it more seriously, the credit was that it delayed the birth of the Celestial Clan bred by Blue Star.

But even if there is no delay, he can just help out when the time comes.

Although the Blue Star in this life is not Harvey's real hometown.

But Harvey still wouldn't want Blue Star to be ruined like that.

If there are enemies in Blue Star that are beyond the capabilities of Tony and others, the gang will still have to help.

Harvey leisurely ate fried chicken and French fries, drank Feizhai happy water, and leisurely watched the situation of the five Obsidian generals.


The five Obsidian generals drove the space battleship through an unrecorded wormhole, and finally passed through a recorded wormhole. After more than two months of hard work, they finally successfully reached the Blue Star.

In the space beyond the blue star, inside the circle-shaped space battleship.

There was a man wearing a black cloak and dark light armor, holding a golden peerless blade. He didn't look tall but rather thin, with a pair of fangs and fierce eyes.

This man is General Deathblade, one of the five obsidian generals under Thanos.

He looked at the blue planet in front of him, knowing that he had finally arrived, and his tone was filled with resentment and expectation.

"When we successfully obtain the Infinity Stones for our great Lord, we must let Him destroy the Xandar Empire."

He stayed on the space battleship for more than two months, and he had to be careful not to be discovered by the Xandar Empire the whole time.

The Dead Blade General's heart was filled with aggrievedness. He thought about who he was, the Dead Blade General, and when he had ever felt so aggrieved.

If this operation did not go smoothly, something unexpected happened, and he failed to get back an infinite stone, he would just run away.

With his ability to be immortal as long as the weapon is not broken, it is not difficult to fight with inexperienced people like Blue Star, fake death and then run away.

By then the universe will be so big and there will be so many civilizations, large and small, that it will be easy for him to satisfy his desire to kill.

As early as the moment when the Power Stone made a mistake and fell into the hands of Kassadin, the God of the Void, Thanos did not dare to directly lead the team to fight, but could only be incompetent and furious.

General Deathblade has long since disbelieved that Thanos can complete the so-called universe cleansing plan.

It's just that he knows that his thoughts cannot be known to others.

He could not guarantee whether the remaining four generals of Obsidian's five generals had the same ideas as his. Even his partner Proxima Darkness, General Deathblade, did not believe it.

Because they showed their unwavering faith.

Anyway, even if he had to escape, he would only choose to fake his death to escape after there were signs of failure in this operation plan.

So now General Deathblade has not shown any distrust of Thanos' strength.

"The base camp of the Void God Cult is established on the Xandar Star, the base camp of the Xandar Empire."

"So unless you are sure of victory, it is not advisable to attack Xandar."

"As long as we wait for the opportunity and successfully obtain the Space Stone, even if the Xandar Empire is immortal, we can still realize the Lord's great and noble plan."

There was this ebony-throated man with sparse white hair and a face covered with old wrinkles. He was thin and wearing a slim-fitting black and white gold dress. He stood with his hands behind his back and spoke in a smooth and elegant voice.

He is still very confident about this action.

Because we are just dealing with a new supreme mage, there can be no trouble.

Moreover, he knew the problems that mages had when casting spells. Ebony Maw could directly kill those guys before they cast spells.

"Superstar, let's lock it in and see where the new Supreme Mage is."

"And see if there are any clues about the Reality Stone or the Mind Stone."

The blue-skinned man wore a black mask that covered half of his appearance. His tall figure was wrapped in a slim black and white leather jacket, showing off his proud figure. Proxima Centauri, holding a golden spear, spoke.

She knew Lord Thanos's goal this time, among which the Time Stone had the highest priority.

As long as the new Supreme Mage can be captured and brought back one of the Reality Stone and the Mind Stone, then the plan will be considered successful.

As for the remaining gems, we have to wait for some time before making any plans.


The woman with blue skin, wearing a white robe and tight-fitting black and white clothes, with an evil appearance, nodded slightly.

Directly activate the ability of telepathy and start searching for all the information you want.

She can directly read people's memories, so it is not difficult to search.

If you find the person directly, the method will be more convenient.

Only the black dwarf, who was nearly three meters tall, strong and burly, and wearing a battle armor, remained silent, waiting for the order to be issued.

"According to the recovered memories, the Reality Stone was brought back to Asgard by Thor, the God of Thunder, and Loki, the God of Trickery."

"The Mind Stone was taken away by a man named Steve Rogers, and its current whereabouts are unknown."

"But we successfully found the new Supreme Mage Stephen Strange. The location is here."

Superstar knew where the Infinity Stones might be scattered, so after searching the memories of some people in America, he spoke.

"The whereabouts of only one Infinity Stone?"

Ebony Throat felt a little dissatisfied when he heard the information collected by Superstar.

"Time is tight. If you can give me more time, I can search for more information."

"But we don't have that much time to stay here."

"As long as we can bring the Time Stone back, let the Lord control the power of the Time Stone."

"Then it's not difficult to capture gems other than the power gem."

Facing Ebony Throat's dissatisfaction, Superstar showed no fear but calmly explained the situation.

"We dispatched so many people, but we only have one goal. We need to solve it quickly and take it back."

Ebony Throat heard that time was running out and also knew that they were traveling through and recording the wormhole.

The transmission to the Xandar Empire has already begun, and it will take at most one day before the Xandar Empire responds by sending the Nova Corps.

Their actions must also be resolved within a day.

General Deathblade felt a little uncomfortable when he heard that the new Supreme Mage was the only target this time.

This means that the time for him to judge whether to defect will have to be delayed for a long time.

But now that things have come to this point, we can only take action and bring the new Supreme Mage back to hand over.

Then Obsidian 5 will ride on the battleship and go directly to the location marked by the super star.

It took less than a few minutes to reach the outer edge of Blue Star and lock on the target location. This was the reason why Thanos had no hiding place in the entire universe.

It's because of the super star's terrifying telepathy and memory search ability.

The huge space battleship flew into the blue star, but no one reacted.

Because the current space battleship is still invisible.

Just over twenty minutes.

The huge space battleship of the five Obsidian generals is very close to the location marked by the super star.

It was just that General Deathblade discovered that the place marked by the super star could be said to be deserted and an undeveloped land.

"The new Supreme Mage is not in a densely populated city, so what is he doing in a place like this where birds don't shit?"

This made the Dead Blade General notice something abnormal.

"The Supreme Mage's methods are mysterious and diverse, and he also possesses the time stone that can predict the future. It is not surprising to find our arrival."

Proxima Centauri didn't feel anything about it.

As the pinnacle powerhouse in the universe, the Supreme Mage Ancient One has a very great reputation.

This successor has just taken over and may not be that powerful, but he must have mastered the time stone.

"Since we are aware of our arrival, shouldn't we prepare to confront us in the three sanctuaries of the Supreme Mage in order to deal with it?"

"The death of Ancient One, the Supreme Mage, does not mean that the Karma Taj she founded has also died. Only the new Supreme Mage is left."

General Deathblade was speechless when he saw that his stupid wife said it was not surprising that she had been discovered.

In particular, this new Supreme Mage must have mastered the ability of the Time Stone and predicted the future, which means that the other party has the confidence to deal with their arrival.

As they talked, the space battleship quickly came to the sky above the location.

Stephen knows the precise time of the enemy's arrival, so now he cannot directly see the existence of the five Obsidian generals.

"Blue Star welcomes friendly outsiders, but does not welcome hostile outsiders."

"Fifth General Obsidian, I know you are already here. Now that you are here, show up."

Stephen's voice echoed throughout the world.

"You are really underestimated for welcoming our arrival single-handedly."

"Then show up as he wishes."

Ebony Throat saw that there was really only one figure nearby, and when he heard these provocative words, his eyes turned cold.

The Five Obsidian Generals are also prominent figures in the universe. They have destroyed a large number of planets and made countless people fearful of their existence.

This time they also brought a large number of troops, not to mention the new Supreme Mage.

Even if the Supreme Mage Ancient One is still alive, it will take a lot of time to deal with them.

As a result, a young boy who had just become the Supreme Mage actually wanted to fight against hundreds of thousands of people.

Following Ebony Throat's order, the huge space battleship canceled its stealth function, and a huge shadow enveloped the earth.

"Now that you're here, don't leave."

When Stephen saw the appearance of this huge cosmic battleship, there was no fear on his face but a smile on his face.

Two golden circles appeared in the void and the ground behind Stephen.

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