I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 605 Warrior’s Romance

"Yeah, so I want to bury him."

"I just don't know what kind of funeral to send him off."

When Steve heard Lacey's words, he nodded slightly, looked at the dead body of Black Dwarf, and said.

It was because there were so many things in the world that he had no choice but to do, so he had some respect for Black Dwarf's voluntary death.

"Then let's turn his body into ashes and scatter them into the universe."

"A great warrior once said."

"If I fight on the front line and die on the battlefield, I cannot be buried in my hometown. If you have the chance, please bury me in the universe."

"That way, even if my body cannot return to my hometown, my thoughts will take me thousands of miles across the galaxy and bring me back to the hometown that I dream about."

When Sarah heard Mr. Steve talking about how to bury her, her red eyes like glass flashed. After thinking for a while, she said softly.

"For the soldiers fighting on the front line, these are indeed full of romantic words."

When Steve heard these words, his heart was touched and a smile appeared on his face.

"As expected of Miss Sarah, what a good idea."

Kyle said with some admiration after hearing Miss Sarah's romantic words.

Miss Sarah is not only kind-hearted, but also able to understand the difficulties of all soldiers in the world.

Their strength is strong, but there is no guarantee that they will fight on various battlefields in the future and will not die one day.

However, I thought that among the people I was fighting for and protecting, there were people like Miss Sarah who were worthy of protection.

Let Kyle know that even if there are countless dangers in the future, he will not be afraid of dangers and take the lead in fighting to defend the Void Religion.

In order not to die, he must become stronger than he is now.

Only in this way can he survive countless battles in the future and bring back the good news of victory.

"Then after you finish cleaning up the battlefield, bury him in the galaxy of the universe."

The prophet felt a little happy when he heard such words full of warrior romance.

Romance is not something only women pursue, men do it too.

No one can guarantee that they will not die in the future. If possible, everyone hopes to be buried in their hometown and return to their roots.

But if you can't return to your roots, then this kind of burial in the universe is enough.

Thoughts will span infinite distances and be conveyed to the person you miss.

Black Dwarf is that warrior, who has no choice but to fight for his hometown.

"What Miss Sarah says makes people like to hear it."

Renault also said with a smile at this time.

It is precisely because Miss Sarah can put herself in others' shoes and understand the difficulties faced by various people and say some inspiring words.

Therefore, Miss Sarah is completely a loved one in the Void Cult.

"No wonder Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void, chose you as the recorder"

"The more I get in touch with him, the more I realize that Lord Kassadin has great vision."

Although Lacey is a woman, she is also a warrior, so she can understand the romance represented in Sarah's words, and praised with a smile.

Sarah has an exquisite heart and a wealth of knowledge. Sometimes just a simple word can cheer people up and make them happy.

As a recorder, this kind of person will bring darkness to the hearts of countless soldiers and bring a rare glimmer of light.

Except for those who have become completely insane, those who are otherwise infected with darkness also hope that someone can understand or redeem them.

And sometimes redemption does not necessarily require too much action.

As long as people can feel that the other person is thinking about themselves and truly understand their own difficulties.

Then it is possible for the darkness in the heart to be illuminated by the dawn, and the soul to receive some salvation.

Sarah saw how happy they all were, and a gentle smile appeared on her face.


"The battlefield hasn't been cleaned yet. Even your wife, Miss Paige, hasn't taken a break and is carefully cleaning the battlefield."

"You're the only one who's starting to brag?"

"They came here to watch the show and raid the array. Are you here to watch the show?"

At this time, Tony's angry voice broke the beautiful atmosphere.

They were all cleaning the battlefield one by one, but in the end, Steve just ran up to Miss Sarah to brag, and seemed to be chatting happily.

How could Tony bear this?

If he could, he would also like to take some time to chat with Miss Sarah and brag about it, but he had to do the cleaning of the battlefield.

Tony's words made Steve stiffen. He did seem a little unkind in doing so.

"Mr. Tony is angry."

"Mr. Steve, go quickly."

Sarah heard Mr. Tony's resentful words, looked at Mr. Steve and said.

"Well, let's talk later."

Steve nodded when he heard this, left a few words and returned directly to the battlefield that had ceased.

Just because this war is over does not mean that it will be resolved directly. All things must be put away properly.

The technology of the universe and the corpses of aliens are all left here. If someone from Blue Star takes them back, it may cause some subsequent troubles.


In a manor in New York, America, far away from Africa.

Harvey saw the war from beginning to end.

Tony and the others fought beautifully in this war and did not let anyone go.

As for the fact that the enemy is completely invincible, there is no need to consider whether Tony and the others are too cruel as to why they haven't stopped yet.

This is war, and being kind to the enemy is cruel to yourself.

Harvey also saw Steve, and after learning some truths, he hoped to bury Black Dwarf, who was also a warrior.

Black Dwarf is indeed different from other people who actively serve Thanos. Although he is an enemy, he deserves respect or sympathy.

Harvey also saw Sarah and said that the burial ceremony was full of romance for the warrior.

This made Harvey a little relieved.

Sonia's vision is truly unique, and Sarah is a little angel in the Void Cult.

As a recorder, he plays a very good role as a link and inspires the hearts of many members of the Void Cult.

Until Harvey saw Tony discovering that Steve was fishing and scolded Steve.

He couldn't help but laugh.

After this war, Thanos received the news and wondered if he would have trouble sleeping and eating, or even escape to other galaxies.

But Harvey doesn't need to think about those.

With the intelligence capabilities of the Void Land controlled by Lacey, as long as Thanos is still alive and traveling through the universe, someone must be able to capture clues about Thanos.

Just wait until Tony comes to visit you later.

Regardless of whether he takes action or not, Thanos' death has become an inevitable outcome.

If Harvey remembered correctly, Thanos' men were actually loyal to only two of them.

They are supergiant stars and dark-night Proxima Centauri.

As for the Dead Blade General, as long as he sees that the situation is not good, he will immediately fake his death and defect.

As long as Ebony Maw survives this battle, knowing that Thanos' plan has become impossible, he will wake up and directly join other more powerful people.

Black Dwarf hopes that one day he will meet a strong man who can kill Thanos, and he does not really serve Thanos sincerely.

As the boss, three of the five most trusted subordinates are not sincere, which is not a tragedy.

Harvey knew that strength alone would not make his men completely compliant.

Therefore, Harvey pursues respecting each other's ideas.

As long as it doesn't violate the rules of the Void God Religion, then everything is easy to say.

Even if the reputation of the Void God Sect is disgraced due to personal mistakes, as long as the face can be restored, it won't be a problem.

Be strict when you are strict, be tolerant when you are tolerant, and have clear rewards and punishments to be called a qualified controller.

Harvey knew very well that mere force to intimidate and intimidate others would only force others to succumb to you because of inferior skills. As long as the time comes, he would stab you in the back every minute.

How many tyrants in history died due to backstabbing?

Water can carry and capsize a boat, although this principle does not apply to Harvey.

Because he can deprive them of the blessing of the void at any time and give them a huge amount of strength to return to before liberation.

And even if the blessings are not withdrawn, many members of the Void Cult cannot threaten themselves.

However, only by truly impressing others and giving them a sense of belonging can a power truly last for a long time.

Sonia is fully aware of this truth and has been developing and improving Void Island so that many members feel like they are home when they return to Void Island.

No matter how many hardships he encountered outside and suffered so much, as long as he returned to Void Island, he would have a safe place to rest.

He doesn't need to deliberately order the members of the Void God Cult. As long as the Void God Cult needs them, they will come back to help.

Even Harvey himself felt relieved when he returned to Void Island and saw Sonia.

Thinking of Sonia, Harvey knew it was time to return to Void Island.

Harvey wiped away the rubbish on the table, stood up, stepped down, and disappeared into the Blue Star in an instant.

It is now midnight on Xandar.

But Sonia was also the first to notice Mr. Kassadin's return.

"Mr. Kassadin, welcome back."

Sonia was now wearing a black gauze pajamas, showing her proud and graceful figure. She came out of the room directly, turned on the light and saw Mr. Cassadine returning, and said with a smile.

"Well, I'm back."

Harvey saw Sonia's beautiful smile and nodded slightly.

"How is the situation over at Blue Star?"

Sonia asked, looking at Mr. Kassadin.

"The seven top experts from the Void God Religion are there. If they can't defeat a group of miscellaneous fish, it will be a big problem."

Harvey also made a joke when he heard this.

"That's right. I was too worried."

"What about Sarah? Did she feel any discomfort after seeing the battlefield with her own eyes?"

"Have you caused any trouble to Mr. Tony and the others?"

Sonia asked with a smile when she heard Mr. Kassadin's somewhat joking words.

"Sarah is kind but not naive, so there's no problem."

"This trip not only caused no trouble, but also helped Tony and the others a favor."

"I estimate that you will be able to see Sarah tomorrow or the day after tomorrow at most."

Harvey shook his head slightly when he heard this and said with a smile.

Sarah was introduced by Sonia, and the two had a good relationship before, so since Sarah joined the Void Cult.

Sonia often had to take care of Sarah, and the two of them often talked on the phone in the evening after a busy day's work.

Now that Sarah is taking leave to go to Blue Star, Sonia will naturally be worried.

"That's good."

Sonia was relieved when she heard this.

The second update of 3,000 words is sent

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