Needless to say, there is no need to say much about the bullshit result that was finally achieved.

Let a group of people get away with it by not discovering the hidden content in the design drawings.

But some people still continue to explore unwillingly.

Because the appearance created on the drawing at that time was indeed in line with Pluto's domineering power.

But the power of the artillery fire was extremely weak.

Coincidentally, the bombardment fired by the designed"Pluto" is very similar to the bombardment fired by the weird blue-haired pervert on the other side.

They all seem to be using wind energy.

In addition, the blueprint of Pluto's battleship that Spandam obtained was obtained from Iron Man Franky in the Water Capital.

Later, I heard that Franky joined the Demon Lord and became his top scientist.

And Frankie himself is said to be a blue-haired robot who loves to dance, which is very consistent with the weird guy in front of him.

Therefore, if we compare and connect various signs and clues... it must be the iron man Franky who gave Spangdam the fake design drawings to fool them, and then he threw himself into the project with the real design drawings. Under the command of the Lord of Demons, Pluto was created and brought here to deal with them!!

That must be the case!!

This is the final conclusion, it is absolutely the truth!!

The members of the science team were guessing this, and they became more and more convinced that this was the truth of the matter!!

Well, this is really a beautiful misunderstanding.

If Xia Nuo knew what this dear friend was thinking, he would probably stand up in admiration.

It can really be said that it is an open mind.

However, according to the general calculation of things, this is indeed the case.

But unfortunately, Xia Nuo has far more powerful science and technology than Pluto.

Isn't it natural to combine the wind with a cannon to create a weapon several times more powerful than Pluto?!

Even the cannon that Franky took out was just one of his many research results.

If these marines want to see Uranus, King of Heaven, or Poseidon, King of the Sea, they can think of ways to conjure it up for you.

It's a pity that these marines don't know the truth of the matter.

In fact, it is better not to know the truth, because these weapons are much more terrifying than Hades~

Ignorance is blessing

"It's actually Hades?!!"

This voice spread, and countless navy immediately showed a look of shock.

The ultimate weapon that was rumored to be able to destroy an island with one shot actually existed, and it became a ship controlled by their opponents?!

All of them The navy who had heard about ancient weapons and the legend of Hades suddenly panicked.

"We can't let them keep firing!"

"Quick, follow me and attack!"

Some Vice Admirals from the Navy Headquarters reacted with a bit of horror on their faces. They knew that they could no longer compete with each other and had to switch to a boarding battle.

But originally they were stationed at the Navy Headquarters, relying on the Firepower of the Navy Headquarters to wait for work. Now, But he had to take the initiative to attack, and the advantage was gone in an instant.

Coupled with Pluto's terrifying firepower, the situation was completely reversed for a while!

On the battlefield


After receiving the information, Cyborg Kong, who was being beaten by Zefa and vomiting blood, had a sudden change in his expression.

"They actually got Pluto."

Gang Gukong's face was very ugly. The opponent has Pluto's firepower, so their firepower and army will not have any advantage, and the following battle may even be defeated.

"Let the trump cards from the scientific force come over as soon as possible to provide support."

Cyborg Kong finally spoke in a deep voice. On the side of the science force, Vegapunk has also developed a weapon with powerful firepower. Although it cannot be compared with Pluto, it is a weapon that Vegapunk is proud of after all. It can at least fight against it. Look.

Especially the new model of Pacifist, which is a powerful weapon developed based on the bear in the Shichibukai.

The cost of building a Pacifist is the cost of one or even multiple warships.

Originally They thought that the battlefield above was enough to fight, and they also had an absolute advantage on the battlefield below. The navy headquarters could not be captured, but now the opponent took out the ancient weapon Pluto, and the situation was reversed in an instant.

Cyborg Hollow was also unsure.

He didn't know. How powerful Pluto is, but looking at its powerful power that can submerge dozens of warships with one shot,

I can't help but have bad guesses:

"Maybe those enhanced pacifists in the science force would simply deliver food to the other party."

Well, there's nothing wrong with his idea.

After all, in the original version of the battle with Zefa, the white enhanced pacifists sent by the navy were driven by General Franky, chopping melons and vegetables. Dozens of them were chopped into pieces.

Not to mention the artillery weapons that are now several times more powerful and advanced than General French.


They really went to deliver food. boom! boom! boom!

When the cannon goes off, there is a thousand taels of gold.

It's just that these few thousand taels of gold belong to the enemy.


Zhan Momowan, the leader of the scientific force, looked at the destroyed pacifists and felt very sad.

But he had no way to do it. Even facing that level of bombardment, he still had to panic. Avoid.

Otherwise, if you are not careful, your life will be in danger and you will be taken away by a cannon along with the pacifists.

When the war breaks out completely, the pacifists will not be able to form an effective combat force, and then the World Government will undoubtedly Falling into disadvantage.

The muzzles of black holes have already been aimed at the remnants of the World Government. As soon as the war horn is blown, the first to chime in is the grand fireworks of thousands of cannons.

Artillery has little effect on the strong. , but there are also very few people who are strong enough to completely ignore the power of artillery. The government agents and Tianlong guards present are all elites selected from the body of the decaying giant, but nine out of ten of them are still There was no way to compete with the power of thousands of artillery fires and covering firepower.

As soon as the sound of artillery sounded, a brilliant fire broke out on the position of the remnant soldiers of the World Government. The roar of the artillery, the trembling of the earth, the roar of the soldiers, and the wails of the injured......

All of this was clearly transmitted to the ears of Wulaoxing and Cyborg Kong.

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