No one could say a word under Im's words.

The shock in their hearts has long exceeded their ability to express

"Yes, you lost."

Xia Nuo smiled.

In the end of this vitality competition, he had the last laugh.

At this moment, Im's black hair had turned white.

It seemed that the immortal vitality could no longer sustain such a serious injury. and the backlash side effects brought about by the national treasure.

The tight skin became covered with wrinkles, and the delicate jade fingers became rough. The extreme power brought by the banned drug also quickly faded with the passage of vitality.

Although Im has the ability to be immortal, His lifespan and body are extremely strong, but after all, there is no immortal body.

"Just kill me."

Im slowly closed her tired eyes.

"This world no longer belongs to me"

"as you wish."

Xia Nuo nodded slightly, and in his hand appeared the Longyuan Sword, one of the supreme sharp swords that he had obtained from Rocks' hive but had never been used before!

The next second, the sword blade in his hand was slashed out. A rainbow.

Im's already fragile body was cut into two parts on that golden rainbow, and blood was flowing like rain.

After all, he was an immortal body, not an immortal body.

The rotten wood-like body was slowly floating in the air, completely Turned into powder.

The war was over.

The Celestial Dragon, who had sat on the throne of the void for eight hundred years and played with the fate of hundreds of millions of people, finally died like this in front of the world.

Until now, because of that shocking scene The stunned people finally reacted:

"he died!"

The mysterious man who was as terrifying as a god and a demon finally died in the hands of the demon lord Xia Nuo.

Although most people didn't even know Im's name, they still realized one thing at this moment:


"We are victorious!"

Cheers like a mountain roar and a tsunami resounded throughout the Holy Land of Mariejoia.

The scene of the end of the war spread throughout the world through the live broadcast of the Image Bug, and the joy of victory filled the world.

The world government that is pressing on everyone The mountain was finally overthrown!!!

In the sky, Xia Nuo looked at the sea where the waves gradually calmed down. He slowly raised his head and looked at the sky.

The dark clouds in the sky had dispersed at some point, revealing the deep blue Sky


On the shattered holy land, countless people looked at this scene and murmured.

Cyborg Kong and others, the power in their bodies gradually faded away, as if they had aged ten years in an instant, shaking their heads and smiling bitterly.


The world Government, that's it.

And at this time~

"Sir Shano!!"

Suddenly a figure flew from the distance.

It was the pirate empress Boya Hancock who had been clamoring to come to the Holy Land Mariejoia for a long time to help Shano in the war.

From the perspective of the war, she did come too late. The war is over.

But from other aspects, she came at the right time.~~~

Unlike the cold-tempered Robin, Hancock is blind and impulsive in love, as unrestrained as a blooming flower.

At such a moment, Robin would only smile and cheer for Xia Nuo from behind, but he would never rush over like Hancock like no one else was around.

Hancock had actually arrived at the scene just now, but was hiding underneath so as not to disturb Shano's battle.

But watching the battle between Xia Nuo and Im, she felt heartbroken and uncomfortable.

This feeling of wanting to help but not being able to help is very uncomfortable.

Fortunately, the final result is satisfactory.

When Xia Nuo defeated Im, she immediately squeezed out of the crowd and threw herself into Xia Nuo's arms desperately.

Naturally, Xia Nuo would not push away Hancock, who was crying because of excitement and worry, and the tears from the corners of his eyes had not been wiped away.

So, with millions of viewers around the world watching, Schiano smiled and hugged Hancock into his arms.

Hancock's height is a full 1.9 meters, and he is almost over 2 meters tall in high heels.

But it seemed most appropriate for her to move closer to Xia Nuo and embrace him!

That little bird's caring gesture made the hearts of the whole world seem to skip a beat.

But the scene that appeared in the next second not only made the heart skip a beat, but stopped beating directly.

I saw Hancock put his arms around Xia Nuo's neck without hesitation, closed his eyes, and kissed her on the lips.

This is a very beautiful picture that is difficult to describe in words.

Words cannot, but images can.

This scene was all recorded on the screen by the image bug's lens.

Morgans, a reporter from the World Economic News, uniquely cut out this scene and made it into a photo, which was printed on the front page of the newspaper, making the sales of the World Economic News hit a new high.

This photo eventually became known as a classic historical picture handed down from generation to generation, and was even printed in history textbooks.

It is called the"Kiss of Victory", also known as the Kiss of Victory Day and the Kiss of the Century.

From then on, every Victory Day, hundreds of men and women would reenact the"victory kiss" on the Red Earth Continent to commemorate the victory of this war.

At this moment, at the scene of the"Victory Kiss", Galen and Hancock's kiss pushed the warm atmosphere of celebrating victory to its peak.

However, at this beautiful moment when the trumpet of victory resounds throughout the world, there are still a few people who have mixed feelings.

Like the Robin who huddles in the corner and looks at how sweet you are.

As well as Hiyori, the general of Wano who was so angry in front of the"movie" screen that he wanted to smash the image bug, and Nami who was sitting in Dressrosa, and Nami who tried to persuade Nami to calm down, but actually wanted to smash the image bug in her heart. The princess of Dressrosa, Violet.

There is also the last remaining five-old star who has become a minister of the subjugated country, Ge Erbachev.

Although, he is not called by that name

"Lord Im was defeated."

He sighed deeply:

"The era that belongs to us Tianlong people is really gone forever."


Ge Erbachev's eyes were also confused.

Thanks to Xia Nuo's power, he survived Im's destruction of the world as he wished.

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