Seeing clearly the message sent by Chen Dongsheng, Zhang Guiying immediately understood that Chen Dongsheng had got off the plane.


She took out her mobile phone with a smile and sent the video she had taken before to Chen Dongsheng.

A few minutes later.

Chen Dongsheng sent a series of messages.

“Poofhahaha~ This kid, wife, look, his expression is so funny.”

“No, no, no laughter, he jumped at least half a meter high.”

“Hehe~ Lao Tzu’s Dongsheng Group is not only invincible, wait for Yanxing scientific research institutions to research the 1 nanometer lithography machine, the world is at my disposal.”


After Zhang Guiying read it, she sent over ~ message:

“Xiao Yan, this kid is proud of you, you still laugh at him, is there such a father as you?”

Chen Dongsheng hurriedly begged for mercy:

“Wife, I was wrong, this is not happy in the heart – well.”

“Before the two of us, there was nothing to make Xiao Yan, a child, proud.”

Zhang Guiying replied:

“Just so you know. By the way, how long do you have to go home? ”

Chen Dongsheng replied:

“I don’t know. What’s wrong, you missed me? (Bad laugh)”

Chen Dongsheng really didn’t know when he would be able to go home.

In the past, when he was only in the middle management of the company, he thought that managing the company was simple.

Now that he is the boss of his own business, or a large enterprise like Dongsheng Group, Chen Dongsheng knows how difficult it is to manage a company?

There is so much he needs to do now.

Hold press conferences, buy factories to produce chips, urge employees to make mobile phone models…

When this thing is done, maybe there will be new things to be busy.

Chen Dongsheng estimated that by the end of this year, he would not necessarily have time to rest.

Zhang Guiying replied:

“We are all old husbands and wives, can you stop making jokes like this all the time?”

“It’s Xiao Yan, this kid, he is going to school in three days, you are a father, don’t come back to send him?”

“He adores you very much now, and I think he would be happy to see you before going to school.”

Chen Dongsheng was silent.

A few seconds later.

He replied, “Okay, I’ll be back in time.” Anyway, the headquarters of our family Dongsheng Group is set in Chongshan City, and it will take a few hours to come and go. ”


The time since the start of freshmen in Tianfu Communication University, or the time to start reporting, passed in a flash, and soon only the last evening remained.

It’s August 24, 2023 at 11:40.

Li Ruoxue and Qin Qinxin went to the bathroom to wash their bodies, and Chen Yan lay on the bed weakly, feeling a little dazed.

Tomorrow I will drive to the university with Wang Man to report, Chen Yan is not only looking forward to college life, but also worried that college life will be boring?

These two days.

Nothing major happened in Chen Yan’s life.

But a major event happened in Yanxia Country, that is: Dongsheng Group was completely established, and held a press conference to publicly indicate that it signed an order of 500 billion Yanxia coins with Yanxia Guo.

When the news was known to the whole world.

Immediately caused a lot of waves around the world.

This time, Chen Yan said without arresting anyone: “How do you know that the state has signed a 500 billion order with my father?” “Such words.

Because this is something that a scumbag like him can expect.

The cabinet ministers of Yanxia Country are not stupid, and they will naturally support the development of Dongsheng Group.

In doing so, he can not only show favor to Chen Dongsheng, but also publicize the attitude of the state to the whole people and encourage other entrepreneurs to follow suit.

So as to stimulate the domestic scientific and technological progress and economic development of the hot summer country.

In addition, Dongsheng Group has another small matter, that is: Dongsheng Group is going public.


A total of one day of establishment, not to mention products, even the model machine has not been made Dongsheng Group, in this way in the Yanxia country of major enterprises and major private enterprises investment + single, hard to meet the requirements of listing.

Available in one day.

It has to be said that this is another miracle.

Those shareholders who like to speculate in stocks are all crazy, and they are all excited to wait for the time when Dongsheng Group will go public.

They couldn’t wait to buy the shares of Dongsheng Group, and they didn’t think about whether they would lose money at all.

Because the answer is yes: absolutely no loss.

At least for a short time, there will be absolutely no losses.

After all, the technology of 2nm lithography machine is only mastered by Dongsheng Group at this stage, plus the national backing, state-enterprise cooperation, and private enterprises placing orders…

Fools know, buy it now, otherwise you will definitely regret it.

In fact, there is another thing that Chen Yan does not know, that is: 20 of the more than 100 security guards in their house have been quietly replaced.

Needless to say, you can know that the 20 people who were replaced have now all become special forces.

These 20 security guards were originally responsible for patrolling the lawns, woods, gardens of private estates…

Avoid poisonous snakes, poisonous scorpions, poisonous spiders… Such poisonous insects and beasts caused a safety hazard to Chen Yan’s family.

After changing to 20 special forces, this task was carried out by special forces as usual.

But at the same time.

These 20 special forces are also responsible for checking the vehicles at the entrance and exit checkpoints, so as to protect the safety of the entire private estate.

All 20 special forces have gun certificates and carry large quantities of firearms and ammunition issued by the military.

It can be said.

Unless it is a mercenary regiment attacking the hot summer.

Otherwise, no one would be able to do anything threatening to the Chen Yan family’s private estate.

Of course.

Although Chen Yan doesn’t know who these 20 special forces are?

But Chen Dongsheng knew.

The reason why he didn’t tell Chen Yan was just because he didn’t want to affect Chen Yan’s normal life.

He is also Chen Yan’s father, and he knows that this kid has a natural worship for soldiers when he was a child.

He was worried that once the identities of the 20 special forces were exposed, the next step would not be to secretly protect Chen Yan, Zhang Guiying, Li Ruoxue, and Qin Qinxin… It’s safe too.

Perhaps, Chen Yan will take the 20 special soldiers to eat and drink, and even take them to the ticket prostitution.

This is definitely quite possible.

Speaking of which, you have to blame the two of them.

If it weren’t for the two of them, in order to release Chen Yan’s suppressed vanity, they specially made a series of defeated arrangements for Chen Yan, and Chen Yan would not have become like this.

To say bad, not bad at all, after all, nothing bad has been done, and a good thing has been done.

Well, it has nothing to do with Chen Yan now.

After all, which good man sleeps with two women in his arms every day? Even go to clubs with high school classmates and diehards who have been playing since childhood?

When Chen Yan thought about this.

Li Ruoxue and Qin Qinxin had already washed their bodies and walked back to lie down on Chen Yan’s left and right.

Then, neither of them spoke, and even turned their backs to Chen Yan.

This made Chen Yan feel that the atmosphere was a little dull, and he came back from his contemplation.

“What’s wrong with you guys?”

Seeing that Li Ruoxue and Qin Qinxin did not reply, Chen Yan couldn’t help but reach out and grab Li Ruoxue’s arm and pull it into his arms.

Then, pinching Li Ruoxue’s chin, let her raise her head, look up into her eyes, and said:

“Daxue, you said that you were fine just now, why did you suddenly stop talking?”

Li Ruoxue whispered: “Uh-huh-huh-huh-you.” (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Chen Yan: “…”

He smiled helplessly and said, “Louder, and say things that the earthlings can understand.” ”

Li Ruoxue’s voice was a little louder: “I can’t bear you.” ”

Chen Yan: “…”

He was stunned at first, then he smiled dumbly, revealing a sudden expression.

“What’s so reluctant about this?”

Chen Yan let go of Li Ruoxue’s chin, held Li Ruoxue in his arms, and said with a smile: “I’m going to college, not going to the battlefield, and I’ll come back.” ”

“Besides, you will be a senior in the second half of your year, didn’t you say that there are still more than two months to go, and you will be arranged by the school to go to the internship?” At that time, I will ask my dad to say hello to the major, you go directly to Tianfu City for internship, well~ the job position is my personal secretary, what do you think? ”

Li Ruoxue looked at Chen Yan in surprise: “Really? ”

Chen Yan nodded with a smile: “It’s still that sentence, it’s truer than them.” He meant something.

“Husband, I love you.”

Li Ruoxue pounced directly on Chen Yan and happily asked for a kiss.

Chen Yan immediately cooperated.

As a result, the two of them only started for more than ten seconds, and they heard a choked sound of “woo-woo” next to them.

The two people forcibly interrupted and looked towards Qin Qinxin.

Found that Qin Qinxin’s eyes were red, and big tears rolled down his eyes, and he burst into tears directly?

Chen Yan couldn’t laugh or cry:

“Why are you still crying nose?”

Qin Qinxin said while crying:

“I’m not happy, Brother Chen Yan is going to college, I could only see you on National Day and New Year, and as a result, I had to make up classes in my third year of high school, and I had fewer chances to meet Brother Chen Yan.”

Li Ruoxue listened and smiled:

“Sister Qinqin, you’re worried about this. But you don’t want to think about it, after you finish the college entrance examination next year, you can go directly to the same university as our husband, and then you will spend more time with our husband than I and my husband. ”

Qin Qinxin immediately broke into a smile, and said in surprise:

“It seems to be eh~ After I finish the college entrance examination next year, I can go to the same university as Brother Chen Yan, hee hee~”

Chen Yan: “…”

That’s all right?

This is still a child, right?

How did I get my hands on it in the first place?


At night, Chen Yan and the three did not fall asleep until more than 4 in the morning.

They talked to each other, agreed with each other, and talked a lot.

This is the first time they have not done those absurd things, the whole process is pure chat, the picture and atmosphere have never been warmer.

The next morning at 10 o’clock.

After Chen Yan’s family of four finished breakfast, they asked the security guard to drive Chen Yan’s big G to the door of the main villa.


Chen Yan was hugging Zhang Guiying and saying goodbye.

Then, he kissed Li Ruoxue and Qin Qinxin goodbye one by one.

He Lan stood aside.

When she saw the picture of her granddaughter kissing Chen Yan goodbye, there was no change in her expression.

It’s not that she’s used to it.

But she also knew about Chen Dongsheng’s investment in the research and development of a 2-nanometer lithography machine.

She didn’t know what this thing was for?

I just heard that others can make chips to produce mobile phones and computers.

But she read others on the Internet that the 2-nanometer lithography machine invested and developed by Chen Dongsheng can impose a technological blockade on the West and create a new era.

Chen Dongsheng can almost be regarded as a national hero of modern society.

These evaluations made He Lan more and more glad that his granddaughter could become Chen Yan, the eldest young master’s woman.

“Mom, heavy snow, Qinqin, I’m leaving.”

Chen Yan said with a smile at Zhang Guiying, Li Ruoxue, and Qin Qinxin.

His voice just fell.

I saw the maids and security guards of the private manor running quickly towards the road that stretched straight to the gate.

While running, he also said:

“Hurry up, the master is back, hurry up and get ready to meet the master.”

Chen Yan’s eyes couldn’t stop brightening.

My dad is back?

Didn’t he say that he was busy with business and didn’t have time to come back and send me off?.

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