At this time, the great general Chai Yulang and his daughter Chai Yuxin came.

An Lushan finally breathed a sigh of relief, he was a person who was not even congenital, but he faced the 5 congenital people directly, and the pressure was great, and now he could finally relax a little.

“I’ve seen two generals!” An Lushan greeted each other and said with his hands.

“General An doesn’t have to be polite, you’ve worked hard these days!” The big general said with a smile.

An Lushan shook his head and said with a bitter smile: “It’s not hard, it’s just a little stressful, fortunately the two are here!” ”

“Understandable!” The big general nodded.

“Does Your Majesty have any orders?” An Lushan asked.

“Your Majesty ordered my father and daughter, as well as Liu Gonggong, to come to support!” The general said.

“What about Grandpa Liu?” An Lushan looked left and right, and did not find the figure of the third person.

“Grandfather Liu still has something, when the time comes, it will naturally appear, rest assured!”

“This is only three innates, but there are five innates on the other side, and the last general is really relieved!” An Lushan smiled bitterly.

Chai Yulang and the two looked at each other, and Chai Yuxin said: “Actually, His Majesty also invited a congenital strongman!” However, the origin of that strong man is more mysterious, and the divine dragon will only appear when the decisive battle is made! ”

“It turns out that there are 4 innates, good!”

Although it is one place worse than the opposite one, it can barely handle it.

“Apart from that, does His Majesty have any will?”

“Yes, Your Majesty said, let’s retreat to the south of the river!”

An Lushan was stunned and retreated to the south of the river, why, there won’t be any fainting again, right?

The more he thought about it, the more panicked An Lushan’s heart became: “Why did Your Majesty arrange it like this?” ”

On the eve of Armageddon, he was most afraid that Lin Beifan would come chaotically!

The more messy he is, the more bottomless he is!

I’m afraid of being killed by him!

“The heavenly machine must not be leaked, you will naturally know by then!”

Therefore, An Lushan led the army to retreat backwards and retreated to a high place south of the river.

This military movement was detected by the three-nation coalition forces.

“The Xia army actually retreated, is there any fraud?”

“What kind of fraud can there be, it is very open and clear at a glance! He may want to use the river as a boundary to compete with us, just be clever! In front of our army of 800,000, all struggles are in vain! ”

“That’s what I said! However, the other party’s two innate ones are also here, and there is still one missing! ”

“It’s good to be able to send two! There is also one who wants to protect the little emperor closely! ”

“They only have two innates, but we have five! They only sent 400,000 troops, but we have 800,000 troops! We won this battle, haha! ”

“Since they retreat, we will press in! As soon as dawn tomorrow, there will be a big battle, and the first battle will be decided! ”


So, the combined forces of the three countries stepped into the territory of the Xia Kingdom, approached the river, set up camp north of the river, and built a fire to cook.

The air was dull, and both sides were preparing for the decisive battle.

Day 2 came quickly.

The two sides have eaten and drunk enough, rested well, and confronted each other bounded by the river.

There are too many new and old hatreds between the two sides to say about it.

General Zhao Xilong of the Shang Kingdom, with red eyes, raised his long knife and shouted loudly: “Dear soldiers of the Shang Kingdom, the Xia Kingdom robbed my king, robbed me of my wealth, insulted my entire army, the crime was extremely evil, and heaven and earth will not be forgiven!” The whole army obeyed the order, killed with this general, and the revenge and shame are in this dynasty, and the enemy is not destroyed and the knife is not collected! ”

Saying that, he led the soldiers of the Shang Kingdom to kill him.


The soldiers and horses of the other two countries also moved.

The 800,000 soldiers and horses of the three countries were killed in a mighty and overwhelming manner.

Cross the river and move forward!

In this dense crowd, there are 5 figures that are particularly eye-catching, they are the innate masters of the coalition army.

They quickly killed with monstrous momentum, like 5 sharp knives quickly inserted into the army of the Xia Kingdom.

“The masters of Xia Guo come out and receive the high moves!”

“Although 5 to 2 is a bit of a victory, but now you can only offend!”

“The Kingdom of Xia perished, right now!”


The big general and Chai Yuxin took up their weapons one after another and rushed up to greet them.

“If you want to destroy Xia Guo, first ask me the gun in my hand, and promise to say yes!”

“The old man is here, who dares to fight?”

An Lushan commanded from behind, shouting loudly: “Archer prepare, release the arrows!” Shoot them for me! ”

“Swish…” The arrows rained down and flew over.

Since the Xia army stood at a high place, the firing range was relatively long, which caused some damage to the coalition forces.

However, they were still not afraid of death, crossed the river, and quickly killed.

The father and daughter of the general have already fought with those 5 innates, because of 2 to 5, the disadvantage is very obvious, and they can only be precautionary.

As soon as the war began, it went into a white-hot state.

At this time, Lin Beifan and Liu Gonggong appeared on a high mountain, watching the gradually scorching battle not far away.

Lin Beifan’s gaze was solemn: “Gonggong Liu, time does not wait for anyone, let’s start too!” ”

“Yes, Your Majesty!” Liu Gonggong nodded and agreed.

The two turned around, and behind them was a bottomless lake.

“Your Majesty, the slave is about to begin, you need to be careful!”

Liu Gonggong took a deep breath, condensed the innate true qi in his body, turned into sword qi, and cut down a sword.

Only a boom was heard, and a large crack was cut out of the riverbank.

Then, the lake burst its embankment, and the lake surged out of the crack, forming a rolling torrent and rushing down the river.

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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