Chapter 0101: The Avengers? No, we are a coalition of losing fronts!!!

Under the hands of Lin Beifan’s God, a major earthquake occurred in Peng Country, hundreds of miles away.

The sky collapsed and the earth cracked, the earth and rocks tumbled, and the heavens and the earth shook!

“Why did it suddenly have an earthquake?”

“This is the Earth Dragon turning over, quickly find a safe place to hide!”

Get out of the house, it’s not safe inside!

Fortunately, the earthquake was not strong, and it was basically safe to run out of the house.

However, the Otsuki Army, which was marching towards the capital, received special treatment from the earthquake, either falling into the cracks in the earth or being engulfed by the collapsed rocks.

“An earthquake, a mountain collapsed!”

“Oops, my leg is crushed by stones!”

“I fell into the pit, who can pull me, quickly pull me out!”

“Save me… Help me! ”

The valley is filled with desperate cries for help.

However, everyone is unable to protect themselves, how to save each other?

In less than half a minute, 100,000 troops were buried in the dirt.

In the imperial palace of the capital, one by one, the soldiers of the big moon hurriedly ran to talk.

“General Zhao, something is bad!”

“What’s the matter, so alarmed?”

General Zhao was very calm.

At this time, he was busy bullying the Emperor Pengguo, and the face of the Emperor Pengguo was swollen by him.

“General Zhao, there was an earth dragon turnaround just now, our soldiers and horses happened to pass by the earth and rock mountain, the land cracked, the mountain and rock collapsed, and our 400,000 troops were buried!”

General Zhao was shocked: “What? Is there such a thing? ”

“General, if your subordinates dare to deceive, please deal with it by military law!”

The soldier shouted that General Zhao’s face became very ugly, if the 400,000 army was really buried

, then he, the general, does not have to be.

“Let’s go!”

Three steps and two steps, quickly left the Hou Palace.

The Emperor of Peng Kingdom, who was lying on the ground, stood up, spat out a mouthful of blood, and laughed madly: “The earth dragon turned over? 400,000 troops buried? This is the will of God, God will kill you, you deserve it…”

General Zhao galloped all the way, and it only took an hour to reach Tushi Mountain

Looking at the collapse below, burying an unknown number of Dayue soldiers and horses, I almost fainted.

Originally, he was about to beat Peng Guo down, and an earth dragon turned over and destroyed his army, and at the same time, he also extinguished his hopes!

That’s an army of 400,000!

Although they Dayue is a big country and has millions of soldiers and horses, it is not easy to cultivate 400,000 soldiers and horses!

And these are elite forces, and His Majesty has high hopes for them.

Now that it’s all over, how can I explain to Your Majesty when I go back?

General Zhao was extremely angry and roared at the people around him: “Why are you not quick to save people?” ”

“But they…”

“Less nonsense, how much can be saved, how much can be saved, fast!”

“Yes, General!”

So, they set out to rescue the Dayue soldiers buried in the earth and rocks.

In the Peng Kingdom Imperial Palace, after the Peng Kingdom Emperor vented his laughter, he finally calmed down and moved in his heart: “Just run away now!” If you don’t run away at this time, you won’t have a chance in the future! ”

However, after glancing at the Otsuki expert who was guarding the door outside the window, he was desperate again.

With them, they can’t escape at all.

“Can you only wait here to die?”

“Wait, they look a little wrong…”

The Emperor of Peng Kingdom came out with a probe and found that the Great Moon Master did not react.

Then, boldly approaching them, dangling in front of their eyes, but they still did not react.

The Emperor of Peng Kingdom felt more and more strange, so he stretched out his finger and gently and carefully pushed one of them.

Only a plop was heard, and the man staggered and fell in front of him.

Then, the other Great Moon masters also fell one after another.

On their necks, a thin trail of blood appeared, and blood slowly flowed out from inside.

Emperor Peng was shocked: “Dead? They all died? ”

After the shock, there is a big joy: “Good death!” No matter who killed it, thank him for his eight generations of ancestors! ”

Immediately rushed to the harem, facing the guarded queen and the others, saying: The Great Moon Master has been killed, this is our only chance to escape! We now pack our things right away and get out of here! ”

The queen nodded: “Okay Your Majesty, but where are we fleeing?” ”

“Where to flee?”

The Emperor of Peng Kingdom was a little confused.

Suddenly, I found that I had nowhere to run.

He has always had grudges with neighboring countries, and running to their country is a sheep in the mouth of the tiger.

Moreover, even if he escapes, will Otsuki let him go?

Absolutely not, they will definitely send masters to capture him and make him uncomfortable.

So in the end, it seems that there is only one place to go.

“Let’s go to Daxia!”

The queen was shocked: “Daxia? Your Majesty, I am afraid that this matter is inappropriate! First, we have a grudge with Daxia, can Daxia accommodate us? In addition, if you want to go to Daxia, you must cross hundreds of miles of land, which is the territory of Dayue, which is too dangerous! ”

Emperor Peng Guo hurriedly said, “We do have a grudge with Daxia, but there is a way to resolve it!” To go to Daxia, although it has to pass through the territory of Dayue, but Dayue’s soldiers and horses are finished, and the remaining soldiers and horses are busy saving people, and they can’t care about us at all! Therefore, we can only flee to Daxia now! As long as we get over there, we are safe! ”

“Okay, let’s go now!”

The queen is also a decisive person, and said decisively.

They packed their things, took their families, and got into the carriage.

“Wait, get something!”

He ran back to the palace, took the jade seal on the ground, and a holy decree, and then ran quickly towards the direction of Daxia.

Lin Beifan looked at this scene indifferently, and secretly gave some help in line with the principle of good people doing it to the end and sending Buddha to the west.

If you encounter the Otsuki soldiers and horses, kill them in advance.

If you have trouble eating, send some dry food over.

As long as the other party is still in Pengguo, he can help.

If you escape from Peng Country, then ask for blessings for yourself, and you can’t help if you want to.

After two days like this, they finally jumped out of Pengyan.

General Taiyue Zhao realized that it was too late to send people to chase and kill, and they had already fled without a trace.

The fact that the Emperor of Peng and others fled from Peng was the beginning of suffering.

There was no one to protect them, and they trekked all the way, slept in the wind, and suffered a lot.

I don’t know if the Ji people have their own heavenly blessings, they have not encountered the Great Moon Soldier along the way, and they have always been in danger.

After such a week, he actually rushed to Daxia, saw Lin Beifan, Lin Beifan looked at the emperor of the Peng Kingdom below, and smiled with interest: “The world is so big, where do you not run, but run to Xuan, do you think that Xu does not dare to kill you?” ”

“Your Majesty, you misunderstood, in fact… In fact, I am already your subject, if I don’t run to you, where else can I run? ”

Emperor Peng said quickly.

“How do you say this?”

Lin Beifan asked.

“Because I have already transferred the Peng Kingdom to the Great Xia Dynasty, and abdicated, to serve you as your lord!” This is the divine decree, please look at it! This is the Peng Kingdom Jade Seal, please accept it! ”

Emperor Peng said with a flattering smile.

Although the Peng Kingdom is dead, the jade seal and the holy decree also represent orthodoxy and can make people do a lot of things.

For example, if you want to send troops, with the jade seal and the holy will, it becomes justified.

Lin Beifan just glanced at it lightly: “Actually, Xu already knew about it!” If not, how can you safely leave the palace? ”

The Emperor of Peng Kingdom was shocked: “It turns out that those people were sent by you to kill?” ”

Lin Beifan nodded: “So to speak!” Therefore, your love has been repaid, and you and I do not owe each other! Whether you go or stay is free, and I won’t care about you! ”

Emperor Pengwen was anxious: “Don’t, you can’t leave it alone!” ”

“Why do you care?”

Lin Beifan asked rhetorically.

“If you don’t care about me, you’ll be killed by the masters sent by Otsuki! Moreover, the country is lost, and I have no means of earning a living, I will starve to death! ”

Emperor Peng said urgently.

“That’s your own business, it’s not bad to get you out!”

Lin Beifan Dao.

“Wait, I still have a treasure to offer!”

The emperor of Peng Kingdom said loudly: “In order to avoid the destruction of the country, the first emperor prepared a treasure early and waited for the descendants to take it!” If you protect me and my family, this treasure will be given to you immediately! ”

Lin Beifan’s eyes lit up: “How many are there?” ”

“About 2 million taels of silver!”

Lin Beifan’s eyes darkened: “It’s a little less, but talk is better than nothing!” If it is true, he will be named a count!

“The count is too low, can you make a duke?”

The emperor of the Peng Kingdom said dissatisfied: “Look, the emperors of the Mo Kingdom, the Shang Kingdom, and the Anguo Kingdom have all been named dukes when they come here, how can I say that I can’t be worse than them, right?” ”

“That’s because what they offer is worth the price! You are only 2 million taels of silver, it is already good to give you a knighthood, don’t be satisfied! ”

Lin Beifan said a little angrily.

Is it really his knighthood, give it casually?

If so casual, the state is bound to be out of order!

“In fact, there is also a piece of extraterrestrial meteoric iron hidden in that treasure place, weighing 5,000 pounds, indestructible! Because it is hard and heavy, no flame can melt, it is impossible to craft weapons, and it becomes scrap iron! However, if you have a way to melt it, you will definitely be able to create a peerless divine weapon, and the value is high! ”

Emperor Peng added

Lin Beifan smiled: “You said earlier, if there is really this thing, I will give you a duke!” ”

Then, Lin Beifan informed Liu Gonggong of the location of the treasure hiding in the Peng Kingdom and asked him to retrieve it.

Because there is a piece of extraterrestrial meteoric iron hidden, weighing 5,000 jin, it is very difficult to carry it back even if it is congenital.

Therefore, Lin Beifan let Miao hand empty, and the wine sword immortal went to get it together.

After a week, they returned.

Lin Beifan looked at the black and ugly stone in front of him, which collapsed the floor, and said, “This is that extraterrestrial meteoric iron, it really looks bulky and hard!” ”

The Nine Swords Immortal smiled bitterly: “It’s really hard, the old man tried his best, but he couldn’t leave a trace on him!” This is definitely a rare refining material, which can be used to refine divine weapons! ”

Miao Hand nodded empty-handed: “It is indeed a good thing, but only if it falls into the hands of the casting master, can it turn decay into magic, otherwise it is a piece of scrap iron!” The old man knows a few casting masters, do you want them to give it a try? ”

Lin Beifan nodded: “Good!” It’s up to you! ”

Then, Lin Beifan issued an order…

“The Emperor of Peng Kingdom offered his treasure meritorious and was named the Duke of Peng State, and after receiving all the treatment of the Duke, Emperor Peng Guo breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

Although he can’t become an emperor anymore, at least he saved his life and glory and wealth, which is enough for him.

The reason why he came here was because he knew that the previous three emperors were doing well, although they had no rights, but they had status and money to spend, and they could enjoy their old age in peace.

For the king of the dead country, this ending is not bad.

The queen exclaimed: “Your Majesty…”

Emperor Peng Lun waved his hand: “Don’t call me Your Majesty in the future, I’m no longer an emperor, just call me Master!” In the future, we will all have a good time here, keep a low profile, got it? ”

Everyone nodded in understanding: “Okay, sir!” ”

Next, everyone got busy, cleaned up, carried luggage, and someone bought a firecracker and came back, ready to set off the cannon to ask for luck.

Emperor Peng Yan looked at the busy crowd and couldn’t help but sigh.

Everyone seemed to have wanted to open and prepare for a new life, but when it was his turn, he still couldn’t think about it, and his heart was a little uncomfortable.

After all, he was once a high-ranking emperor!

Now he has become a famous and powerless duke, and the gap in his heart is too big!

I can’t help but think of the other three kings of the dead country, how did they come over? Is there anything I need to pay attention to?

How can I live a good life?

He wanted to learn from them and learn from them.

“You guys continue to be busy, I’ll go for a walk!”

Emperor Peng Yan waved his hand and walked out the door.

As a result, as soon as I went out, I met three people with extraordinary temperament.

The three of them saw the Emperor of Peng Kingdom, looked at each other, and nodded in agreement.

One of them asked, “You are Peng Guogong, right?” ”

The Emperor of Peng Kingdom was stunned: “How do you know?” ”

The second person asked, “Are you planning to go to Mo Guogong, Shang Guogong, and An Guogong?” ”

The Emperor of Peng Kingdom was stunned again: “How do you know again?” ”

The third person asked, “Are you full of confusion in your heart, you don’t know where to go, you don’t know what to do?” So I want to ask them for advice, how can I live well here? ”

Emperor Peng Wei couldn’t hold back: “How do you know everything?” ”

The three people laughed out loud: “Because the three of us are Mo Guo Gong, Shang Guo Gong and An Guo Gong!” The three of us came over like this, naturally knowing your situation! ”

“Let’s go, we’ve been waiting for you for a long time!”

“The banquet is ready, let’s eat and talk!”

“If you have any questions, we can help you answer them…

The 4 hooked up and left.

After the explanation of the three emperors, the Emperor of Peng Kingdom finally wanted to open it, and shook his head with a bitter smile: “Unexpectedly, the problem I have been worried about is not a problem at all, because people have not put me in their eyes at all!” ”

“That’s it!”

The Emperor of Mo Country smiled and said, “So enjoy it when you should, don’t wronged yourself!” ”

“As long as you don’t get involved in power, you can live easily!”

“Exactly! I feel much more comfortable now than being an emperor, I have money to spend casually, and I don’t have to worry about it! ”

“Our 4 former emperors rarely get together, it can be regarded as 2.7 fate, a toast to our fate!”

The four emperors toasted together: “Cheers! ”

At this time, a clapping sound came from not far away: “Emperors, what a good Yaxing!” When you get together, aren’t you afraid to arouse the emperor’s jealousy? ”

The four emperors were immediately dissatisfied.

“What do we want to do, we want you to care!

“Just take care of yourself!”

“No matter how we say it, it is also a duke, not something you can provoke in the ordinary people!”

But soon, they were stunned: “This seems to be His Majesty’s voice!” ”

Immediately ran over, and found that although the person in front of him was disguised, it was definitely His Majesty Lin Beifan.

Suddenly a little panicked: “Your Majesty, why are you here?” ”

“Shuwei service private visit, passing by here, just rest here for a while, eat something!” I didn’t expect to meet you guys, what a fate! ”

Lin Beifan looked at the four emperors with a smile and said, “Are you planning to form the Avengers together?” ”

The four emperors were shocked by Lin Beifan’s eyes.

The Emperor of Mo Country reacted the fastest: “No, we are an alliance of defeated fronts!” ”

The other emperors also followed suit and explained: “Yes, yes, yes… We are an alliance of defeated fronts, just warming each other, there is no revenge! ”

Lin Beifan smiled slightly, picked up a chopstick, and twisted it with a click.

Picked up a few more chopsticks and pushed a little harder, without twisting.

“Do you know what that means?”

“Unity is strength!”

“That’s not right!”

Lin Beifan shook his head, used a little more force, and the chopsticks clicked a few times and all broke.

“What I mean is that if you join forces, you won’t be able to shake it!”

4 emperors: “…”

Lin Beifan stood up with a smile: “So, don’t be nervous, you can do whatever you want, and you won’t take it to heart!” I’m full, go back, and have a good time!

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