I Favor the Villainess

189. Moving situation

"Hi Claire, Ray. Are you home?"

When I returned to Bauer's dorm, Master Dollar greeted me.

There is a somewhat more rushed atmosphere in the dorm than usual, with people and things coming and going.

"Do you already know how that goes?

"Yeah. Like Suse suggested a summit."


When I went back to my room about Dollar, who said we should talk in the room, May and Allea jumped into Claire's chest.

"Claire, welcome back!

"Welcome back -"

"I'm home."

Lady Claire dropped a kiss on May and Allea's forehead as she smiled full face.

"... I'm here too?

"Ray, hey, Mama's back."

"Welcome back."

"... nothing like that"

Fine, I won't miss you.

"We need to talk to your father about something important, so why don't you two play in your room?

"Can't the Mays hear you too?

"We want to treat your uncle too."


The dollar is very popular.

This is by no means jealous.

If so, no.

"I'm sorry, May, Alea. It's an adult story. I'll play a lot later and put up with you now."

"Fine, but damn it. Okay?


May and Allea fingered Master Dollar before pulling into the room.

I don't care, it's floating like a finger clip in this medieval European-style world.

A strangely Japanese-like culture peeks into his face in such a place.

"Say hello in the living room? Ray, tea, please."

"Yes, sir."

"I'm sorry."

I started brewing tea as I watched the two of them get on the table.

"So, Father, is it true that you had a proposal for a summit?

I can't wait for tea to come in, and so on, and Lady Claire cut out the conversation.

I hear you too, so there's nothing wrong with that.

"Oh, it seems so. I just got some info in here, too, via Bauer. The proponent looks like Queen Manaria."

The same goes for the tri-national alliance, but Master Manaria seems to be working in diplomacy quite aggressively.

"At this time, I can't figure it out. Isn't this a time to focus on the formation of a tri-national alliance?

Lady Claire speaks out her doubts.

I handed out the brewed tea to both of us before taking my seats.

"This is my prediction, but I wonder if the Queen thinks that if it takes the form of a tri-national alliance, the conflict with the Empire will be decisive"

Master Dollar makes tea.

Delicious, I'm delighted.

"Isn't that something you could have predicted in advance? We hear that the Alliance of Three Kingdoms itself presupposed a war with the Empire, right?

"A little different. The aim of the tri-national alliance was to force the empire to renounce invasive diplomacy. It was liver to show the difference in power and win without fighting."

"But I can't do that anymore, can I?


Master Dollar looked difficult.

"You had a good offer of reconciliation from the Empire, struck prior to the formation of the alliance. They bought me time well. In the past few months the Empire has expanded its armaments considerably. The three kingdoms, starting with Suse, didn't look at it in silence either, but in the end, they went up to the Empire."

Let Dear Dollar say, Dorothea seems to be better at diplomacy than we think when we meet in person.

I don't really think Dorothea can do that kind of ventriloquism, but the facts tell the whole story.

Or maybe it has such a good staff.

"Nevertheless, it is Ami Nogiki even with her hands still hanging like this. So it seems that the Queen intends to incorporate the Empire into the new international order. The summit would be a fabric stone for that."

It seems that the gist of this is to seal the movement by widening the boundaries and intertwining empires within them as well, rather than forming a tri-national alliance to contend with the Empire.

"Wait a minute. We call it a new international order, but as it stands, as a nation's power, the empire is pulling out one head at a time, right? Is it unlikely that that international order will be used like the good of the Empire?

Lady Claire speaks with the utmost concern.

That's right.

Even the United Nations, which was in the world of the twenty-first century, was constantly swayed by the egos of the great powers.

"That will depend on the hands of each country, including Queen Manaria. Well, in the unlikely event that Claire says so, it's possible that we'll have a tri-national alliance again, relative to the Empire."

"I mean, no, originally?

"To put it bluntly, it would be. But diplomacy also requires such a detour."

Oh, boy, the dollar sighed.

"Claire, Ray, how's the empire from you guys? How do you see the Emperor Dorothea moving?

Master Dollar has asked me that.

Lady Claire thought a little before

"I don't think Dorothea will ever give up aggressive diplomacy."


"We have only just seen where Empress Filine will be banished. If you're willing to do some conciliatory diplomacy to Dorothea, there's no way you're banishing your daughter who's gonna sue you for it."

"Hmm...... How's Ray?

"I agree with Master Claire. However, thank you Dorothea, there are indications that you are pushing aggressive diplomacy for some reason. If you can get there right, or maybe even flirt with it."

Jiya also said.

Dorothea doesn't like and do invasive diplomacy, he said.

I'm not going to have ears to listen to if it's an excuse to use it to justify aggression, but on second thought, Dorothea didn't justify his actions from the beginning.

When I first saw Dorothea, I said that Dorothea was different and rational in response to the words of Lady Claire, who condemned her diplomacy as aggression.

I feel she sees herself as a necessary evil.

"Do you have any idea why?

"Unfortunately that's refreshing. Or he didn't even seem to know the person nearest to Dorothea, and he didn't seem to know it except himself"

"Well, you can't do that anymore."

"It is, isn't it?"

This is also a story from the first glance, but Dorothea said she couldn't tell us why unless she was under her command.

"Ray's that...... what did you say. Didn't the prophecy say anything about the Emperor's sincerity?

I guess Master Dollar is referring to Levolili's original knowledge.

Dollar-like explains the original knowledge in the same way as Claire did.

It was tightly narrowed down during the pre-revolution maid recruitment exam.

"As for Dorothea's sincerity, nothing. She did not bend herself to the end in any of the cases envisaged"

In the case of mothers and daughters falling in love in the Dorothea route, Filine becomes a partner in Dorothea and embarks on world reunification.

On the revolutionary route, Filine revolutionizes in the Empire, but even on that route, Dorothea stands as an enemy until the end.

On none of the other routes will Dorothea overshadow his self-explanations.

"Then maybe this summit proposed by Queen Manaria will trigger it. As Ray says, if invasive diplomacy is due to unavoidable circumstances, we may be able to ask the circumstances and encourage translations."

Or nasty circumstances, hey.

I don't think there are any circumstances or anything like war on another country to occupy it.

No, I don't deny the reality that there is such a weak, predatory part to the nature of diplomacy, but I'm not a politician, and I want to take care of my common values.

"In any case, we're going to be moving a little bit. Now you'll have less time to play with Mae and Alea again."

"Didn't Master Dollar already pull himself out of politics and diplomacy?

Dear Blur Dollar, I replaced the tea.

"No, that's why I need your help with this. If you don't shake your head vertically, you'll have to snort if they tell you to let Claire and the others play the role."

Neither Ara nor Irvine cares.

I can't believe we're putting Master Dollar back on the political scene, even in a way that's nearly half-threatening.

I hear Bauer still can't afford it.

"You can leave it to us, can't you?

"That's right. Dollar's been working long enough."

"Ha ha, thanks. But both of you, let's just say it's a little chronic. You're still underpowered to be at the forefront of politics and diplomacy."

"... it doesn't even sound like a ghost."

"You're right."

Oddly enough, it was supposed to be said that the maiden of the revolution and so on, Claire and I, but that the revolution was not accomplished by us alone, as we have repeatedly stated.

Behind me there was always a Dollar-like backup, and it was the Dollar that first painted the idea of overthrowing the noble forces by civilians.

In polar terms, Claire and I can also see that it was just a famous Chess comma called Dollar.

If you say so, Master Dollar will deny it to the best of his ability.

"Well, I'll try my best because working for me leads to the future of Mae and Alea."

"If there's anything I can do to help, please tell me anything."

"Yes, I am."

"Ha, thanks"

It was then that the door to the room was knocked hard.

Leaving Master Claire and Master Dollar facing each other, I answered when I took a seat.

"Yes...... what, Lana? What's the matter with you?

"It's tough, Yoel!

"Calm down. What's wrong with Joel?

Lana's face was bright blue.

She said after desperately fixing her breath.

"Joel has been taken by soldiers of the Empire"

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